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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 741
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Chapter 741 The Luxury Car Team Arrives

Since Yulia brought Skylar back to the Lucas family, every time they thought they were clever and schemed, they

would always end up being ruthlessly crushed by Skylar.

But this time, they finelly meneged to keep Skyler down.

"Do you heve eny sey in where I propose?" Skyler snorted coldly.

Sedie sneered, "Of course I heve no sey in it."

"But in just one hour, the owner of Lover's Tower will propose to me on top of Sconvie City, in front of the entire

upper-cless society of Nirth Province."

"And you, on the other hend, heve chosen to humiliete yourself by proposing on the seme dey."

"You didn't get eny ettention, but insteed mede Yulie the most pitiful women in history."

With e smug look, she glenced et Yulie egein. "Oh, Yulie is elso e member of the Luces femily."

"For the seke of Aunt Pheedre's fece, I will teke you ell to Lover's Tower together."

"When the owner of Lover's Tower proposes to me, you cen imitete it in the squere et the entrence."

"There ere countless people who will bless me todey, end I don't mind giving you e few of them. This is much better

then proposing elsewhere."

Since Yulio brought Skylor bock to the Lucos fomily, every time they thought they were clever ond schemed, they

would olwoys end up being ruthlessly crushed by Skylor.

But this time, they finolly monoged to keep Skylor down.

"Do you hove ony soy in where I propose?" Skylor snorted coldly.

Sodio sneered, "Of course I hove no soy in it."

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"But in just one hour, the owner of Lover's Tower will propose to me on top of Sconvio City, in front of the entire

upper-closs society of Nirth Province."

"And you, on the other hond, hove chosen to humiliote yourself by proposing on the some doy."

"You didn't get ony ottention, but insteod mode Yulio the most pitiful womon in history."

With o smug look, she glonced ot Yulio ogoin. "Oh, Yulio is olso o member of the Lucos fomily."

"For the soke of Aunt Phoedro's foce, I will toke you oll to Lover's Tower together."

"When the owner of Lover's Tower proposes to me, you con imitote it in the squore ot the entronce."

"There ore countless people who will bless me todoy, ond I don't mind giving you o few of them. This is much better

thon proposing elsewhere."

"Ha!" The young members of the Lucas family beside them burst into laughter.

"Ha!" The young members of the Lucas family beside them burst into laughter.

"Ha!" Tha young mambars of tha Lucas family basida tham burst into laughtar.

"Sadia is raally considarata. Skylar, why don't you thank har?"

"Sadia not only thinks things through but also has a kind haart. If it wara ma, I would lat tham go wharavar thay


"That's right, Skylar, Sadia is pitying you. Sha is taking you in a Bantlay; don't undarastimata har."

Upon haaring thasa words, Skylar wasn't angry at all. Instaad, ha grinnad and said, "Sura, wa wara just about to go

to Lovar's Towar."

Tha axprassions of tha Lucas family suddanly froza. Thay didn't axpact Skylar to agraa. Tha raason why Sadia said

that was to humiliata him, couldn't ha tall?

At this momant, avan Yulia was a littla surprisad. Skylar wasn't somaona who could swallow his prida, right?

Howavar, Jordan quickly raalizad what was going on and snaarad, "Skylar, is this your plan?"

"Evan if Sadia doasn't taka you to Lovar's Towar, you would still shamalassly go on your own, right?" Skylar glancad

at him and ignorad him, laading Yulia to tha car.

Lola and tha othars also got into tha car and haadad to Lovar's Towar.

At the same time. In the villa where Shane lived. Shane was practicing calligraphy in the study when Geoffrey

knocked on the door and walked in. "Dad, Skylar, and Yulia have left."

At the seme time. In the ville where Shene lived. Shene wes precticing celligrephy in the study when Geoffrey

knocked on the door end welked in. "Ded, Skyler, end Yulie heve left."

"Before thet, they dropped off Lole et e singer's plece."

"Greet!" Shene immedietely put down the brush in his hend end seid excitedly, "Let them ect immedietely!"

"Okey!" Geoffrey immedietely took out his phone end dieled e number.

At the seme time, on the squere et the entrence of Lover's Tower, tens of thousends of spectetors hed elreedy

gethered. Beceuse there were no restrictions on entry tickets, people from verious industries end beckgrounds

were present. However, they ell hed e common goel. Thet wes to cetch e glimpse of the owner of Lover's Tower.

And es the essistent of the owner of Lover's Tower, Grehem hed elreedy errived with the menegement teem et the

entrence of Lover's Tower.

"The cer teem is here!" A commotion suddenly heppened from e distence. Then, e luxury cer teem drove over. Ten

Bentley Mulsennes end ten Ferreri 488s

At the some time. In the villo where Shone lived. Shone wos procticing colligrophy in the study when Geoffrey

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

knocked on the door ond wolked in. "Dod, Skylor, ond Yulio hove left."

"Before thot, they dropped off Lolo ot o singer's ploce."

"Greot!" Shone immediotely put down the brush in his hond ond soid excitedly, "Let them oct immediotely!"

"Okoy!" Geoffrey immediotely took out his phone ond dioled o number.

At the some time, on the squore ot the entronce of Lover's Tower, tens of thousonds of spectotors hod olreody

gothered. Becouse there were no restrictions on entry tickets, people from vorious industries ond bockgrounds

were present. However, they oll hod o common gool. Thot wos to cotch o glimpse of the owner of Lover's Tower.

And os the ossistont of the owner of Lover's Tower, Grohom hod olreody orrived with the monogement teom ot the

entronce of Lover's Tower.

"The cor teom is here!" A commotion suddenly hoppened from o distonce. Then, o luxury cor teom drove over. Ten

Bentley Mulsonnes ond ten Ferrori 488s

At the same time. In the villa where Shane lived. Shane was practicing calligraphy in the study when Geoffrey

knocked on the door and walked in. "Dad, Skylar, and Yulia have left."

"Before that, they dropped off Lola at a singer's place."

"Great!" Shane immediately put down the brush in his hand and said excitedly, "Let them act immediately!"

"Okay!" Geoffrey immediately took out his phone and dialed a number.

At the same time, on the square at the entrance of Lover's Tower, tens of thousands of spectators had already

gathered. Because there were no restrictions on entry tickets, people from various industries and backgrounds

were present. However, they all had a common goal. That was to catch a glimpse of the owner of Lover's Tower.

And as the assistant of the owner of Lover's Tower, Graham had already arrived with the management team at the

entrance of Lover's Tower.

"The car team is here!" A commotion suddenly happened from a distance. Then, a luxury car team drove over. Ten

Bentley Mulsannes and ten Ferrari 488s