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The Protector Novel

Chapter 3519
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Chapter 3522 Lonely At The Top

Despite how heartless Gloria was, Xylas was still impressed by her cleverness.

He was utterly useless before he met her, but after she rescued him, she was able to turn

a priceless bait into a tool for her plan.

That would mean Xylas existence itself was powerful enough to control Levi’s actions.

No matter how invincible Levi was, Xylas would forever be his weakness.

Although there was no physical harm done, it was enough to crush Levi’s morale.

Gloria, Gloria…

You’re unbelievably smart!

Xylas almost chuckled out loud at the thought.

Not only will she spare my life, but she will also protect me.

This means I’m safe with her.

No one will be able to kill me now.

“Bone Grandmaster, make sure you heal his knees,” Gloria instructed.

“Sure. I’ll see to it right away.”

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After that, Gloria turned toward Xylas, looking at him in determination. “I have decided to

keep you as my disciple. I will do everything I can to train you up from now on. Not only

will I protect you from them, but I will also nurture you to the extent where you have

nothing to fear even when they come looking for you. It would even be better if you could

get back at them. That way, they will realize they have completely no hope of ever getting

revenge again.”

What Gloria planned was despicable.

On top of saving Xylas, she also planned on thwarting Azure Dragon’s plan.

She even wanted Xylas to pay them back.

In fact, she wanted Xylas to be exactly like her. Then, he would be equally untouchable at

that point.

Gloria could not help but feel so proud of herself.

She had everyone in her hands like puppets.

They would be good as dead because of the mental torture.

Levi and the others would not be able to bear such torment for long.

When Xylas and Bone Grandmaster found out about Gloria’s game plan, they were chilled

to the bones.

They could not believe she could be that cold-blooded.

Her plan was way more vicious than what they imagined she wanted to do, but in

hindsight, they felt glad that they were her followers.

Given Gloria’s ability, sharpness and resolution, everyone who followed her would

dominate the world one day.

Although Xylas still felt unnerved after that realization, he figured there was nothing to

lose for him after all.

He was a man who experienced a brush with death. Since he could have a second chance

—a good one—he would gladly take up the opportunity.

“Master!” he exclaimed immediately, bowing to Gloria.

Xylas felt like he had seen a ray of hope shine on him in total darkness.

Gloria nodded in approval at him before turning toward Bone Grandmaster again.

“My plan might be ambitious, but I will still need your support. I know I’m completely

capable of instigating this whole plot, but I could still use your help. Things would not have

been this perfect if it were not for you just now.”

“You’re right. You can’t really do everything on your own, but I will be more than happy to

help out.”

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That was actually a change in attitude on Gloria’s side. She used to think that she should

only rely on herself, but after what happened that day, she realized it was not a bad idea

to have a few people carrying out her orders, else there would be no one to marvel at her

achievements and worship her.

Lonely at the top? Nah… never.

Gloria planned on having a group of followers so she could share all the achievements she

was about to accomplish.

Just having Sonja and the Top Ten is not enough.

I need more people under me.

“Although I have been expelled from the Medical Guild, I still have a few connections

there. I also have a few old friends who are equally capable. What about I ask them if they

are interested in joining us?”

“Sounds good. The more the merrier, but make sure they’re not people with too many

ideas. I’ll kill anyone who goes against my orders,” Gloria warned coldly.


“Also, gather all the rogue cultivators of the Ecclesiastic Order. Ask if they want to join me.

I have a list of names for you to look into. Also, check out the assassin organization. I want

them at my service.”

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