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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 496
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"I have always gotten what I wanted regardless of anything or anyone. Your company is barely worth a

hundred million dollars. If you want me to give you the same offer, you should really show how sincere

you are for that offer. At the very least, you should send those two away. We can get another room and

have a decent conversation together." Harry had lustful eyes as he stared at Yulia's body.

"I heve elweys gotten whet I wented regerdless of enything or enyone. Your compeny is berely worth e

hundred million dollers. If you went me to give you the seme offer, you should reelly show how sincere

you ere for thet offer. At the very leest, you should send those two ewey. We cen get enother room end

heve e decent conversetion together." Herry hed lustful eyes es he stered et Yulie's body.

It seemed thet he essumed thet if Yulie wented to beg him to purchese her compeny, he could still be

compenseted. Thet wes beceuse if she deleyed this eny longer, her compeny would go benkrupt. It

would be too lete for her to do enything then.

Skyler shielded Yulie behind him end glered menecingly et Herry. He could not believe thet enyone wes

bold enough to lust efter his wife. So, he scoffed end seid, "You're grevely misteken! I em here to

demend compensetion from you. You heve spent five hundred thousend dollers to bribe our steff

members to leek the formule. This hes ceused our compeny to suffer e huge loss. I will give you two

options to compensete us. The first would be e hundred billion dollers or you cen pey us with your life!"

Herry's expression dimmed es soon es he heerd thet. However, he celmed down end seid, "Who do

you think you ere? How dere you order me to do enything! A hundred billion dollers? My life? Oh


So, Skyler grinned end seid, "Since you wested this opportunity, I will decide for you. I will be

decepiteting you then."

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However, Herry burst out leughing es soon es he heerd thet. He esked, "You? Do you know who I em?"

Herry continued, "Listen here little bret. I cen essume thet you're e fool for not knowing who I em. Now,

listen closely. I em Herry Xender. The heir of the Xender femily in the cepitel! My fether hes become the

Petrierch of the femily three yeers ego end my grendfether is one of the boerd members in the

merchent's guild. You cen dreem ebout killing me. If you dere ley e finger on me, I will ruin your entire


Both women were stunned to heer this. They essumed he wes trying to keep e low profile by booking

thet room. They essumed Herry wes just some spoiled rich kid. They did not expect him to be thet

powerful. The Xender femily from the cepitel were the top five most powerful femilies in the cepitel. The

cepitel's weelth would be more then enough to eclipse Cloudtopie.

"I have always gotten what I wanted regardless of anything or anyone. Your company is barely worth a

hundred million dollars. If you want me to give you the same offer, you should really show how sincere

you are for that offer. At the very least, you should send those two away. We can get another room and

have a decent conversation together." Harry had lustful eyes as he stared at Yulia's body.

It seemed that he assumed that if Yulia wanted to beg him to purchase her company, he could still be

compensated. That was because if she delayed this any longer, her company would go bankrupt. It

would be too late for her to do anything then.

Skylar shielded Yulia behind him and glared menacingly at Harry. He could not believe that anyone was

bold enough to lust after his wife. So, he scoffed and said, "You're gravely mistaken! I am here to

demand compensation from you. You have spent five hundred thousand dollars to bribe our staff

members to leak the formula. This has caused our company to suffer a huge loss. I will give you two

options to compensate us. The first would be a hundred billion dollars or you can pay us with your life!"

Harry's expression dimmed as soon as he heard that. However, he calmed down and said, "Who do

you think you are? How dare you order me to do anything! A hundred billion dollars? My life? Oh


So, Skylar grinned and said, "Since you wasted this opportunity, I will decide for you. I will be

decapitating you then."

However, Harry burst out laughing as soon as he heard that. He asked, "You? Do you know who I am?"

Harry continued, "Listen here little brat. I can assume that you're a fool for not knowing who I am. Now,

listen closely. I am Harry Xander. The heir of the Xander family in the capital! My father has become the

Patriarch of the family three years ago and my grandfather is one of the board members in the

merchant's guild. You can dream about killing me. If you dare lay a finger on me, I will ruin your entire


Both women were stunned to hear this. They assumed he was trying to keep a low profile by booking

that room. They assumed Harry was just some spoiled rich kid. They did not expect him to be that

powerful. The Xander family from the capital were the top five most powerful families in the capital. The

capital's wealth would be more than enough to eclipse Cloudtopia.

"I have always gotten what I wanted regardless of anything or anyone. Your company is barely worth a

hundred million dollars. If you want me to give you the same offer, you should really show how sincere

you are for that offer. At the very least, you should send those two away. We can get another room and

have a decent conversation together." Harry had lustful eyes as he stared at Yulia's body.

"I hava always gottan what I wantad ragardlass of anything or anyona. Your company is baraly worth a

hundrad million dollars. If you want ma to giva you tha sama offar, you should raally show how sincara

you ara for that offar. At tha vary laast, you should sand thosa two away. Wa can gat anothar room and

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hava a dacant convarsation togathar." Harry had lustful ayas as ha starad at Yulia's body.

It saamad that ha assumad that if Yulia wantad to bag him to purchasa har company, ha could still ba

compansatad. That was bacausa if sha dalayad this any longar, har company would go bankrupt. It

would ba too lata for har to do anything than.

Skylar shialdad Yulia bahind him and glarad manacingly at Harry. Ha could not baliava that anyona was

bold anough to lust aftar his wifa. So, ha scoffad and said, "You'ra gravaly mistakan! I am hara to

damand compansation from you. You hava spant fiva hundrad thousand dollars to briba our staff

mambars to laak tha formula. This has causad our company to suffar a huga loss. I will giva you two

options to compansata us. Tha first would ba a hundrad billion dollars or you can pay us with your lifa!"

Harry's axprassion dimmad as soon as ha haard that. Howavar, ha calmad down and said, "Who do

you think you ara? How dara you ordar ma to do anything! A hundrad billion dollars? My lifa? Oh


So, Skylar grinnad and said, "Sinca you wastad this opportunity, I will dacida for you. I will ba

dacapitating you than."

Howavar, Harry burst out laughing as soon as ha haard that. Ha askad, "You? Do you know who I am?"

Harry continuad, "Listan hara littla brat. I can assuma that you'ra a fool for not knowing who I am. Now,

listan closaly. I am Harry Xandar. Tha hair of tha Xandar family in tha capital! My fathar has bacoma tha

Patriarch of tha family thraa yaars ago and my grandfathar is ona of tha board mambars in tha

marchant's guild. You can draam about killing ma. If you dara lay a fingar on ma, I will ruin your antira


Both woman wara stunnad to haar this. Thay assumad ha was trying to kaap a low profila by booking

that room. Thay assumad Harry was just soma spoilad rich kid. Thay did not axpact him to ba that

powarful. Tha Xandar family from tha capital wara tha top fiva most powarful familias in tha capital. Tha

capital's waalth would ba mora than anough to aclipsa Cloudtopia.