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The Protector Novel

Chapter 3672
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Chapter 3672 Enchanting The Void Sect

Thundera even threatened her to release Eusof and apologize, or he would destroy the

Glorian Order.

This upset Gloria even further and made her panic even more.

I wonder how Xylas is doing…

She knew Xylas had gone to meet Wade. If the talk went well, then the Cetus would

become a great help to her.

However, allying with the Cetus was just a temporary way for them to survive the threat

posed by the Ecclesiastic Order.

Gloria was eyeing a higher goal. She wanted to get into Kenfort and seek a more

advanced cultivation level.

Wade was where the key lay. It would be much easier to get into Kenfort through his

recommendation rather than trying herself.

Gloria would drool whenever she thought of the holy ley lines and divine ley lines in


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The feeling only intensified when the extreme devouring technique she cultivated had

experienced a tremendous boost from the ordinary spiritual ley lines.

Hence, it was not difficult to imagine just how powerful a divine ley line would be.

Gloria wished she could enter Kenfort immediately and thrive as the strongest fighter by

devouring all sorts of divine ley lines.

Just as she indulged in her beautiful dream, a message from Xylas came in.

Wade wishes to see me? Has Xylas succeeded?

The delighted Gloria immediately rushed to the meeting place set by Wade.

She arrived two hours later, and Xylas introduced them to each other.

“Lord Gloria, thank you for saving my son from danger,” Wade started.

Gloria replied with a smile, “Don’t mention it. It was nothing.”

Throughout the entire exchange, Gloria intentionally unleashed part of her aura in an

attempt to increase her worthiness.

In fact, her approach worked.

The Paladins from the Void Sect and Wade were all surprised by Gloria’s strength.

Never had they expected there to be such a powerful individual in the mundane world.

Xylas alone was already surprising enough, but he was far too inferior when compared to


Besides, with every increase in her strength, so did her charm.

Every single movement coming from her exuded charm, enchanting those who looked at


She had also intentionally performed the Charm Technique, dazzling everyone with her


Even the Paladins from the Void Sect felt their mouths turn dry after catching a glimpse of

her charm.

Falling for my charm that easily? It seems that these mighty beings from the Void Sect

aren’t too particularly brilliant.

Upon capturing the fiery glances coming from the Paladins, Gloria was all proud and smug.

“Lord Wade, I suppose you’re not here just to thank me,” Gloria asked.

“That’s right!” Wade cut right to the chase. “I’m here to discuss an alliance with you, Lord

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Having witnessed Gloria’s strength personally, Wade was no longer hesitant.

“Lord Gloria, given that Master Thundera and Levi are our common enemies, I propose

that we work together to strike them down.”

Gloria was straightforward as well as an alliance was what she wanted too.

“That’s not a problem, but I have one condition. I was wondering if you could recommend

me to join the Void Sect, Lord Wade?”

In fact, joining the Void Sect was the first step of her plan. It served only as a springboard

at best.


Before Wade could react, Grant had already agreed to it.

The other Paladins bobbed their heads in agreement, for they had all been charmed by

Gloria. If they were all in the same sect, they reckoned they stood a chance to improve

their relationship with her.

“However, I would need to test your strength, Lord Gloria,” Grant said in a deep voice.q