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The Protector Novel

Chapter 2697
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Chapter 2697 The Hidden Attribute Of Leviathans

By then, three thousand Leviathans had already gathered in Eastford.

They received their new order there and began working on it.

Voom! Voom! Voom!

The waves of energy they emitted healed Leviathans’ wounds quickly.

Their severed heads and limbs miraculously regrew as well.

It only took a blink of an eye for all three thousand Leviathans to recover.

No one saw that coming.

The fact that those Leviathans could heal themselves and instantly recover was why Dr.

Erebus was that powerful. He already knew how important that trait was when he created


That was why he used unique materials, genetic coding, and advanced technology to give

his creation that ability.

Those Leviathans could instantly recover so long as those energy capsules kept emitting

energy waves.

There was more to that as well.

These Leviathans could help to heal each other.

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Hence, the healthy Leviathans could help the wounded Leviathans even while they were

on the battlefield.

Everything would remain fine so long as the energy capsules were operating well.

They could recover quickly, no matter how much they had endured.

That was why Leviathans were that terrifying.

Lab of Gods had been keeping that trait a secret the entire time.

Everything was hidden until that critical moment to surprise their enemy.

They were certain that revealing the truth at the right time would knock their enemies


Craig’s men actually figured that out, but they couldn’t report their findings in time

because Craig had already left.

Then, their base was bombed, and the scientists examining Leviathan were sacrificed in

that explosion.

Hence, Craig and the others were unaware of that finding.

At that moment on Erudia’s ocean.

Most of the country’s navy had gathered with the army.

They exchanged some pleasantries before turning their attention to Leviathans, which

were right in front of them.

“Every Warmachine had gathered about two hundred miles ahead. We have no idea what

they are doing there though,” reported one of the soldiers.

They had located Leviathans.

All three thousand Leviathans were gathered, and it looked ridiculous.

They took up so much space.

The horizon was enormous, but Leviathans somehow managed to block it entirely.

A clueless person could easily mistake them for one enormous UFO.

Everyone gathered to discuss the matter after they learned where Leviathans were.

They wanted to know what was going on.

Every military leader from the allied countries was there as well.

“Exploring Team One, travel over to investigate the matter,” ordered Craig immediately.

He turned to the foreign allies and pointed out, “We must vanquish those monsters. They

are a big threat to the entire world.”

“Yes, we have to destroy them. If we don’t, they will break our countries one by one.”

“Thank the heavens we can join forces like this. We wouldn’t be able to deal with those

Warmachines on our own, and we’ll be next after Erudia fell.”

“I wonder who proposed getting everyone to join forces and defend Erudia. That was a

brilliant suggestion because by helping Erudia we are protecting our countries as well.”

The leaders of the army from various countries nodded.

Everyone thought that it was the right move to help Erudia out.

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However, they never really thought about who was it that came up with that suggestion.

Who started it all?

At that moment, no one thought to look into it.

That crucial question was all but forgotten at that moment.

There would come a time when they thought about it again, and when it happened,

everyone would likely be engulfed in a state of anxiousness.

Even Zarain was trying to figure out the identity of the person suggesting that.

The person in question used meticulous psychological techniques to get the entire world


It seemed the key issue at that moment was that no one knew where those Leviathans

came from.

That was why everybody was united in their effort to annihilate those Warmachines.

At first, the individual countries were worried because they didn’t have enough firepower

to deal with the issue.

Now that they had combined strength, they had more than enough firepower to fight back.

They no longer feared anything.

Erudia’s Exploring Team One had reached their destination at the time and was rather

close to Leviathans.

It didn’t take them long to scan Leviathans.

“Oh, no! This is bad. Leviathans are healing themselves.”

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