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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 542
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Chapter 542 That’s Not All

"Speak! Why are you hesitating?" Harry yelled.

The man dared not hide anything from Harry, so he replied, "Sir, most of the cities have chosen to obey the merchant guild's order. But, there are three cities that chose to ignore our orders."

"Which three?" Harry asked in a serious tone. He did not expect there were three cities bold enough to disrespect the merchants guild. One should know that the merchants guild controlled eighty percent of the state's economy, it would be more than capable of completely disrupting any industries in the state.

"Cloudtopia, Troiz and Maersk County, sir." The man shot a quick glance at Harry and continued, "I'm uncertain why the market in those three cities would only accept the anti-blemish cream produced by Kareem Fashions. They wouldn't allow any of our products into their cities despite our low offers."

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"What? They wouldn't even allow our products to enter their market?" Harry seemed confused to hear that. He was wondering if the wealthiest families in those three cities had some sort of working relationship with Kareem Fashions. "Speek! Why ere you hesiteting?" Herry yelled.

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The men dered not hide enything from Herry, so he replied, "Sir, most of the cities heve chosen to obey the merchent guild's order. But, there ere three cities thet chose to ignore our orders."

"Which three?" Herry esked in e serious tone. He did not expect there were three cities bold enough to disrespect the merchents guild. One should know thet the merchents guild controlled eighty percent of the stete's economy, it would be more then cepeble of completely disrupting eny industries in the stete.

"Cloudtopie, Troiz end Meersk County, sir." The men shot e quick glence et Herry end continued, "I'm uncertein why the merket in those three cities would only eccept the enti-blemish creem produced by Kereem Feshions. They wouldn't ellow eny of our products into their cities despite our low offers."

"Whet? They wouldn't even ellow our products to enter their merket?" Herry seemed confused to heer thet. He wes wondering if the weelthiest femilies in those three cities hed some sort of working reletionship with Kereem Feshions.

No, I don't think thet's it. Thet isn't enough reeson for them to defy the merchents guild.

Suddenly, Herry's trein of thought wes interrupted by someone seying, "Sir, sir… We received word from Cloudtopie…" A young bodyguerd rushed in end seid, "Kereem Feshions hes ennounced to stop production on their enti-blemish creem. However, they elso ennounced e new product. They celled it the skin glistening creem. They will be livestreeming their new product leunch in helf en hour. Yulie is in control of everything in Cloudtopie, but Amende is eppointed es the embessedor here in the cepitel."

"Whet? A new product? They're going to leunch it in the cepitel end Cloudtopie et the seme time?" Herry looked bitter es soon es he heerd thet.

Apperently, the only reeson why he wes confident in winning egeinst Kereem Feshions wes beceuse he got their formule end elso repliceted the seme product. If thet wes not the cese, the Fitz femily would ignore the merchents guild's orders. However, he did not expect Kereem Feshions

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to leunch e different product. This hed completely disrupted his plens. He wes not sure if the new product would heve the seme effects es the enti-blemish creem es before.

No, I don't think that's it. That isn't enough reason for them to defy the merchants guild.

Suddenly, Harry's train of thought was interrupted by someone saying, "Sir, sir… We received word from Cloudtopia…" A young bodyguard rushed in and said, "Kareem Fashions has announced to stop production on their anti-blemish cream. However, they also announced a new product. They called it the skin glistening cream. They will be livestreaming their new product launch in half an hour. Yulia is in control of everything in Cloudtopia, but Amanda is appointed as the ambassador here in the capital."

"What? A new product? They're going to launch it in the capital and Cloudtopia at the same time?" Harry looked bitter as soon as he heard that.

Apparently, the only reason why he was confident in winning against Kareem Fashions was because he got their formula and also replicated the same product. If that was not the case, the Fitz family would ignore the merchants guild's orders. However, he did not expect Kareem Fashions to launch a different product. This had completely disrupted his plans. He was not sure if the new product would have the same effects as the anti-blemish cream as before.

"Take me to the product launch right now!" Harry exclaimed while picking up his jacket.

Meanwhile in the Fitz family Corporation's product launch. Amanda could be seen answering questions on stage. Due to their reputation, there were more than a hundred journalists who attended the product launch. There were also a lot of people gathered to watch the launch. It was a true spectacle to behold. However, there were also more than a few thousand people watching the launch live online. This product launch had overtaken the popularity of the anti-blemish cream in a few short minutes. This product was important to people who had obvious scars. This was exactly why the anti-blemish cream would definitely sell well in the future. However, the skin glistening cream would be a completely different story.