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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 666
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Chapter 666 Protected By The Boss

Crystal and her cousin were sent straight back to Saspiuburg. Initially, the Halliwells did nothing, for

they knew that they were in the wrong. However, when they heard that Crystal’s cousin had been

castrated, they instantly turned livid. In no time, Crystal’s grandparents took a flight to Tayhaven and

went to the Hisson residence to demand an answer from Derrick.

Unfortunately for them, Terrence was out to meet his friends while Kate and Finnick were overseas for

a research conference. Even if Crystal’s grandparents wanted to bring justice to their grandson, they

would first need to meet the Hissons in person. Hence, they rushed to Derrick’s office in rage.

When Derrick heard that the two of them had come, he arched a brow and asked his secretary to invite

the two to his office.

Once the two were in the office, Derrick asked his secretary to prepare some snacks and tea for them

as a gesture of courtesy toward his elders.

Some of Reuben Halliway’s anger faded away when he saw Derrick being so respectful toward them,

but the very thought of his grandson’s current state made his fury return.

“Derrick, please give me an answer as to why you’ve done that to my grandson!” Reuben growled as

he glared at Derrick. The flame of rage burned brightly in his eyes despite his blurry sight.

Nevertheless, Derrick was not afraid of the elderly man at all. He solemnly said, “Mr. Reuben, I think

you’d get a quicker answer if you ask your grandson and granddaughter about this instead. Your

grandson tried to sexually assault my girlfriend. If not for my friend’s early discovery, he would have

gotten his way. I don’t know why he ended up in this way, but if I were there, I would have beaten him

to within an inch of his life. My girlfriend is now traumatized because of him. I’m already being

courteous to the Halliwell family by not having sent him straight to the police. While you’ve come all the

way here for an answer, I was just thinking of coming to you for justice too.”

Reuben’s expression darkened before his face paled. Derrick’s explanation was completely unlike what

Crystal and his foolish grandson had told him.

As his lips trembled, he asked, “Derrick, are you telling me the truth?”

“Old Mr. Halliwell, if you don’t believe me, I can show you the hotel’s surveillance footage. The footage

shows how your grandson stalked my girlfriend into the washroom. His actions were nothing but

perverse. If I were to send the footage to the police, I think the police would have enough evidence to

charge your son,” Derrick remarked.

Reuben’s face turned bright red, and he slammed the cane he had in his hand onto the ground before

snarling, “This b*stard! He has brought shame to the family! He could have had any woman he wanted,

but he just had to forcibly take someone!”

On the other hand, Crystal’s grandmother, Dorothy, was a woman who doted on her grandson a lot.

As she consoled Reuben, she looked at Derrick grimly. “Derrick, in a way, I’ve watched over you since

you were young. I rarely come to Tayhaven nowadays, but you’re becoming increasingly outstanding.

You’re basically a copy of your mother. I thought you were a good man, but I never expected that you’d

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do something drastic like this to my grandson. Perhaps you should be giving me an answer. You can

always get another girlfriend if you lose this one, but I won’t be able to have any great-grandchildren

now that you’ve done that to my grandson.”

Derrick sneered at her words.

“Old Mrs. Halliwell, as far as I remember, you’ve always been an intelligent, elegant, generous, and

caring elder of mine. I never thought that you would say something like this today. I don’t know what

happened to your grandson for him to turn out in this way, but the way you’re unreasonably spoiling

him is simply disappointing,” Derrick ruthlessly responded.

Having been mocked, Dorothy grimaced in response.

“Derrick, are you going to make the Halliwell family your enemy for a woman?”

At her words, Derrick’s anger morphed into incredulous laughter.

“What are you laughing at?”

“Old Mrs. Halliwell, I’ve always thought of you as someone wise, but as it turns out, you’re just like

everyone else. If I can’t even protect my woman, I think I’m not fit to be a man. The lesson I taught him

is considered a light one.” Derrick then stood up, a sign of him asking them to leave. “Old Mr. Halliwell,

Old Mrs. Halliwell, please leave. I still have work to attend to.”

The elderly Halliwell couple then stormed out of the office.

“Derrick’s too much! He actually had the audacity to embarrass his elders. That’s so uncivilized of him!”

Dorothy complained the moment she entered the car.

In the meantime, Reuben was silent with a grim look on his face.

“Say something! Our grandson’s been castrated, and he’ll be sterile from now on. Are you telling me

that you’re fine with that?”

“Let’s go back.”


“I said, let’s go back.”

“We came all the way here from Saspiuburg, but you’re going back just like that?”

“What else can we do? It’s all because our useless grandson is a pervert. That’s why he ended up like

this. Do you want us to have a fallout with the Hisson family instead?”

Dorothy was silent, but she had a scowl on her face.

“Fletcher, drive to the airport,” Reuben instructed.

“Of course, Old Mr. Halliwell.”

However, Dorothy refused to get down from the car when they reached the airport.

She said, “Go back to Saspiuburg by yourself. I refuse to believe that I won’t be able to do anything to a

woman who has no one backing her up. She has taken Crystal’s place and done this to my grandson.

They’ll think that the Halliwells are easy targets if I don’t settle the score with her.”

“Stop trying to fool around.”

“You are becoming increasingly meek with age. The Hissons have already done something horrible like

this to us, and you’re doing nothing about it. While you don’t mind embarrassing yourself, I do,” Dorothy

gravely told him.

Reuben said in response for a while.

A beat later, he turned to the driver and said, “Fletcher, to the hotel.”

“Understood, Old Mr. Halliwell.”

The driver then turned the car around and drove to the hotel that the Halliwells frequently stayed at in

Tayhaven—a hotel that they owned.

Dorothy queried, “You’re not planning to go back anymore?”

Reuben closed his eyes and did not answer her.

A sly grin grew on Dorothy’s lips.

In the meantime, the one who had been secretly tailing the elderly Halliwell couple called Derrick.

“Mr. Hisson, Old Mr. Halliwell and Old Mrs. Halliwell went to the airport before turning around and going

to the hotel,” he informed.

“I got it. Keep following them and install a surveillance camera in their suite if you can. I need to know

what they’re doing,” came Derrick’s voice from the other end of the line.

“Understood, Mr. Hisson.”

After ending the call, Derrick walked to the window and lit a cigar before letting it burn between his


As he looked at the traffic flow outside, he sneered. “Old Mr. Halliwell, I didn’t want to confront you at

the start, but you left me no choice. Instead of reprimanding your grandson, you’ve chosen to take

action against the victim instead. I won’t sit back and do nothing, or else I have no right to be her man.”

Just as the cigar between his fingers was about to burn out, Derrick walked over to his desk and

extinguished it in the ashtray.

He then made a call and said into the receiver, “Mr. Clinton, I need a few people from you. The

Halliwells are here, and I think they might make a move against Tiff.”

After Oscar replied to him, Derrick continued, “Thank you, Mr. Clinton. Amelia saved Tiff, and that’s a

favor I haven’t repaid. I’ll treat you both to a meal another time.”

After a pause, he added, “All right. I’ll hang up the call and return to work first.”

Once the call ended, Derrick buried himself in his work. Meanwhile, Amelia was right beside Oscar.

“What’s the matter? Derrick’s asking to borrow a few men from you?” Amelia queried.

“The Halliwells have come. I think they’re here to settle the score,” Oscar gave her a curt answer.

Amelia scowled. “Are they going to lay their fingers on Tiff?”

“Silly woman, they’ve flown all the way here from Saspiuburg. They can’t possibly be here to reminisce

about the good old times,” Oscar answered in amusement.

Amelia then said, “Oscar, send Kurt to protect Tiff. Kurt’s better in close combat. Tiff will be safer with

him around.”

“I’ll send a few more people over, so don’t worry. They’ve all been trained by me,” Oscar reassured her.

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Amelia nodded in relief.

After pondering for a while, she took out her phone and called Tiffany.

“Tiff, the Halliwells have come from Saspiuburg. Be careful. Oscar will be sending a few men to Oscar

to protect you from the shadows, but you should be wary of your surroundings, too,” Amelia cautiously

reminded her.

“I got it, Babe. Thank you. Don’t worry. Nothing will happen to me.”

“That’ll be it then. I’ll come and see you tomorrow.”

Oscar soon sent men to protect Tiffany. A while later, Reuben and Dorothy ordered three burly men to

go to the neighborhood Tiffany lived in.

“Watch out. They’re here.” The bodyguards that Oscar sent turned warier as they carefully tailed the

three men.

They followed the trio into the stairwell before exiting at the same time.

The three bodyguards glanced at Oscar’s men, but they did not want to cause a ruckus, so they

continued their way toward the entrance of Tiffany’s condominium.

Right as they were about to knock on her door, a gun was pressed against one of the Halliwells’ men.

“Good sirs, why don’t you come downstairs with us? I think we should have a nice talk.”

As they had a gun trained on them, the Halliwells’ men had no choice but to head downstairs.

Once they were in the car, the Halliwells’ men asked, “Who are you? We’re only hired men following

orders. You guys look buff, so I’m guessing that you’re trained. We’re not going to stop you from

earning your living, so don’t stop us from earning ours too.”

“We’re from Clinton Corporations. The woman you’re targeting is under the protection of Mr. Clinton.

Go back and tell your client that this woman isn’t someone they can afford to mess with.”

The three men paled upon hearing that.

One of them then barked out a laugh. “So she’s under Mr. Clinton’s protection. We were fools for not

realizing that. We’ll leave now.”

At that, the three of them opened the car door, stepped out, and left.

“I thought that the Halliwells were impressive people, but the three people they’ve hired are just


“They’re not cowards. It’s because Boss is well-known in both the society and the underworld. Even the

mayor is respectful toward him, and the big shots in the underworld regard him as a friend. Those three

men are just bodyguards trying to make a living. How can they possibly not be fearful of Boss?”

“Are we going to stay here then?”

“Money makes the world go round. There will always be idiots who will try to mess with us for the

money. Do you think we can leave just like that?”

They knew the answer was no, so they had no choice but to stick around.

“Tiffany has a good life. She’s Mrs. Clinton’s good friend, so she gets to benefit from her status too,”

one of them started.

The other two only smiled in response.