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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 660
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Chapter 660 It Never Rains But It Pours

“Honey,” June called out.

Cassie took her sunglasses off and cocked her brows before replying with a sneer, “Ah, it’s the male

lead of the currently trending video on the internet. How does it feel to be famous in Chanaea as a

foreigner? Anyway, please leave my house now and don’t pass your bad luck to me.”

June’s expression soured when he heard that.

“Honey, I’m your fiancé, after all. Do you have to be so sarcastic? You don’t look pretty anymore when

you say such stuff,” the man replied after composing himself.

Cassie put on her sunglasses again, blocking her piercing gaze, before chiding, “You’re crazy.” After

saying that, she turned around and walked away.

June quickly trailed behind her, and the two of them entered the living room one after another

Elizabeth was sitting on the sofa while listening to a young maid updating her on matters of the

household. When the woman saw June, her expression darkened at once before dismissing the maid

with a wave, “All right, got it. You may leave first.”

The maid nodded before walking away.

“Mrs. Yard, I’m here to visit you. This is a gift which I’ve specially prepared for you. Please take a look

and see if you like it,” June said politely before stepping forward and placing the present on the table.

He was behaving just like before, as if the online scandal had not happened.

Observing the man’s pretentious behavior, Cassie scoffed, “You’re such a good actor. No wonder you

managed to hook up with the daughter of the Larson family. It’s indeed advantageous to be charming.”

Elizabeth glanced at her daughter before pointing at the sofa opposite her and said, “June, take a


June walked over to the sofa and sat down with his hands clasped together and a serious expression

on his face.

“June, what brings you here today?” Elizabeth asked in a formal tone as if she was prepared to enter

into negotiations with the man.

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“Mrs. Yard, I am not going to make up any excuse for what happened between Jennifer and me. I’ve

indeed made a mistake, but the situation was that we were both drunk, and the staff members of the

club had mistaken us for a couple and arranged for us to stay in the same room. However, it was a fact

that we had slept together, and I had let Cassie down. If you would give me a chance, I would use the

rest of my life to love Cassie and make up for it,” June said sincerely, gazing into Elizabeth’s eyes.

After listening to the man’s speech, Elizabeth’s expression softened.

If June had bombarded them with sweet nothings instead, the woman would not have hesitated to

chase him out of the house. However, because of the sincere apology that he had offered, she could

feel herself relenting.

All Elizabeth wanted was for her daughter to marry a man from a good family who truly loved and cared

for her.

“June, I was really upset when I saw your video earlier on. I really don’t understand why you would get

intimate with another woman. Would you be able to give me a clear explanation?” Even though

Elizabeth was already feeling much better, she was not about to forgive the man that easily.

“Mrs. Yard, I swear that that woman and I have got nothing to do with each other at all. It was purely an

accident that we ended up on the same bed, which led to that incident. I don’t wish to defend myself

any further, but I just want you to know that Cassie is the only woman I love,” June replied seriously.

Elizabeth merely looked at the man with a scrutinizing gaze and kept quiet.

Just then, Cassie let out a few mocking chuckles and said, “June, really? Can you be any more


June pressed his lips together when he heard that.

After clearing her throat a few times, Elizabeth said, “Cassie, could you go upstairs for a while? There’s

something I want to talk to June about.”


“Go upstairs now,” Elizabeth ordered and shot a glare at her daughter.

As such, Cassie had no choice but to obey.

Elizabeth got the maid to serve June a cup of coffee before she crossed her arms in front of her chest

and said in a serious manner, “June, I want you and Cassie to get married immediately. What do you

think about it?”

June was momentarily stunned when he heard that and was not able to provide a definite answer

straight away.

“Is there a problem? Are you not willing to?” Elizabeth asked with a hint of suspicion written on her face

as she squinted her eyes.

“Mrs. Yard, please don’t take it the wrong way. I’m more than willing to marry Cassie. I’m just afraid that

Cassie wouldn’t want to. Besides, after what I’ve done, she has been acting really cold toward me. I

think it would take me quite a while to appease her,” June said, smiling bitterly.

Elizabeth seemed to be deep in thought after hearing June’s reply.

A moment later, she said, “June, I’m indeed very disappointed with you after seeing that video. I was

really looking forward to having you as my son-in-law. I did not expect you to end up hurting my

daughter, just like Oscar. If you can get her to forgive you, I won’t object to your marriage. However,

even if Cassie decides to remain single for the rest of her life, given our Yard family’s wealth, she would

never have to worry about making ends meet.”

June kept quiet for a moment and seemed to be pondering over the woman’s words before replying,

“Mrs. Yard, I will prove to Cassie that no one loves her more than I do.”

“Sure. Let’s talk again after you’ve proven it. I won’t be inviting you to stay for dinner then.”

That was Elizabeth’s subtle way of asking June to leave.

The man stood up and stole a glance upstairs before bidding farewell to Elizabeth, “Mrs. Yard, I’ll make

a move first then. I’ll visit you again another time. As for Cassie, I’ll wait for her to be in a better mood

before explaining things to her.”

Elizabeth merely nodded coldly.

The moment June left the Yard Manor, his expression darkened. However, before he could do

anything, his phone started ringing.

After answering the call and hearing what the other party said, the man bellowed furiously, “What’s

happening? Why would the system crash suddenly? Aren’t you guys supposed to be so-called elites?

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Why can’t you even solve this situation? Wait for me. I’m coming back now.”

Upon returning to the office, fury surged through June when he saw that the system had indeed

collapsed. He could hardly believe that hackers had managed to get into his company’s system in just

a few hours’ time.

“What’s going on? What is the technical department doing?” June questioned with a sullen expression.

“June, calm down first. The technical department is currently trying their best to resolve the situation,

and it will take some time. However, even if the system recovers, we would probably still lose more

than half of the data. This hacker must be pretty skilled to be able to break into our system so easily,

especially after our technical department installed a firewall. This seems like an intentional attack by

one of our company’s competitors. We have to come up with a proper plan to deal with it,” said another

foreigner, who had arrived at the office after June.

“Shut up!” June yelled, no longer able to keep his frustration under control. Nothing seemed to be going

his way for the past few days. First, he had been sabotaged and was filmed having sex with a woman.

After the video was leaked online, his company’s stocks plummeted. As if those were not enough,

someone had hacked into his company’s system, and a few of the company’s business partners had

the intention to back out on contracts that were already signed.

It never rained, but it poured. Representing the Adertons, June’s task was to expand the family’s

business in Chanaea and gain a foothold there. If he did not manage to succeed, not only would it be

humiliating for him, but he would also become the butt of the joke. Moreover, he might lose his position

as the heir to the family business and assets due to his lack of leadership qualities.

June’s expression turned increasingly grim by the second.

“June, what are your plans? Don’t forget, your brothers are back at home waiting for you to make a fool

out of yourself,” the other foreigner reminded.

“Gather everyone here. We need to have a meeting now.”

The foreigner nodded in response.

The meeting lasted till midnight, and June was extremely tired when he left the office.

Jennifer was leaning against a car and staring at June, whose exhaustion was written all over his face.

A hint of disdain flashed across the woman’s face as she felt that it was an utter humiliation for her to

have been taken advantage of by such a man.