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The Secretly Rich Man full story

Chapter 1776
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Gerald Crawford: The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 1776

June 5, 2021 by itgoes

There was simply no easy way out of this.

The very next second, the four feral vampires began their assault on Gerald and Juno!

Watching as their claws extended toward the duo, Gerald quickly summoned his Astrabyss Sword before slashing

the first feral vampire that got too close!

And just like that, the feral vampire that was slashed was cut clean in half!

With blood spewing out of their dead brethren, the other three feral vampires instantly began backing off.

After all, they now knew that Gerald’s sword was not to be taken lightly.

“Come at me if you’re not afraid to die!” growled Gerald as he glared at the remaining feral vampires.

Seemingly understanding what he had just said, the trio then turned around before bolting off.

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While the crisis was now lifted, Gerald had come to learn that those feral vampires were actually rather timid. After

all, they were easily scared and fled so quickly.

Regardless, Gerald then put away his sword before saying, “Alright, let’s leave this place before those feral

vampires come back!”

With that, the duo resumed their journey with Gerald taking the lead… and half an hour later, they finally made it

out of the forest.

Once they were outside, Gerald immediately took his phone out. Finally, some reception!

He had earlier planned to contact Ray and the others, though the forest naturally prevented him from calling.

Whatever the case was, there was reception now so it was high time he finally tried to contact Ray so that they

could regroup.

To Gerald’s dismay, Ray wasn’t picking up. Frowning slightly, he then tried a few more times. In the end, however,

the result remained the same…

The fact that there was beeping as the call tried to connect meant that Ray definitely had reception. So why wasn’t

he picking Gerald’s call up…?

Thinking about it, there were only two possibilities as to why this was, the first being that Ray and the others hadn’t

noticed the call.

The second, however, meant that they could very well have gotten themselves into trouble and were unable to


While it was unfortunate, Gerald had a hunch that the second possibility made more sense…

After all, Ray was addicted to gadgets, so there was no way he would ever ignore his phone.

The fact that Ray still wasn’t answering even though he had reception only solidified Gerald’s theory that something

must have happened to them.

Seeing that Gerald was still trying to call Ray—after quite a while—the concerned Juno was prompted to ask, “…

Do… You think something’s happened to them, Gerald…?”

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Furrowing his brow slightly at the thought of it, Gerald’s expression darkened as he nodded while saying, “…That’s

very possible, especially since we’ve bumped into feral vampires here.

I have a sneaking suspicion that Ray and the others must have encountered them as well!”

“…W-what? Then, they…” exclaimed Juno, her heart feeling heavy.

“Don’t worry, Old Flint’s with them. If anyone knows how to deal with feral vampires, it’s him! With that in mind, the

feral vampires shouldn’t be able to hurt them that easily!” replied Gerald, attempting to reassure Juno though he

wasn’t all that sure about their safety either.

Still, he simply didn’t want Juno to worry too much about them at the moment.

After all, the important thing now was to try regrouping with them.

With that in mind, the duo immediately began searching for their party members at the edge of the forest.

Not long after, they managed to come across a bag that looked strikingly similar to Ray’s… Upon rummaging

through it, they found his mobile phone.

With that in mind, the bag undoubtedly belonged to Ray…

No wonder he hadn’t answered any of Gerald’s calls… He had been separated from his bag and phone!

While they at least knew why he hadn’t been picking up now, Gerald and Juno were also much surer that something

terrible must’ve happened to their other party members…