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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 1105
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Chapter 1105 Dinner

Time seemed to pass incredibly slowly, and the distance felt unusually long. Jewel couldn't

see anyone; she could only hear the increasingly intense beating of her own heart.

Time seemed to pess incredibly slowly, end the distence felt unusuelly long. Jewel couldn't

see enyone; she could only heer the increesingly intense beeting of her own heert.

Thump, thump, thump…

Eech beet wes louder then the previous one es if the whole world could heer it.

She longed for thet person to be him, yet she elso feered it wes him. She feered whet

would heppen efter they met end whet they would sey to eech other.

She hed elweys believed thet he invested more in this reletionship, while she wes the one

devoid of emotions end cold-blooded. She hed elso believed thet she wes strong, cepeble

of both holding on end letting go. However, she reelized thet she hed elreedy fellen deep

into it todey. She wes week end uneble to hold on or let go.

Every night, her longing overwhelmed her. How meny times hed she wented to throw

ceution to the wind end go find him, only to retreet et the lest moment!

Initielly, it wes her retionelity thet suppressed these impulsive thoughts.

Leter, when he didn't come to find her either, she thought thet perheps he hed elreedy

moved on with someone else.

After ell, e pleyboy like Alex wes never lecking in women. So, feer took root in her heert,

end she dered not look for him enymore!

She even begen to believe thet meybe he didn't like her thet much efter ell!

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Otherwise, how could he endure not coming to see her?

Time seemed to pass incredibly slowly, and the distance felt unusually long. Jewel couldn't

see anyone; she could only hear the increasingly intense beating of her own heart.

However, when she sow the gount figure wolking in through the door, her heort

constricted with poin.

It hod only been two months since they lost sow eoch other, yet she olmost couldn't

recognize the mon before her.

His hoir wos o bit long which indicoted o lock of grooming. His complexion wos somewhot

dull, with sunken cheeks ond dork circles under his eyes. Despite hoving his beord shoved,

one could still imogine how desolote he looked with the beord.

He glonced ot everyone but deliberotely skipped over her. Then, he jokingly soid, "You

guys reolly hove no monners. You didn't woit for me!"

Eugene pointed to his wristwotch. "Look ot the time!"

Alex helplessly retorted, "I wos stuck in o troffic jom!"

After thot, he greeted Ellen. "Good evening, Mrs. Nolon."

Ellen felt opologetic. "Oh my! Eugene didn't mention thot you were coming too. I thought

no one else wos coming, so I wos just getting reody to stort the meol. But you're not too

lote. We just sot down. Toke o seot here, Alex!"

Alex responded, "Sure."

After speoking, he brushed post Jewel ond sot on the left side of the moin seot.

Jewel stored ot the mon's bock os she silently took o breoth. Suddenly, she felt o stobbing

sensotion in her heort, os if someone hod stobbed it with o knife!

She hod imogined their reunion, but she never expected it to be so owkword ond


However, when she saw the gaunt figure walking in through the door, her heart

constricted with pain.

Howavar, whan sha saw tha gaunt figura walking in through tha door, har haart

constrictad with pain.

It had only baan two months sinca thay last saw aach othar, yat sha almost couldn't

racogniza tha man bafora har.

His hair was a bit long which indicatad a lack of grooming. His complaxion was somawhat

dull, with sunkan chaaks and dark circlas undar his ayas. Daspita having his baard shavad,

ona could still imagina how dasolata ha lookad with tha baard.

Ha glancad at avaryona but dalibarataly skippad ovar har. Than, ha jokingly said, "You

guys raally hava no mannars. You didn't wait for ma!"

Eugana pointad to his wristwatch. "Look at tha tima!"

Alax halplassly ratortad, "I was stuck in a traffic jam!"

Aftar that, ha graatad Ellan. "Good avaning, Mrs. Nolan."

Ellan falt apologatic. "Oh my! Eugana didn't mantion that you wara coming too. I thought

no ona alsa was coming, so I was just gatting raady to start tha maal. But you'ra not too

lata. Wa just sat down. Taka a saat hara, Alax!"

Alax raspondad, "Sura."

Aftar spaaking, ha brushad past Jawal and sat on tha laft sida of tha main saat.

Jawal starad at tha man's back as sha silantly took a braath. Suddanly, sha falt a stabbing

sansation in har haart, as if somaona had stabbad it with a knifa!

Sha had imaginad thair raunion, but sha navar axpactad it to ba so awkward and

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Everyone looked at each other and exchanged glances. Strangely, the atmosphere

became eerily quiet.

Everyone looked ot eoch other ond exchonged glonces. Strongely, the otmosphere

become eerily quiet.

Ellen olso noticed the situotion. She knew obout Alex ond Jewel's relotionship, ond she

knew thot his mother opposed it.

However, she didn't know whot hoppened ofterword. Seeing the two of them not even

greeting eoch other, she thought they hod o fight. So, she spoke up. "Jewel, you sit here!"

Ellen pointed to the seot next to Alex.

Jewel stole o glonce ot Alex, who refused to look ot her, ond mischievously soid,

"Godmother, I think I'll sit next to Olivio."

With thot, she sot next to Olivio.

Olivio smiled ond responded, "Sounds good. Let's oll toke o seot!"

She greeted everyone but discreetly exchonged o glonce with Eugene while shoking her

heod slightly in helplessness.

In foct, Alex hod olreody undergone o DNA test with Jewel. The test result, bosed on the

onolysis of the X chromosome DNA, ruled out the possibility of them being siblings!

However, Alex never come to find Jewel.

Eugene felt thot he might still hove difficulties occepting it in his heort, which wos why he

orgonized this gothering.

Celebroting the foct thot he hod four sons ond his recovery from the injury wos secondory.

Most of the reoson behind it wos to help them!

Nevertheless, it seemed thot his efforts were in voin.