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The Unfaithful Mr. Scott novel (Eugene and Melanie)

Chapter 839
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Chapter 839

Harriet looked back and forth between them and gave an excuse so that they could leave.

Fugene’s heart sank, and he slowly turned to look at Merry. His mind had been replaying the scene at the

hospital for the last three days.

He had heard Merry call out ‘Mom’ to Melanie, and Melanie had replied with a gentle tone that he had never

heard before.

That scene kept appearing in his dreams every night. He would see both mother and daughter the minute he

closed his eyes.

It got even crazier as he dreamed of the child calling him ‘Dad’.

Eugene did not enjoy drinking, and he hated alcoholics.

However, he had gotten drunk for the past three days just to hear Merry call him ‘Dad’ in his dreams.

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He thought he would hear her call out to him if he was asleep.

Eugene continued to delude himself in that dream...

Even Eugene thought he was going crazy. He was allowing himself to wallow in such an incredulous situation

over something that was almost impossible.

He looked at Melanie. There was hope in his eyes that even he did not expect. However, Melanie glanced at him

with indifference and acted like they really did not know each other well. She took a few steps back and said

coldly, “What do you want?”

Eugene said, “Lettake you back to the hotel.”


“That's not necessary.” Melanie frowned. She looked at the sky. It looked like it was about to rain, and she got a

little impatient. “Please don’t waste our tif there's nothing else. It's about to rain.”

Eugene looked at her stubbornly. “I can take you back to the hotel.”

“I already told you that it's not necessary. Don’t you understand?” Merry woke up from their argument and

fidgeted in Melanie's arms. Melanie got even more impatient.

She looked at Eugene and said frostily, “I have no interest in answering any of your questions nor am

| obligated to answer them. We no longer have anything to do with each other, so please stop disturbing my life.

It's getting very annoying.”

Melanie thought this was enough to chase the prideful Eugene away.

However, Eugene did not budge at all. He looked at her silently and said in a low, husky voice after she was done

talking, “Do you have anything to say to me? I'm listening.”

He sounded calm and no longer took a mean tone with her. It sounded like he would do anything Melanie asked

of him.


Melanie could not help sniggering at this. The look in her eyes turned darker as she mimicked Bugene’s tone in

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reply, “Bugene, don’t you think you're just cheapening yourself?”

sugene’s eyes widened. He stared at Melanie as she turned away and left right in front of him.

In rained on the way to the hotel, and Harriet was too scared to drive. Melanie drove while Harriet sat in the back

seat carrying Merry

When they got to a traffic light near the hotel, Melanie caught Harriet sneaking a look at her through the

rearview mirror for the third time. She said graciously, “Just ask whatever's on your mind.”

Well I'm just a little curious about you and Eugene Scott...” Harriet sounded slightly apologetic. “‘m really sorry, |

don’t really mean anything. | just... | have a friend who started work at LeapCo last year, which is why I'm

curious about him.

4. Did both of you use to date? He looked really upset just now.”

Harriet was beating about the bush. What she really wanted to ask was if Melanie had dumped Eugene because

he looked too much like he was the one who had been dumped.

Melanie's eyelashes fluttered as she said in a normal tone, “Not really. He just used to be my boss.”