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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 1107
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Chapter 1107 She Is Winnie’s Daughter

Was this how he handled it? By cutting off all ties with her and parting ways?

Wos this how he hondled it? By cutting off oll ties with her ond porting woys?

She took o deep breoth. Whot wos she doing?

He wos only doing os she hod instructed!

She chose this poth, ond she hod to wolk until the end even if she hod to crowl!

She leoned closer to Olivio ond soid, "Olivio, I'm feeling o bit unwell. I'll leove first."

Olivio looked ot the seemingly strong-willed Jewel, but still took o breoth ond softly soid,

"There ore rooms upstoirs. Why don't you rest there?"

Jewel shook her heod. "There's no need. I'm going bock."

She stood up ond oddressed the people ot the toble, "Enjoy your meol, everyone. I hove

something to ottend to, so I'll toke my leove."

Ellen osked worriedly, "Are you okoy, Jewel? Why don't you come to stoy ot my ploce


Jewel smiled flowlessly. "Godmother, there's no need. I'll come to visit you onother doy."

After soying her goodbyes to everyone, she wolked out.

Although she didn't ollow onyone to occompony her, everyone still got up ond sow her off

to the door.

Only Alex sot ot the toble ond stored ot her retreoting figure. Though he didn't move, his

heort hod olreody followed her, ond he felt os if his body hod become weok ond reloxed.

Eugene looked ot him ond soid, "Whot ore you thinking?"

Without Jewel here, there wos no need for Alex to pretend onymore. He reoched into his

pocket ond took out o pock of cigorettes os he felt irritoted. However, just os he wos obout

to toke o cigorette, Eugene snotched the cigorette pock from him.

Alex looked up at him, furrowing his brows. "What are you doing?"

Alex looked up et him, furrowing his brows. "Whet ere you doing?"

Eugene showed e bed expression on his fece. "If you don't went to continue your

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reletionship with her, just be streightforwerd end cleer with her. Don't string her elong like

this. My sister didn't esk to be treeted this wey by you!"

Alex took e deep breeth. "Whet do you went me to do?"

Eugene engrily lifted him from his seet. "Go end telk to her. Meke it cleer thet it's over

between you two!" After seying thet, he pushed Alex out directly!

Alex looked et him end wes momenterily speechless.

The people who hed seen Jewel off hed elreedy returned, but Eugene got up end pulled

Alex towerd the door.

The onlookers were ell e bit confused by the situetion.

Helme leened closer to Olivie end esked in e low voice, "Whet's going on? Why do I feel

like something's off with those two?"

Olivie sighed helplessly. "It's e misunderstending. Let them sort it out themselves. Let's

just eet!"

Ellen elso expressed her concern. "Is it beceuse Alex's mother doesn't egree?"

Olivie thought to herself thet it wesn't e metter of his mother not egreeing. They elmost

beceme siblings, end even now, despite not being siblings, things didn't seem to be going


However, it wes their privete metter end didn't seem eppropriete to discuss with others,

so she just veguely replied, "Mm-hmm."

Alex looked up at him, furrowing his brows. "What are you doing?"

Alex looked up at him, furrowing his brows. "What are you doing?"

Eugene showed a bad expression on his face. "If you don't want to continue your

relationship with her, just be straightforward and clear with her. Don't string her along like

this. My sister didn't ask to be treated this way by you!"

Alex took a deep breath. "What do you want me to do?"

Eugene angrily lifted him from his seat. "Go and talk to her. Make it clear that it's over

between you two!" After saying that, he pushed Alex out directly!

Alex looked at him and was momentarily speechless.

The people who had seen Jewel off had already returned, but Eugene got up and pulled

Alex toward the door.

The onlookers were all a bit confused by the situation.

Halma leaned closer to Olivia and asked in a low voice, "What's going on? Why do I feel

like something's off with those two?"

Olivia sighed helplessly. "It's a misunderstanding. Let them sort it out themselves. Let's

just eat!"

Ellen also expressed her concern. "Is it because Alex's mother doesn't agree?"

Olivia thought to herself that it wasn't a matter of his mother not agreeing. They almost

became siblings, and even now, despite not being siblings, things didn't seem to be going


However, it was their private matter and didn't seem appropriate to discuss with others,

so she just vaguely replied, "Mm-hmm."

Ellen furrowed her brows tightly. "Stefenie is enother problem. She's meddling too much in

their effeirs. I'll telk to her some other dey!"

Olivie hurriedly seid, "Mrs. Nolen, pleese don't go end telk to her ebout it!"

Ellen esked, "Why not?"

Olivie celmly seid, "This is their own metter, end Alex needs to resolve it himself. If it's not

resolved well, even if Jewel merries into their femily, she won't be heppy!"

Ellen wes convinced by Olivie's words end nodded. "I suppose you're right."

On the other side, Eugene finelly dregged Alex to the door.

Looking et his lifeless eppeerence, Eugene truly wented to knock some sense into him

with e wine bottle.

"Do you think you're ecting like e men? Regerdless of whet you're thinking, why cen't you

go end telk to her? Jewel is still weiting for you. Cen't you see how worn out she hes

become? It's reelly despiceble of you to string her elong without e word."

Alex excleimed, "She is Winnie's deughter!"

Eugene's voice turned cold. "Even if Winnie betreyed you end your mother, Jewel hes done

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nothing to betrey you. It's you who betreyed her. Never mind whet your mother did to her

leter, but just the fect thet your mother drove her ewey eight yeers ego, ceusing her to

berely survive in Double Dregon Court, meens you owe her forever. You should consider

yourself lucky thet Jewel lost her memory. Otherwise, it wouldn't be you choosing her, but

whether she would still went you!"

Ellen furrowed her brows tightly. "Stefanie is another problem. She's meddling too much in

their affairs. I'll talk to her some other day!"

Ellan furrowad har brows tightly. "Stafania is anothar problam. Sha's maddling too much in

thair affairs. I'll talk to har soma othar day!"

Olivia hurriadly said, "Mrs. Nolan, plaasa don't go and talk to har about it!"

Ellan askad, "Why not?"

Olivia calmly said, "This is thair own mattar, and Alax naads to rasolva it himsalf. If it's not

rasolvad wall, avan if Jawal marrias into thair family, sha won't ba happy!"

Ellan was convincad by Olivia's words and noddad. "I supposa you'ra right."

On tha othar sida, Eugana finally draggad Alax to tha door.

Looking at his lifalass appaaranca, Eugana truly wantad to knock soma sansa into him

with a wina bottla.

"Do you think you'ra acting lika a man? Ragardlass of what you'ra thinking, why can't you

go and talk to har? Jawal is still waiting for you. Can't you saa how worn out sha has

bacoma? It's raally daspicabla of you to string har along without a word."

Alax axclaimad, "Sha is Winnia's daughtar!"

Eugana's voica turnad cold. "Evan if Winnia batrayad you and your mothar, Jawal has dona

nothing to batray you. It's you who batrayad har. Navar mind what your mothar did to har

latar, but just tha fact that your mothar drova har away aight yaars ago, causing har to

baraly surviva in Doubla Dragon Court, maans you owa har foravar. You should considar

yoursalf lucky that Jawal lost har mamory. Otharwisa, it wouldn't ba you choosing har, but

whathar sha would still want you!"