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Unexpected Blessing After Divorce

Chapter 75
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Chapter 75 Is A Boy Not Okay?

Yuliana looked into his eyes and was at a loss for a moment.

At that brief moment, Christopher held her face and kissed her passionately.

Yuliana’s pupils instantly dilated when she saw the enlarged face in front of her. She came back to her senses and

placed her hand on Christopher’s muscular chest, trying to push him away, but she failed. Instead, Christopher held

her face and kissed her even more intensely.

Yuliana bit him, but it seemed he could not feel the pain. Even if the taste of blood was spreading in his mouth, he

did not mean to stop at all.

Yuliana felt pain and numbness in her lips, and she was gradually suffocating. Her mind was a mess, and her hands

and feet were a little weak.

She felt like she was going to suffocate.

She couldn’t help but grab Christopher’s chest tightly out of instinct, like a drowning person grabbing the only

floating wood available.

Tears rolled down from the corner of her eyes, wetting his fingers.

Christopher suddenly pulled himself back to his senses when he felt her tears.

He looked at Yuliana and let go of her lips, but he still held her face with both hands. The tip of his nose was against

the tip of her nose, gently rubbing and comforting her.

He whispered in a hoarse voice, “Yuliana… Yuliana… Ana…”

Yuliana was still a little confused. She breathed heavily, and her ears were buzzing. She didn’t hear what he was

saying at all.

After a while, when Yuliana was a little awake, Christopher kissed her again.

However, this kiss was different from the previous one. The previous kiss made Yuliana feel like drowning. This time,

Christopher gently pecked her lips again and again, carefully and cherishing them, as if he was treating his beloved

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Yuliana’s lips felt ticklish, and she was a little distracted. She was slightly sober and felt that their behavior was

inappropriate at the moment, but she couldn’t concentrate on her thoughts.

Her hand holding the clothing on his chest curled up and released repeatedly.

Over and over again, as if something was tugging at her heart.

In the room, the sound of water coming from the bathroom was a little loud in the quiet room.

Yuliana was sitting in a chair. She hadn’t figured out how things went this far.

She raised her hand to cover her face and sighed softly, feeling annoyed.

Christopher simply washed the bloodstains on his hands and came out of the bathroom. He saw Yuliana sitting there

with her face covered. He didn’t know what she was thinking about.

He walked over and squatted down, staring at her quietly.

Yuliana didn’t notice that Christopher was in front of her. She didn’t know how to face him at the moment, so she

didn’t take away the hand that was covering her face.

Christopher laughed in a low voice. He lifted a strand of hair near her ear with his fingers. “Are you shy?” Hearing

this, Yuliana was silent for a moment. She took the hand off her face, looked down at the man in front of her, and

said in a low voice, “It’s just a kiss. It’s nothing.”

Christopher couldn’t help but look at her lips again with a hint of infatuation in his eyes. He slightly wiped the

corners of her mouth and said, “A kiss is indeed nothing. How about we kiss a few more times?”

Yuliana’s face darkened. She waved his hand away and said, “Christopher, don’t forget that you are getting


“So?” Christopher said slowly, “Yuliana, do you care if I get married or not?”

Yuliana suddenly remembered something when she heard him call out her name. Did Christopher call her “Ana”

when he was kissing her just now?

Since Yuliana was a child, only her father Damian had ever called her Ana. Other people only called her


Yuliana stared at Christopher and pondered for a while. Then, she came back to her senses and looked at him

again, deciding that she had misheard him.

She replied in a low voice, “It has nothing to do with me whether you are married or not, but I don’t want to have

an ambiguous relationship with a man who is either going to get married or who is married.” Christopher seemed

to be in a good mood, as he didn’t react when he heard her words. He was still smiling handsomely. He looked at

Yuliana and suddenly said, “Yuliana, Harry hasn’t kissed you, has he?”

Yuliana pursed her lips and avoided his sight, not giving him an answer.

Christopher frowned. He then held the chair with both hands and turned Yuliana to face him. He looked at her

without saying anything.

Yuliana felt uncomfortable being stared at by him. Finally, she couldn’t help but say, “Stop staring at me.”

Christopher said, “I’m sleepy.”

Yuliana frowned and said, “Go to sleep, then.”

Christopher smiled, “Okay!”

He then stood up and carried Yuliana up from the chair. He walked to the bed and put her on the bed.

Yuliana stared at him. “What are you doing?”

Christopher pushed away the hair on her forehead, lowered his head, and kissed her lips. “Let’s sleep together.”


Yuliana was about to get out of bed from the other side, but she was pulled back by Christopher. “Yuliana, if you

don’t want anything to happen, just behave yourself. I won’t touch you.”

Yuliana stared at him for a while, breathless.

Christopher then took off her coat and lay down sideways. He looked at Yuliana, who was lying next to him, and

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said, “Close your eyes.”

Yuliana didn’t know what he wanted to do. There was a man lying next to her. Even if he said he wouldn’t touch her,

how could she really sleep without any worries?

Besides, she couldn’t fall asleep at all.

Christopher placed his palm against her waist and whispered, “If you are not sleepy, we can do something


Yuliana instantly understood what he meant and pushed away his hand close to her abdomen. She turned her back

to him and looked at the wall not far away, feeling very annoyed.

After a while, she felt a warm breath leaning up, with his arm across her waist and resting on her lower abdomen.

“Christopher!” Yuliana scolded.

Still, Christopher was just touching her lower abdomen and did not do anything wrong.

“Almost three months now?”

Yuliana was stunned for a while before she realized that he was referring to the baby in her stomach. She

responded after a brief moment of silence.

Christopher asked, “When will the fetal movement occur?”

Yuliana replied, “Around four months’ time.”

Christopher said, “Do you want a boy or a girl?”

In fact, Yuliana had thought about this question. Boys would be naughtier. Especially when she thought of

Christopher, she was worried that she couldn’t teach the child well, so it was better if she had a girl. Before she

could say anything, she heard Christopher say, “Actually, I think girls are better. What do you think?”

Yuliana was stunned. She didn’t expect Christopher to have the same thought, but that feeling was so

strange that she couldn’t help being rebellious.

“Isn’t a boy okay?”