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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 551
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Chapter 551 Pretending To Faint

Back at the condominium, Amelia left Oscar to accompany and play with Tony. She pulled out her

phone and called Tiffany. The events of the past few days had swamped her. She’d forgotten to check

on Tiffany and the Hissons.

Amelia asked, “Tiff, how are you and Derrick? His mother isn’t treating you too badly, is he?”

Tiffany glanced at Kate, who was sitting right across the table. She whispered, “Amelia, she’s right

here. I’ll have to call you back.”

Amelia understood. Kate was the only person who could make Tiffany so timid and cautious.

“All right, call me when you can. Why don’t you come over for dinner later? Tony hasn’t seen you in a

long time,” said Amelia.

“Sure thing. I’ll see you tonight,” murmured Tiffany. She hastily hung up the phone, as if it scalded her.

Amelia stared at her phone. Shaking her head, she didn’t know what to feel.

Tiffany was deeply uneasy. She was trapped in the restaurant with Kate, who scrutinized her every

move like a vulture.

Mustering up her courage, Tiffany squeaked, “Mrs. Hisson, we’ve been sitting here for half an hour.

Should we order something?”

“It’s only half-past ten. Do you think it’s proper to be eating at a time like this?” asked Kate. She was

intentionally making things difficult for Tiffany.

Tiffany thought, If you don’t think we should be eating at this hour, why the hell did you invite me over to

a restaurant? An ordinary person would have to work ten months to afford the expensive booth that

we’re both sitting in right now. Do you have so much money that you have no idea what to do with

it? She wanted to say all this to Kate, but she didn’t have the guts.

She wanted nothing more than to marry Derrick. So, getting Kate’s approval was a test she had to

pass. She loved Derrick, so it was impossible for her to say she wanted nothing to do with his family.

Love was between two people, but two different families had to come together for a marriage. Without

both their parents’ blessing, she wouldn’t be able to run away with Derrick or marry him. Such a

marriage could initially be a happy one. However, disagreements would show up over time. When that

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happens, both parties would wield these disagreements as weapons to attack each other.

She didn’t want her and Derrick to end up as strangers.

She wanted her marriage with Derrick to last till death. If that wasn’t possible, she would rather not get


Quelling the unease bubbling in her heart, Tiffany put on a wide smile. She said, “Seeing as it’s still

early, why don’t we go shopping? I spotted some jewelry that matches your skin tone and temperament

perfectly. Would you like me to buy that piece for you?”

Kate slowly sipped on her tea. She said, “Tiffany, spare me the theatrics. If you wanted to buy me some

jewelry, you would have gone ahead and done it. There’s no need to announce it. Or, are you

expecting me to buy that piece for you?”

Tiffany slowly clenched and unclenched her fist.

Forcing herself to smile, she said, “What are you talking about, Mrs. Hisson? I want to buy that jewelry

for you as a gift. I would never dream of asking you to pay.”

Kate snorted.

She crossed her arms around her chest. “Tiffany, it’s just the two of us today, so you can quit acting.

You know I dislike you. Naturally, you dislike me as well. Let me be frank. I don’t think you’re the right

girl for Derrick, nor are you cut out to be a part of our family. You’re arrogant. You won’t be able to

survive the skullduggery that runs in our social circle. For everyone’s sake, I think you should leave

Derrick. I would hate to have to be the villain.”

Tiffany chuckled bitterly. She couldn’t believe Kate’s haughtiness and condescension.

Trying her best to sound calm, she said, “Mrs. Hisson, you’re Derrick’s mother so I’m trying my best to

respect and love you. However, don’t you think you should give me and Derrick some privacy?”

Kate gave Tiffany a withering glare. “Be honest with me, Tiffany. Are you trying to marry my boy for his

money or his status?”

Tiffany chuckled. She slyly replied, “Do you think Derrick has no merits apart from his wealth and


Kate stared at Tiffany. “You have a sharp mouth.”

Tiffany broke into a grin. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

Kate whipped out a gold card from her bag and shoved it toward Tiffany. “This card is under my name.

There’s no limit on the amount. It’s yours if you promise to leave Derrick.”

Tiffany stared at the card incredulously. She couldn’t help but snigger. “Mrs. Hisson, I’m a ist. I’ve

written about mothers fobbing off daughters-in-law with money plenty of times. It’s not a popular plotline

right now. If I were you, I’d let my son marry a woman who’s not right for him. The moment she enters

my house, I’d be free to make her life miserable. If you stop the marriage now, you’ll only earn your

son’s ire. Why go through all this fuss?” said Tiffany. Tiffany was sincere in her advice. However, she

didn’t expect Kate to use her casual remarks against her in the future.

Thanks to Kate, Tiffany would have to live on thin ice with the Hissons. In her marriage with Derrick,

she would inevitably be pricked with a thousand wounds. Derrick and her would drift apart, and they

would end up as strangers.

Kate believed that everyone on this earth had a price.

She clasped her hand to her chest. “Maybe you didn’t hear me correctly. This card has no limit. You

can withdraw as much money as you want. With this card, you’ll have no worries for the rest of your

life. My only condition is that you leave Derrick.”

Tiffany shoved the card back to Kate. “I know you’re worried that I’m marrying Derrick for his money or

his status. However, I think you’re fretting over nothing. You may not know this, but I’m a best-selling

author. I’m not as rich as the Hissons, but I make enough to live comfortably. I certainly don’t need to

leech onto your family to survive. We both know how smart and capable Derrick is. I don’t think you’ll

find many people who’d believe I would trick and use him. What are you really worried about?”

Listening to Tiffany’s speech, Kate’s face paled. Her heart burned. She felt overcome with rage. “So

you’re not planning on leaving Derrick?”

Tiffany looked into Kate’s eyes. She said sincerely, “I love Derrick. I’m not asking you for much. I just

want you to try accepting me.”

To her surprise, Kate smiled gently. Panic flooded into Tiffany. She did not have a good feeling about


She hesitated and asked, “Mrs. Hisson, why are you smiling?”

With the smile still plastered on her face, Kate replied, “Oh, I’ve just thought of a problem.”

Tiffany squirmed in her seat. “And what is that?”

Toying with her hands, Kate said, “Let’s say I suddenly fall ill right now and I’m rushed to a hospital. As

I’m lying helplessly in a ward, I’ll tell Derrick that you said nasty, shocking things to me, trying to give

me a heart attack. Who do you think he’ll believe? His beloved mother, or you?”

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Tiffany’s face changed dramatically.

Kate’s plots and schemes overwhelmed Tiffany. She could not remember feeling so powerless in her

entire life.

Tiffany pleaded, “Why are you doing this? Derrick and I are in love. What are you trying to do? Are you

trying to force him to marry some woman he doesn’t love? Why are you trying so hard to make your

own son miserable? Don’t you want him to be happy?” Even to her own ears, she sounded weak.

Kate coldly chuckled. “Oh Tiffany, you silly girl. Are you really this naive? I’m doing this for Derrick’s

good. The two of you are not a good match for each other. You live so differently compared to him.

Your etiquette leaves something to be desired. Even if you marry him, you’ll be nothing but a drag.

Over time, your love will wither and die. The problems the two of you choose to ignore will grow like a

tumor. You’ll eventually settle for a divorce. I’m just trying my best to save the two of you all this


Tiffany could scarcely believe her ears. She chuckled weakly. She thought, Just to break me and

Derrick up, this woman is willing to spout such nonsense.

Tiffany slowly stood up. “Mrs. Hisson, I just remembered that I have a manuscript that has to be

finished soon. I’ll leave now. Please stay and order something to eat, but I’m afraid I can’t keep you


Kate quickly agreed. “Oh, of course.”

Kate’s hasty reply sowed seeds of doubt in Tiffany’s heart. She hesitated to move.

Kate sneered. “Well, hurry on. I thought you have to get to work?”

Tiffany didn’t move from her seat.

Kate teased, “What’s the matter? So you really want me to buy you the jewelry after all?”

Tiffany saw no other option but to leave the restaurant.

As soon as Tiffany left, Kate called the front desk and ordered some food.

When the waiter opened the door to the booth, he found Kate slumped on the table. Shocked, he

dashed over and knelt next to her. He gingerly lifted her up and asked, “Mrs. Hisson, are you feeling


Kate did not open her eyes.

The waiter hurriedly whipped out his phone and called an ambulance. Next, he called the manager.

Soon, a stream of people flooded into the booth.