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The Woman From Hell

Chapter 602
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Chapter 602

| pinched my glabella and said, "Theo's headquarters i n Whaldorf City is hiring a secretary. Are you interested?"

She froze for a moment and said with surprise, "The president's secretary? Isn't Clinton, Mr. Grant's assistant,

there already? Besides, Mr. Grant doesn’t seem to hire female secretaries."

| took a sip of water, my head ringing. "The company i s expanding after New Year's and Keith can’t take care of

sof the trivial matters. You've worked in Grant Corporation and know Theo's character, so it'll b e much

easier for you to work alongside him."

Besides, she had no reason to keep staying in Louis Corporations any longer either because a talent like her was

best suited for our own company.

She was puzzled. "Miss Wanda, work at Zimmer Corporations isn't that hectic for you and you can go straight

back to Grant Corporation to work, so why..."

"Indeed. | don't have to be overly worried about Zimmer Corporations now, but I'll not step into Grant

Corporation again. | have my own plans, but of course, you can decline if you don't want to."

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

She shook her head. "It’s not that | don’t want to, but

work at Louis Corporations hasn't been smooth sailing. To be able to return to Grant Corporation to be Mr. Grant's

secretary is more than a blessing to me. But Miss Wanda, doesn't Louis Corporations needt o-"

"Not anymore."

| had done what needed to be done. The villains had received the punishment they deserved, so there was n o

point continuing.

Besides, | had Munchkin now and it was now a new year, so everything would start from scratch.

After hearing what | said, she froze and handed the sleeping pills she brought over to me. After a pause, she

said, "Benny doesn't know much about Mr. Mason and Mr. Zedd's matters. According to him, Mr. Zedd once had a

crush on a girl in his teens. That girl was M r. Grant's cousin. Later, for sreason, the girl jumped off a

building and killed herself. This happened a long tago and no one in the Grants speaks about it anymore. It

has been so long since it happened. Mr. Mason probably hasn’t forgotten about i t, so he’s trying to create a bit

of trouble for Mr. Grant a t work."

| could not help but furrow my brows. "Just a bit of trouble?"

He had almost completely destroyed Grant Corporation.

Heidi let out a bitter chuckle. "Not a bit of trouble,


This was a relationship they had when they were teenagers. After counting it now, more than ten years have


Also, cousin? Sam Grant did not have kids, no?

What went wrong?

Why was this matter getting more and more complicated instead?

She hummed a reply and after pausing for a moment. She looked atand said, "I sent someone to keep an

eye on Nadia recently. Apart from being quite close to Mr. Mason, | don't think I've seen her getting in touch with

anyone else. But she did go to Whaldorf City stago. | don't have the specific details about why she went


"Going to Whaldorf City on New Year's?"

She nodded. "She didn't do anything special in Whaldorf City, though."

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

| hummed, and after chatting a bit more, Heidi left.

Miss Woods had finished cooking. | popped a sleeping pill during my meal and went straight to my room when

the effects kicked in after my meal.

| slept until the early hours of the morning. Miss Woods seemed to have been waiting forto wake u P-

When she heard movements in the room, she quickly cupstairs with sfood and said to me, "Thank

goodness you're awake. Are you hungry? Mr. Grant called and said that there's been a delay in his schedule.

Knowing that you've fallen asleep, he askedto wait until you wake up to give you something to eat."

| was slightly more refreshed after a few hours of sleep. | looked out the window and saw that the sky was

already dark and the clock on the wall showed that it was one in the morning.

Having just woken up, | could not eat immediately. | looked at Miss Woods and said, "Leave the food here, Miss

Woods. I'll eat it later. It's late and you should get srest."

Miss Woods was getting old and felt a little drowsy, so she remindedto eat and went downstairs.

| sat on the bed. Though I felt refreshed, | regretted it a little. After taking such a long nap, it was hard to go back

to sleep even though it was nighttnow.

Therefore, this would be another sleepless night for m e.
