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The Revenge of My Alluring Wife by Raven

Chapter 68
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Chapter 68 He Doesn't Deserve It

However, this was still The Wilson family’s territory, and Xylon worried that being too overt might offend


Emily saw through his concerns and reminded him, “She can’t cin right now. Mr. Adams, if you quietly take

her away, who will notice?”

Xylon was known for being a womanizer. Emily's reminder dispelled Xylon’s concerns. He gave her an

appreciative look, smiling, “When everything is settled, | won't forget your kindness.”

As they approached the entrance, the security guard was currently ushering Evelyn away.

Xylon wouldn't miss the chance to play the hero. He stepped forward to intercept the security guard, “She is a

guest. How can you treat a beauty so rudely?”

“Mr. Adams,” the security guard’s attitude noticeably softened.

Satisfied, Xylon smiled, “This is my friend. No need to stop her.”

With an air of arrogance, he suddenly abandoned his intention to take Evelyn

away. If L.

brought her along, considering the attention she garnered from many men just moments ago, he

12:21 Wed, 21 Feb

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Chapter 68 He Doesn't Deserve It

might attract too much envy.

“I give you 500, 000 each month, and | can take you in to see the world. Beautiful lady, what do

you think?”

Although they were a meter apart, Xylon’s words still carried a foul stench.

Evelyn wrinkled her nose in disgust, and a cold smile appeared on her lips.

To be along by him?

Speople had noticed the commotion when Xylon cover. Seeing Evelyn smiling, they shook their heads

in amazement.

“We thought she was syoung miss from a prestigious family, but it turns out even someone like Xylon can

easily handle her.”

“Look at her seductive appearance. | bet she went through a lot of training to achieve that. She’s definitely not a

good person.”

“She has the audacity to cto The Wilson family’s event. This woman is truly something.”

“Look at that, she succeeded, didn’t she? That's Xylon... She's hit the jackpot.”

Emily listened with satisfaction as those people criticized Evelyn. She chimed in, “I've seen her accompanying

guests at the club more than once. People like Xylon are quite common, and the

club manager even said, as long as there’s money...”

She hesitated, but the men around had already caught on.

Just as they were eagerly preparing to approach Evelyn, Evelyn suddenly raised her hand and slapped Xylon


With a resounding ‘smack, echoing through the banquet, Xylon, who had been smiling just moments ago, now

lay on the ground in a sorry state, blood flowing from his nose and mouth..

The onlookers stared at Evelyn in disbelief.

She swung her delicate, white wrist and then took out a tissue, wiping her hands inch by inch. Although she

didn’t speak, her actions spoke louder than words.

He wasn’t worthy!

“You...” Xylon mumbled incomprehensibly.

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Chapter 68 He Doesnt Deserve it

“If it weren't for Old Mr. Wilson's birthday banquet, it wouldn't have been put a day vete said coldly

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The tension in the air escalated.

“I can’t believe this woman is so arrogant. Doesn’t she know Old Mr. Wilson hates Bisay How dare she be so


At the corner, Henry, accompanied by David, approached leisurely this lips were fightly seSION not uttering a

word, but his silent presence sent shivers down everyone's soine

Everyone in the banquet unconsciously held their breath, gazing sadly at Evelyn, as if anticipating her grim fate.

Xylon’s grandfather had a longstanding friendship with Old Mr. Wilson, so even if he had gone

too far, there was still srelationship to rely on

He looked at Henry, as if grasping a lifeline, “Mr. Wilson...”

“This woman attempted to cause trouble at the banquet. When the security couldn’t stop her she targeted me.”

“I csincerely to wish Old Mr. Wilson a happy birthday today. How could possibly approach such a filthy


Emily, in the crowd, was the most excited. She had been waiting for this day for a long time

As long as Henry detested Evelyn, she still had a chance

Xylon looked at Evelyn, brazenly declaring, “Be careful next tyou sell yourself. Be sure to pick your clients

carefully... Ah!”

Before he could finish speaking, a scream followed.

At the stime, everyone's eyes widened in horror as they saw the expression in Henry's eyes. It was
