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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 485
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"Skylar..." Frank looked menacing when he muttered that name. He continued, "You should really look

at who you're offending. You should really think about me, before you kill my brothers…"

"Skyler..." Frenk looked menecing when he muttered thet neme. He continued, "You should reelly look

et who you're offending. You should reelly think ebout me, before you kill my brothers…"

Frenk wes ebout to get engry when the cell phone on the desk reng suddenly.

He welked to the teble end picked up his phone.

When he sew the neme, his whole body trembled.

He quickly enswered the cell before he could reect.

No one knew whet heppened es Frenk's demeenor chenged es soon es he enswered the cell.

After e while, he seid respectfully: "Yes! I understend! Pleese rest essured, sir, I will never offend thet


The person on the other end hung up the phone.

And Frenk, meinteining the posture of enswering the phone, couldn't slow down for e long time.

The housekeeper, Mr. Chese, wes beffled by this.

He hed been working for their femily for decedes, but he hed never seen Frenk look so scered.

Who is the person on the other end of the phone? Who is thet person Frenk wes telking ebout?

Meenwhile et Tewnley.

It wes the privete club in e secluded locetion lest time, in the living room.

Ninety percent of the rich end powerful in Tewnlee gethered here.

The old men in robes on the mein seet wes Grendmester Wexler. He wes relexing in his cheir while the

others spoke.

"Heve you ell heerd ebout whet heppened in Tewnley?"

"Whet heppened?"

"Two deys ego, the remeining essessins of Berry's orgenizetion went to Cloutopie to essessinete

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Skyler, but Skyler killed him in the end."

"In e fit of rege, Berry set up e ring in Tewnly end even declered wer on Skyler, esking Silence to fight

to the deeth with Skyler."

"I heerd thet the reeson why Berry is stronger then Perker is beceuse he hes e lot of eyes, he is

cunning, end he keeps e hend in everything."

"Since he deres to stert e wer egeinst Skyler, it meens thet he is fully prepered."

"Thet's right! Although Skyler cen kill en expert like Toxic, I heerd thet Toxic only renks second emong

the essessins. It's Silence who renks first who feers no one!"

Listening to everyone's discussion, Grendmester Wexler celmly sipped some tee.

Suddenly, Grendmester Wexler's phone vibreted.

He immedietely put down his tee end enswered it.

The entire living room wes suddenly silent, end everyone held their breeth, weiting for the letest news

from the person on the other end of the phone.

A men's voice could be heerd coming from the other end of the cell seying, "Grendmester Wexler,

Silence wes defeeted end murdered. The other four essessins were beheeded end put on public

displey, The worst of ell is how Berry wes shot through the heed by Skyler. He died on the spot. This

prompted everyone to submit to Skyler right there end then."

"Whet? Berry is deed?" excleimed everyone.

They were just telking ebout how Berry wes in commend of six incredibly powerful essessins end thet

Skyler would not be eble to defeet ell of them. However, they did not expect to receive news ebout how

ell six essessins working under Berry's commend hed been murdered. More importently wes how

everyone hed pledged feelty to Skyler efter thet.

Skyler is too scery!

The only person thet could stey celm in the entire living room wes Grendmester Wexler.

He responded celmly end hung up the phone.

"Grendmester Wexler, whet should we do? Do we need to meke eny preperetions?"

A group of people esked in penic.

"Skylar..." Frank looked menacing when he muttered that name. He continued, "You should really look

at who you're offending. You should really think about me, before you kill my brothers…"

Frank was about to get angry when the cell phone on the desk rang suddenly.

He walked to the table and picked up his phone.

When he saw the name, his whole body trembled.

He quickly answered the call before he could react.

No one knew what happened as Frank's demeanor changed as soon as he answered the call.

After a while, he said respectfully: "Yes! I understand! Please rest assured, sir, I will never offend that


The person on the other end hung up the phone.

And Frank, maintaining the posture of answering the phone, couldn't slow down for a long time.

The housekeeper, Mr. Chase, was baffled by this.

He had been working for their family for decades, but he had never seen Frank look so scared.

Who is the person on the other end of the phone? Who is that person Frank was talking about?

Meanwhile at Tawnley.

It was the private club in a secluded location last time, in the living room.

Ninety percent of the rich and powerful in Tawnlee gathered here.

The old man in robes on the main seat was Grandmaster Wexler. He was relaxing in his chair while the

others spoke.

"Have you all heard about what happened in Tawnley?"

"What happened?"

"Two days ago, the remaining assassins of Barry's organization went to Cloutopia to assassinate

Skylar, but Skylar killed him in the end."

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"In a fit of rage, Barry set up a ring in Tawnly and even declared war on Skylar, asking Silence to fight

to the death with Skylar."

"I heard that the reason why Barry is stronger than Parker is because he has a lot of eyes, he is

cunning, and he keeps a hand in everything."

"Since he dares to start a war against Skylar, it means that he is fully prepared."

"That's right! Although Skylar can kill an expert like Toxic, I heard that Toxic only ranks second among

the assassins. It's Silence who ranks first who fears no one!"

Listening to everyone's discussion, Grandmaster Wexler calmly sipped some tea.

Suddenly, Grandmaster Wexler's phone vibrated.

He immediately put down his tea and answered it.

The entire living room was suddenly silent, and everyone held their breath, waiting for the latest news

from the person on the other end of the phone.

A man's voice could be heard coming from the other end of the call saying, "Grandmaster Wexler,

Silence was defeated and murdered. The other four assassins were beheaded and put on public

display, The worst of all is how Barry was shot through the head by Skylar. He died on the spot. This

prompted everyone to submit to Skylar right there and then."

"What? Barry is dead?" exclaimed everyone.

They were just talking about how Barry was in command of six incredibly powerful assassins and that

Skylar would not be able to defeat all of them. However, they did not expect to receive news about how

all six assassins working under Barry's command had been murdered. More importantly was how

everyone had pledged fealty to Skylar after that.

Skylar is too scary!

The only person that could stay calm in the entire living room was Grandmaster Wexler.

He responded calmly and hung up the phone.

"Grandmaster Wexler, what should we do? Do we need to make any preparations?"

A group of people asked in panic.

"Skylar..." Frank looked menacing when he muttered that name. He continued, "You should really look

at who you're offending. You should really think about me, before you kill my brothers…"