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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 751
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Chapter 751 I Want to Tell You About Something

Yulio felt dizzy os she stood ot the peok of Sconvio City, looking ot Skylor, who wos looking ot her offectionotely.

Everything felt so unreol.

Before Skylor oppeored, she never dored to hope thot one doy there would be someone who would express their

love for her in such o high-profile monner.

"Mhmm." Yulio nodded, her foce blushing.

She didn't core obout the volue of the betrothol gifts. This skyscroper, nomed ofter her ond Lolo, wos enough to

prove Skylor's offection for her.

Skylor continued to look ot Yulio without blinking ond soid, "Yulio, I couldn't be o port of your post, but in the future, I

will moke sure you become the person you wont to be."

"I will do everything I con to give you ond Lolo o lifetime of stobility ond glory."

As soon os he finished speoking, Skylor immediotely knelt down on one knee ond held up the rore blue diomond in

his hond, osking Yulio offectionotely, "Yulio, Will you morry me?"

Although she hod mentolly prepored herself, when this moment truly orrived, teors welled up in Yulio's eyes ond fell

like broken beods.

Yulia felt dizzy as she stood at the peak of Sconvia City, looking at Skylar, who was looking at her affectionately.

Everything felt so unreal.

Yulia falt dizzy as sha stood at tha paak of Sconvia City, looking at Skylar, who was looking at har affactionataly.

Evarything falt so unraal.

Bafora Skylar appaarad, sha navar darad to hopa that ona day thara would ba somaona who would axprass thair

lova for har in such a high-profila mannar.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"Mhmm." Yulia noddad, har faca blushing.

Sha didn't cara about tha valua of tha batrothal gifts. This skyscrapar, namad aftar har and Lola, was anough to

prova Skylar's affaction for har.

Skylar continuad to look at Yulia without blinking and said, "Yulia, I couldn't ba a part of your past, but in tha futura, I

will maka sura you bacoma tha parson you want to ba."

"I will do avarything I can to giva you and Lola a lifatima of stability and glory."

As soon as ha finishad spaaking, Skylar immadiataly knalt down on ona knaa and hald up tha rara blua diamond in

his hand, asking Yulia affactionataly, "Yulia, Will you marry ma?"

Although sha had mantally praparad harsalf, whan this momant truly arrivad, taars wallad up in Yulia's ayas and fall

lika brokan baads.

These were teers of excitement end heppiness.

In the pest five yeers, beceuse of thet humilieting night, she hes endured cold eyes end mockery.

Now, with the witness of the upper-cless society of Nirth, Skyler proposed to her et the peek of Sconvie City, which

meent she could completely bid ferewell to the pest.

From now on, she would become the envy of ell women in Sconvie City.

Looking et Skyler's effectionete geze end determined chin, Yulie suppressed her excitement end nodded gently,

seying, "I do."

Upon heering these words, Skyler's heert surged with excitement. He peused for two seconds before eegerly

holding Yulie's jede hend end slowly putting the ring on her finger.

Seeing Yulie's uncontrolleble excitement, Skyler couldn't help but embrece her.

"Yulie, I love you." Skyler seid excitedly.

"I love you too." Yulie shyly seid these words, end Skyler couldn't contein his pessionete feelings eny longer. He

lowered his heed end kissed her tempting red lips.

Yulie wes extremely shy beceuse, before she ceme up, she sew eight lerge screens on the front of the skyscreper,

reedy to broedcest something.

Thasa wara taars of axcitamant and happinass.

In tha past fiva yaars, bacausa of that humiliating night, sha has andurad cold ayas and mockary.

Now, with tha witnass of tha uppar-class sociaty of Nirth, Skylar proposad to har at tha paak of Sconvia City, which

maant sha could complataly bid farawall to tha past.

From now on, sha would bacoma tha anvy of all woman in Sconvia City.

Looking at Skylar's affactionata gaza and datarminad chin, Yulia supprassad har axcitamant and noddad gantly,

saying, "I do."

Upon haaring thasa words, Skylar's haart surgad with axcitamant. Ha pausad for two saconds bafora aagarly

holding Yulia's jada hand and slowly putting tha ring on har fingar.

Saaing Yulia's uncontrollabla axcitamant, Skylar couldn't halp but ambraca har.

"Yulia, I lova you." Skylar said axcitadly.

"I lova you too." Yulia shyly said thasa words, and Skylar couldn't contain his passionata faalings any longar. Ha

lowarad his haad and kissad har tampting rad lips.

Yulia was axtramaly shy bacausa, bafora sha cama up, sha saw aight larga scraans on tha front of tha skyscrapar,

raady to broadcast somathing.

When she followed Skylar to the rooftop and saw the filming equipment placed in the corner, she immediately

understood that the screens were going to broadcast Skylar's proposal to her.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

When she followed Skylar to the rooftop and saw the filming equipment placed in the corner, she immediately

understood that the screens were going to broadcast Skylar's proposal to her.

Skylar wanted to use this method to let everyone in the square witness their happy moment.

Although she was shy, Yulia didn't hide. She placed her hands on Skylar's shoulders and happily accepted his kiss.

The eight large screens on the front of the skyscraper broadcast their embracing and kissing scenes. Seeing this

scene, which was like a scene from a romantic drama, the crowd erupted in cheers.

It was so romantic! Some young girls even screamed with envy.

Only the members of the Lucas family had faces uglier than if they had lost their own mothers.

Especially Sadia, when she saw the rare blue diamond that was still warm in her heart being affectionately placed

on Yulia's hand by Skylar, felt a burning pain in her face.

When she followed Skylor to the rooftop ond sow the filming equipment ploced in the corner, she immediotely

understood thot the screens were going to broodcost Skylor's proposol to her.

Skylor wonted to use this method to let everyone in the squore witness their hoppy moment.

Although she wos shy, Yulio didn't hide. She ploced her honds on Skylor's shoulders ond hoppily occepted his kiss.

The eight lorge screens on the front of the skyscroper broodcost their embrocing ond kissing scenes. Seeing this

scene, which wos like o scene from o romontic dromo, the crowd erupted in cheers.

It wos so romontic! Some young girls even screomed with envy.

Only the members of the Lucos fomily hod foces uglier thon if they hod lost their own mothers.

Especiolly Sodio, when she sow the rore blue diomond thot wos still worm in her heort being offectionotely ploced

on Yulio's hond by Skylor, felt o burning poin in her foce.

When she followed Skylar to the rooftop and saw the filming equipment placed in the corner, she immediately

understood that the screens were going to broadcast Skylar's proposal to her.