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The Protector Novel

Chapter 2336
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Chapter 2336 A Golden Opportunity

Unfortunately, Levi and his team weren’t the only ones subjected to the sudden monster


Hundreds, even thousands, of mutated zombies showed up in front of other fighters,

including Zoey, Floyd, and Azure Dragon.

When everyone got surrounded previously, there were at most hundreds of zombies.

This time around, however, they were separated and had to face these monsters alone.

In just a blink of an eye, the mutated zombies had once again surrounded them.

“This is bad! Be careful, everyone!” Azure Dragon shouted.

“I’m sure Boss is also in danger! There are just too many monsters for Kirin, Ghost Fiend,

and Kinsley to handle! Let’s slowly move toward Boss and gather there. After all, we have

strength in numbers!”

Everyone agreed with Azure Dragon, but alas, things were easier said than done.

With hundreds of mutated zombies closing in on each of them, they were in a great deal of

danger themselves.

What made matters worse was that these zombies were nothing like those they had met

in Triple Group’s fortress.

Those in Triple Group were like wild beasts that lacked any form of critical thinking and

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organizational behavior.

However, the ones approaching them were clearly under Maya Industries’ control.

It was easy enough to run from a group of zombies, but with Maya Industries overseeing

and directing their every movement, escape was near impossible.

Before long, Zoey and the other fighters found themselves tightly fenced in, unable to

take even one small step.

They were struggling to stay alive as it was, which meant that rescuing Levi was simply

out of the question.

Meanwhile, Levi and his team had thousands of mutated zombies coming toward them

from all directions.

In just a matter of seconds, they were well and truly trapped by almost five thousand


“Oh, f*ck!” Kirin muttered as he shook with fear.

Ghost Fiend and Kinsley were even more frightened.

What the hell is going on? We can’t even kill one zombie, and now there are thousands of


Levi was the only one who remained calm and collected.

Ha, this is nothing to me! I’ve killed way more than this.

All of a sudden, Levi smiled as a light-bulb moment came to him.

Ah! A golden opportunity! I can take this chance to stray from the team and go solo!

Before anyone could worry themselves further, the horde of mutated zombies had

charged toward them.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Kirin quickly looked around for the weakest link and yelled, “There’s an opening on the

left! Boss, we’re going to fight a way out. You have to run once you get the chance!”

Immediately after, he took the lead and hacked his way through the zombies.

Kinsley followed closely behind while Ghost Fiend used his technique to get Levi to safety.

Then, the three of them tried their best to fend off the zombies in an attempt to protect


Levi took this time to observe his surroundings.

Most of the zombies were still rushing toward him, while the rest surrounded Kirin, Ghost

Fiend, and Kinsley.

The same happened to Zoey and the rest, with the mutated zombies merely trapping


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It was clear that the monsters had limited attacking skills and were not aiming to kill any

of the fighters.

Everyone might sustain serious injuries, but at the very least, they wouldn’t die.

As such, it was the best opportunity for the fighters to train.

Knowing that his teammates’ lives weren’t at risk, Levi eventually decided not to join in

the fight.

It’s weird, though. The way the mutated zombies are coming after me seems to be an

intentional move. Is Maya Industries out to kill me?

Without hesitation, Levi scurried away and ended up in an area far away from Zoey and

the rest.

Despite the distance between them, he was ready to rescue his team should the need


Almost three thousand zombies continued to lumber behind Levi, dispersing out as they

combed the area for him.

By now, Levi had already turned on a signal jamming device to mask his location and

activity from Maya Industries.

Unsurprisingly, that sent everyone at Maya Industries into a frenzy. “Huh? Where’s Levi?

Why has he suddenly disappeared? Has he escaped?”