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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 739
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Chapter 739 Do What You Have To Do

Carter got into the car and said, “Mom, why don’t you and Nina go back first? I still have unfinished business at the

company.” “I can do that, but Nina’s going with you. That’s settled,” Faye responded firmly. “Mom…”

Faye peered at him and said, “I’m taking another car. Nina’s keeping you company. Don’t be mean to her.” After

she said that, she stepped out of the car. Only Carter and Nina remained in the vehicle.

Nina smiled gently at him. “Carter, don’t be mad. Just think of me as a friend sharing a ride with you. I know you

don’t like me that way. Me neither. However, I don’t have a boyfriend. I came here because my parents intend to do

something about that. Seeing you, I think we can become good friends.”

Carter shot her a glance. Oddly enough, his restlessness was suppressed when he took in her straightforwardness

and gentle expression. “Nina, I heard that you used to study abroad. Why didn’t you consider working overseas?”

he asked.

“I like Chanaean food. I love the colors, aroma, and tastes of Chanaean cuisine, so I came back. But after I take

over the company, my parents might consider moving abroad,” Nina answered.

Carter laughed at that. Feeling relaxed, he said, “I was surprised to see you get physical. I thought you were soft

and weak. Weren’t you afraid that June might hit you?”


“I doubt he can beat me. I don’t usually get into fights indiscriminately. I just don’t like the way he regards others, so

I deliberately taught him a lesson with my fists. I don’t think he’s deserving of Ms. Larson. On that note, Ms. Larson

would turn to look at you from time to time. I think you’re the one she likes,” Nina said to him, her eyebrows

arched. She looked harmless enough, but she had sharp observation skills.

“Do you really think she likes me?” Carter said as he held the steering wheel tightly.

“Of course. She was quite subtle whenever she looked in your way, but I do think that she actually likes you. In fact,

I think the two of you make a fine couple.”

“Nina, I find that you’re quite an interesting woman,” Carter commented out of the blue.

Nina blinked at him. “Thank you for the compliment,” she uttered mischievously.

Carter smiled faintly without saying anything.

While Carter was parking the car, Nina turned to look at the building outside the window. “Carter, why are we at the

hospital? Have you come to check on the injuries on your face?”

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Carter unbuckled his seatbelt. “No. A friend’s mother has been hospitalized. I want to check on her.”

Nina also unfastened her seatbelt and got out of the car. “Carter, why didn’t you say so earlier? I could have gotten

a present. It’s not nice to drop by empty-handed.”

“I’ve got it covered.” With that said, Carter took out various supplements from the trunk. “See? Let’s go.”

Nina walked behind him. She reminded him kindly, “Carter, the bruises on your face… I’m afraid they might scare

the patient. Why don’t we visit her some other day?”

“It’s fine. Go on,” Carter said, reassuring her.

Nina nodded.

The two entered the elevator and headed upstairs. When they arrived at the ward, the door was open, so they

walked right in.

James was giving Eleanor a checkup. When he was done, he instructed Eleanor to pay attention to her diet. Amelia

took note of everything. Then, she turned to see Carter and Nina, both of whom had just entered. She was

surprised by Nina’s appearance. She didn’t think that there could be anyone more good-looking than Derrick and

Kate, but apparently, Nina proved her wrong. Nina’s outstanding looks seemed rather surreal.

“Oh, you’re here, Carter. Come in,” Amelia greeted them graciously.

Carter and Nina walked further inside.

James turned around. When his gaze landed on Nina, he felt as if he had been electrocuted and fell into a

momentary daze.

His mind kept on buzzing. That’s her. That’s her. That’s her!

After searching for so many years, he finally found the woman who made him fall in love at first sight.

Indeed, he fell in love with Nina at first sight.

The woman was pretty, sweet, and demure. She was as beautiful as a painting.

Amelia watched as James stared blankly at Nina with a spark of romance glinting in his eyes. This isn’t good.

James was probably harboring different thoughts about the unbelievably attractive woman in front of him. If that

were true, her cousin’s previous efforts would have been for nothing.

She still had a load of unfinished business to attend to, and now it seemed that her cousin’s love life might be rudely

interrupted before it even had the chance to blossom. Things were getting increasingly chaotic.

She chuckled bitterly. Looks like fate just won’t let me have some peace.

“Carter, who is this?” Amelia grinned at him.

“She’s Nina Yates, the only daughter of the chairman of Yates Group. She’s just returned from studying abroad,”

Carter introduced briefly.

Amelia reached out for a handshake and smiled graciously. “Nice to meet you, Nina. I’m Amelia Winters. I’m

probably a few years your senior, but you can just call me Amelia. You look really pretty!”

“Nice to meet you, Amelia. You’re pretty too,” Nina said in a gentle tone.

James’ fascination for Nina grew. Unable to help himself, he reached out too. “Hi, Nina. I’m James, the chief and

attending physician of this hospital. It’s really nice to meet you. I have to say, you’re gorgeous!”

Nina extended a hand and kindly reciprocated the handshake.

Upon contact with Nina’s smaller hand, which was softer than he had imagined, James could feel his heart beating

faster and faster. Fortunately, he still managed to retain his sanity. In order not to scare the woman, he quickly

retracted his hand and tried his best to remain calm.

Carter came forward. “Mrs. Hutton, how are you feeling? I’ve bought some supplements, but I’m not sure if you’ll

like these.”

As if on cue, Nina sensibly handed over the supplements. She said softly, “Mrs. Hutton, Carter got these just for you.

We hope you’ll like them.”

Eleanor glanced at Nina, her eyes flashing, and she smiled. “What a beautiful lady. I certainly envy your parents for

giving birth to such a lovely daughter.”

“Mrs. Hutton, you’re beautiful too. Amelia looks very similar to you. Anyone can tell that you two are mother and


Eleanor was tickled by the statement.

Nina was polite and obedient, and she spoke softly in a sweet and demure voice. Listening to her voice would put a

smile on one’s face. Therefore, in a matter of minutes, Eleanor grew quite fond of the young lady.

Amelia dragged Carter out of the ward and whispered, “Carter, what is going on? You and Nina…”

“She’s my blind date. My mom arranged it. You know how my mom’s like. If I refuse, she’ll think of many more

ways to deal with me. Nina’s a nice lady. The two of us have no interest in each other, which works in our favor

because we can use the other as a cover.”

Amelia looked at him. “Carter, you aren’t planning to take advantage of her feelings, are you?”

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“You don’t have to say it like that, Amelia. Nina and I don’t have feelings for each other. I act as her stand-in

boyfriend while she gets my parents off my back.”

“What about Jennifer? What are you going to do about her?”

“I don’t intend to give up on her. There’s no hope for you and me, and she has pursued me for two years. Despite

some misunderstandings, I don’t want to lose her again. I might have been young and ignorant when I missed my

chance with you, but I must be really dumb if I make the same mistake again.”

Amelia gave him a thumbs-up. “You’ve finally got it, Carter.”

He let out a wry chuckle. “Amelia, I think Tiffany was right in scolding me back then. She said that I might look

smart, but I’m a wreck when it comes to relationships. I blame that on my indecision. I lost you, and now Jennifer

has got together with June because of other misunderstandings. Perhaps this is my retribution.”

Amelia raised a hand and punched him lightly. “Carter, you’re no longer the high-spirited man I used to know. All

you have to do is clarify those misunderstandings. After all, tough women are afraid of clingy men. Here’s a tip:

pester her non-stop. I can guarantee that Jennifer will eventually change her mind.”

Carter fell into deep thought.

Amelia pondered for a moment and said, “Carter, you know your mom is quite prideful. After what happened to

Jennifer, your family is surely unwilling to accept her into the family. Are you ready to defend her against the


The man nodded.

“I’m no longer the man they can exploit at will. All these years, I’ve been growing my company so that when it

comes to my marriage, I can call the shots!”

“That’s more like it! Since you don’t want to have any regrets, then do what you have to do! But about Jennifer’s

video… are you sure you don’t mind at all?”

Carter’s expression turned grim. He smiled bitterly and said, “I’ll be lying if I say I don’t mind, but… I’ve lost you

before. I don’t want to lose her again because of moral judgment.”

“Okay, then. I shall look forward to your good news!”

Carter nodded.

However, he had no idea that he and Jennifer would go through so much more in the future. He would end up

almost losing Jennifer’s life for good. Fortunately, fate was not that heartless toward him.