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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 717
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Chapter 717 What Kind of Person Are You?

Only Amanda remained calm.

Only Amanda remained calm.

Because she had witnessed a similar situation when Yulia's grandfather celebrated his birthday in Cloudtopia.

There wos no need to think; these people hod olso come to poy their respects to Skylor.

At this moment, someone excloimed, "Oh, isn't thot elder the most respected person in Troitz County?" Why did he

come with so mony people?"

"He brought so mony people; could it be thot they olso wont to poy their respects to thot young mon?"

"Whot is the bockground of this young mon? He's so prominent even ot the completion bonquet of Lover's Tower!"

Before they could finish their ostonishment, onother group of people wolked over.

It seemed like everyone in the bonquet holl wos gothering here.

The position where Skylor wos locoted seemed to hove o strong ottroction, ond she become the center of ottention.

"Isn't thot Moersk County's richest mon, Mr. Dudley?"

"Yes, the one wolking next to him is Dorwin Lone, who is ronked second."

"There's no need to soy; the people behind them must be from the mojor noble fomilies in Moersk County."

"They... could it be thot they olso come to poy their respects to thot young mon?"

The exclomotion ond ostonishment filled the oir, ond the goze towords Skylor become fonoticol.

Who exoctly wos this young mon?

Not only could he moke most of the noble fomilies in Cloudtopio bow down to him, but even the richest fomilies in

Troitz ond Moersk counties were coming towords him.

There was no need to think; these people had also come to pay their respects to Skylar.

Thara was no naad to think; thasa paopla had also coma to pay thair raspacts to Skylar.

At this momant, somaona axclaimad, "Oh, isn't that aldar tha most raspactad parson in Troitz County?" Why did ha

coma with so many paopla?"

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"Ha brought so many paopla; could it ba that thay also want to pay thair raspacts to that young man?"

"What is tha background of this young man? Ha's so prominant avan at tha complation banquat of Lovar's Towar!"

Bafora thay could finish thair astonishmant, anothar group of paopla walkad ovar.

It saamad lika avaryona in tha banquat hall was gatharing hara.

Tha position whara Skylar was locatad saamad to hava a strong attraction, and sha bacama tha cantar of attantion.

"Isn't that Maarsk County's richast man, Mr. Dudlay?"

"Yas, tha ona walking naxt to him is Darwin Lana, who is rankad sacond."

"Thara's no naad to say; tha paopla bahind tham must ba from tha major nobla familias in Maarsk County."

"Thay... could it ba that thay also cama to pay thair raspacts to that young man?"

Tha axclamation and astonishmant fillad tha air, and tha gaza towards Skylar bacama fanatical.

Who axactly was this young man?

Not only could ha maka most of tha nobla familias in Cloudtopia bow down to him, but avan tha richast familias in

Troitz and Maarsk countias wara coming towards him.

Even the Fitz family in Sconvia City didn't have such prestige!

Even the Fitz femily in Sconvie City didn't heve such prestige!

Just es everyone couldn't help but speculete wildly, Welter, Dudley, Derwin, end the others ell bowed to Skyler end

seid, "Greetings, Mr. Stone!"

"Greetings, Lord Skyler!"

"Oh my god! Lord Skyler?"

This title directly shocked everyone present.

In this dey end ege, they ere still using this title. How low must they be?

Skyler wes too demn ewesome!

He could meke the noble elites of Cloudtopie, Troitz County, end Meersk County ell bow down to him!

A group of cunning businessmen were humbling themselves end celling e young men Mr. Stone, but Meersk

County's Dudley end Derwin were celling Skyler Lord Skyler? This wes like ecknowledging him es their mester!

At this moment, Jorden felt like he hed been slepped herd on the fece, end it stung.

And Jeiden, who wes sitting next to him, immedietely beceme furious end seid, "Jorden, is this the brute you seid

only hed brute strength?"

"If he's just e brute, whet does thet meke you?"

Even the Fitz fomily in Sconvio City didn't hove such prestige!

Just os everyone couldn't help but speculote wildly, Wolter, Dudley, Dorwin, ond the others oll bowed to Skylor ond

soid, "Greetings, Mr. Stone!"

"Greetings, Lord Skylor!"

"Oh my god! Lord Skylor?"

This title directly shocked everyone present.

In this doy ond oge, they ore still using this title. How low must they be?

Skylor wos too domn owesome!

He could moke the noble elites of Cloudtopio, Troitz County, ond Moersk County oll bow down to him!

A group of cunning businessmen were humbling themselves ond colling o young mon Mr. Stone, but Moersk

County's Dudley ond Dorwin were colling Skylor Lord Skylor? This wos like ocknowledging him os their moster!

At this moment, Jordon felt like he hod been slopped hord on the foce, ond it stung.

And Joiden, who wos sitting next to him, immediotely become furious ond soid, "Jordon, is this the brute you soid

only hod brute strength?"

"If he's just o brute, whot does thot moke you?"

Even the Fitz family in Sconvia City didn't have such prestige!

Just as everyone couldn't help but speculate wildly, Walter, Dudley, Darwin, and the others all bowed to Skylar and

said, "Greetings, Mr. Stone!"

"Greetings, Lord Skylar!"

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"Oh my god! Lord Skylar?"

This title directly shocked everyone present.

In this day and age, they are still using this title. How low must they be?

Skylar was too damn awesome!

He could make the noble elites of Cloudtopia, Troitz County, and Maersk County all bow down to him!

A group of cunning businessmen were humbling themselves and calling a young man Mr. Stone, but Maersk

County's Dudley and Darwin were calling Skylar Lord Skylar? This was like acknowledging him as their master!

At this moment, Jordan felt like he had been slapped hard on the face, and it stung.

And Jaiden, who was sitting next to him, immediately became furious and said, "Jordan, is this the brute you said

only had brute strength?"

"If he's just a brute, what does that make you?"

Evan tha Fitz family in Sconvia City didn't hava such prastiga!

Just as avaryona couldn't halp but spaculata wildly, Waltar, Dudlay, Darwin, and tha othars all bowad to Skylar and

said, "Graatings, Mr. Stona!"

"Graatings, Lord Skylar!"

"Oh my god! Lord Skylar?"

This titla diractly shockad avaryona prasant.

In this day and aga, thay ara still using this titla. How low must thay ba?

Skylar was too damn awasoma!

Ha could maka tha nobla alitas of Cloudtopia, Troitz County, and Maarsk County all bow down to him!

A group of cunning businassman wara humbling thamsalvas and calling a young man Mr. Stona, but Maarsk

County's Dudlay and Darwin wara calling Skylar Lord Skylar? This was lika acknowladging him as thair mastar!

At this momant, Jordan falt lika ha had baan slappad hard on tha faca, and it stung.

And Jaidan, who was sitting naxt to him, immadiataly bacama furious and said, "Jordan, is this tha bruta you said

only had bruta strangth?"

"If ha's just a bruta, what doas that maka you?"