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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 552
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Chapter 552 The chef watched as Mr. McMillan cradled Ms. Bella to sleep in his arms and wondered if his arms were getting tired.

But seeing the contentment and indulgence on Mr. McMillan’s face, he knew that he was thoroughly enjoying the moment.

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Romeo signaled to the chef to fetch a blanket. The chef tiptoed away and returned with it. Romeo gently draped it over Arabella.

Inside the house, Louisa was checking the surveillance cameras. She found it odd that Romeo's car had been parked outside for quite stime, yet Arabella hadn't gotten out. She wondered if Arabella was upset and Romeo was comforting her, or if something else had happened.

After a while, Louisa decided to go and check for herself. As she stepped out the front door, the chef got out of the car to report to her.

“Ma'am, Ms. Bella is asleep. Mr. McMillan thought she was very tired, so he wanted her to sleep a bit longer before coming inside.” Louisa nodded. “I see. I'll have the kitchen prepare something for when Arabella wakes up. When she does, have Romeo cinside for dinner.” The chef responded, “Understood.” Stlater, when Arabella woke up, she found herself still in the van, with Romeo replying to stexts on his phone.

Sensing her movement, he immediately turned his gaze to her, whispering, “Awake now?” Arabella asked, “How long was | asleep?” Romeo replied, “Not too long.” Looking around and noticing that it was already dark, Arabella felt a twinge of guilt. “Your arm must be sore.” Romeo countered, “My arm's not sore. | could hold you till midnight.” Arabella gave his arm a rub, to which Romeo held her hand and said, “I'm kinda hungry now. Your mom invitedin for dinner.

Would it be rude if | didn’t go?” Arabella just chuckled and said, “Go if you want to. And if there's any urgent stuff you need to sort out, feel free.” Romeo was quick to say, “I have nothing urgent. Carl’s handling the company stuff pretty well.” Meanwhile, at the office, Carl had a bitter look on his face, still buried under a mountain of work. He was probably going to pull another all-nighter! Arabella said, “Then let's go.” As she stepped out of the car, a suit jacket was immediately draped over her shoulders.

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Romeo helped her put on the jacket, saying, “You've just woken up. Don't catch a cold.” He then held her hand as they walked into the house together.

The chef watched them, feeling a pang of envy. He was left to his own devices for dinner in the van.

Arabella’s brother, David Collins, saw that Arabella was back and hurried over, saying, “Arabella, you're awake? Dinner’s ready, Let's.go eat!” Seeing Romeo, he frowned and asked, “Why are you here too?” Romeo responded, “Your mom invited me.” Seeing Romeo so cheerful, David was a bit miffed. After a while, he turned to Arabella and said, “Bella, you must be starving! We've got all your favorites for dinner tonight!” He knew about the day’s events: Bella losing her grandmother, the ruined engagement party, and her confrontation with the villain.

He didn’t dare bring up anything related to the day, fearing it would upset his sister.

Arabella suddenly realized, “Why have you been wearing this outfit for the past few days? And your movements.” His actions earlier were quite deliberate, as if he were striking poses. It was a bit odd.

When David heard her question, he quickly explained, “You said | looked like the handsomest man in this outfit. And those poses, you always said | look cool when | do them!”