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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 585
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Chapter 585 "Oh, thanks for the heads-up." Kelly kicked a pebble, hitting a surveillance camera on a tree and smashing the screen. Then, she picked up leaves from the ground and slowly covered two other ground-level cameras.

"Problem solved,” Kelly said, booting Daryl's shoulder and sending her splashing into the water.

Daryl tried to climb out a few times but failed, and so did Noreen.

Anyone who tried to get out was promptly kicked back in by Arabella and Kelly.

After being kicked three or four times, they learned their lesson and stopped trying, hoping Arabella and Kelly would just leave.

But Arabella and Kelly didn’t budge, so they were stuck soaking in the water.

There were changing rooms nearby for those who accidentally fell into the water. Arabella told Joyce and the others to change while she and Kelly stood guard on the shore.

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When they left that day, each person had a small bag with spare clothes. When Mya and the others went to change, Kelly kicked pebbles at each of them in the water.

"This is fun." Kelly said after a round, then turned to Arabella, "Doesn't this remind you of whack-a-mole?" "Don't insult moles like that." Noreen was furious but helpless! After Mya and the others finished changing, Arabella and Kelly finally left.

"Girl's fights are terrifying." Adair remarked on the way, "Guys are much simpler. We just throw a punch when we're upset. If that doesn't work, we throw another.” "What? They started it!" Mya corrected him.


A few instructors separated Roger and Jerome, urgently saying, "Stop it, what's going on? Lieutenant Madden is coming soon.

Do you want to be punished?" "Rookie with no respect.” Roger wiped his bloody nose and glared at Jerome, "Just because you've been recognized a few times and did a few good things, you think you can show off in front of me? I've been here six years longer than you!" Jerscoffed, "So what if you've been here six years longer? You're still a loser.” "What did you say? Say that again!" "You heard me! Fix the surveillance cameras now. If my students get into trouble, you're going to pay!" Jergave the cameras a hard smack.

Roger laughed, "Don't think | don't see it. Arabella is a handful! Who's bullying is still up in the air? Maybe she's just a spoiled brat." Jerlost his patience and threw a few punches at Roger.

Arabella and the others passed the high jump, low hurdles, and tire climbing platform and finally reached a grass field.

There were no fences installed here. At first, they thought they were near the finish line, but as they moved forward, they lost their way in the thick fog.

"What's going on?" "We overcso many obstacles. Why haven't we reached the finish line?" "Why don't we see the finish line flag- the red flag?" "Is this fog another test?" Everyone was increasingly puzzled, even losing their sense of direction.

"Did you notice that we have already passed this place?" "Right, | remember this tree. It looks very unique. So, we are back where we started?" "This is weird." Arabella was calm in the face of danger, "Joyce, take off your watch.” Joyce complied, although a bit confused. She gave her the watch.

"Arabella, what are you doing?" Mya asked, watching her busy.

Arabella stuck a small branch vertically into the ground, then placed the watch horizontally on the ground.

"Referencing the shadow of the branch and the position of the hour hand, the direction of 12 o'clock on the watch dial and the middle of the scale pointed by the hour hand is south, and the opposite side is north. We set off from the north, so if we go in this direction, we should reach the end." Arabella pointed.

Joyce was immediately impressed, "Arabella, you're amazing." The two boys also didn't expect her to have such professional knowledge. Adair couldn't help but say, "If we didn't have a watch, wouldn't we be stuck here?" "Not necessarily." Arabella said as she walked forward, "If you don't have a watch, you can look for ant hills. They usually face south.” "Arabella, you know so much.” Mya admired her even more.

"It's basic knowledge." Arabella spoke calmly, "It's taught in textbooks when we were kids." "What if there are no anthills?" Adair continued.

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"Then look at tree stumps. The rings can also indicate direction; the side with wider rings is the south.” "What if there are no tree stumps?" "Observe the trees, and there should be trees in the forest, right? The denser side is south, the opposite is north." After hearing Arabella's explanation, everyone was in awe of her. As expected of the top student, she seemed to know everything, and nothing could stump her! "Look, the finish line is there." Arabella pointed.

Everyone was surprised to see the red flag in the grass ahead, so they had passed the test.

Awesome! Lieutenant Madden heard that Arabella was participating in today's competition and cto watch.

As soon as he arrived near the tent, he saw people trying to break up a fight.

Several muscular instructors struggled to separate Roger and Jerome.

Both Roger and Jerhad injuries on their faces, and they glared at each other with hostility.

"What the hell are you doing!" Lieutenant Madden's face darkened as he walked over, "What do you think this school is? A place for fights? Is this how you set an example for the students?" Roger immediately stood straight, saluted, and played the victim.

"Jeris pursuing Arabella, a student from the neurology class. | request a thorough investigation." Instructors hitting on students, now that's a surefire way to get a significant demerit, and in severe cases, he would be out of here! Jerreported with full confidence, not to be outdone, "Roger is letting his students bully mine, including Arabella!" What? Arabella? She's the student Lieutenant Colonel Capra had been stressing they needed to take special care of.

"What happened to Arabella?" Lieutenant Madden asked urgently.

"Roger's students are picking on her, and just when | was about to figure out what was going on, Roger shut off the surveillance!" "You're slinging mud!" At this point, even though Roger didn't quite understand why Lieutenant Madden was suddenly so concerned about Arabella, the surveillance made him a bit jittery.