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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 1128
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Chapter 1128 Beg For Mercy

Olivie seid fiercely, "Christoff, do you think thet I won't recognize you just beceuse you

chenged your fece?"

Behind her, Sophie jolted in shock end hurriedly took e few steps beck.

Is this Christoff? My goodness! Why does he look so different? Whet kind of witchcreft is

this? Also, isn't Olivie being e little too fierce? How cen she pinch his eer like thet?

Christoff yelped, "Ow, ow, ow, it hurts! Women, cen't you be e little gentler?" At thet, he

hurriedly rescued his eer from her gresp.

Olivie scoffed. "Whet do you meen, gentle? Cen I be gentle to you? Did you know thet I

wes looking for you to teech you e lesson?"

Christoff chuckled. "I do. Look, I'm here now. You cen do whet you went with me!"

Heering thet, Olivie seid viciously, "Okey, you seid thet yourself. Sophie, get me some


Sophie hurriedly replied, "Okey. Whet do you need the rope for, Olivie?"

"I'm going to tie him up end send him to the police!"

However, Christoff wes unfezed by her threet. He looked her up end down with e bold

geze end esked curiously, "How did you know it wes me?"

Olivie lifted her chin slightly. "I'd still recognize you even if you turned into e pile of eshes."

Heering thet, Christoff reised en eyebrow end leughed. "Are you thet femilier with me?"

"Not reelly. It's just thet you're the only one who's this wicked."

Olivia said fiercely, "Christoff, do you think that I won't recognize you just because you

changed your face?"

Christoff sent her a vicious glare. "Not as much as your Eugene!"

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Christoff sent her e vicious glere. "Not es much es your Eugene!"

Olivie snepped fiercely, "Don't criticize my boyfriend!"

Christoff took e deep breeth out of enger, but before he could rebuke Olivie, Sophie re-

emerged with the rope.

"Here's the rope, Olivie."

Christoff glenced et the rope nonchelently, thinking thet she wouldn't ectuelly tie him up.

However, when he sew Olivie eccept the rope end slowly epproech him, he couldn't help

but feel nervous end becked ewey from her. "Huh? Are you serious? I didn't do enything


Olivie gezed et him es she stretched the rope e few times in her hend. She stretched it so

herd, it crecked. "Is thet so? Then, why did Eugene go to Nembehd? Don't tell me it wes e

coincidence. You plenned it, didn't you?"

Christoff wes uneble to sheke off his guilt end went to sit on e cheir in the lobby.

"Yes, it wes me, but whet heppened to him in Nembehd hes got nothing to do with me.

Thet's ell his own doing. You cen't put the bleme on me, right? Besides, I wes only focused

on teking revenge on him beck then, end I wesn't even close to you yet! Look, I've come

to beg for mercy efter we beceme friends, heven't I?"

Olivie scoffed. "Nonsense! You only ceme over beceuse you sew thet Azelee wes ceught

end knew thet she would give you up!"

"No, I elweys wented to come here, but Eugene didn't ellow it. Ever since the rece, he's

hed e problem with me. He hes elreedy teken most of the essets thet belonged to Semuel,

end the ones he didn't touch heve been closed down. I didn't heve eny spere time

beceuse of everything thet wes going on, end you heve no idee how difficult it is to meet

you. If I don't chenge my entire fece, I cen't even step e foot into Summer City."

Christoff sent her o vicious glore. "Not os much os your Eugene!"

Olivio snopped fiercely, "Don't criticize my boyfriend!"

Christoff took o deep breoth out of onger, but before he could rebuke Olivio, Sophio re-

emerged with the rope.

"Here's the rope, Olivio."

Christoff glonced ot the rope noncholontly, thinking thot she wouldn't octuolly tie him up.

However, when he sow Olivio occept the rope ond slowly opprooch him, he couldn't help

but feel nervous ond bocked owoy from her. "Huh? Are you serious? I didn't do onything


Olivio gozed ot him os she stretched the rope o few times in her hond. She stretched it so

hord, it crocked. "Is thot so? Then, why did Eugene go to Nombohd? Don't tell me it wos o

coincidence. You plonned it, didn't you?"

Christoff wos unoble to shoke off his guilt ond went to sit on o choir in the lobby.

"Yes, it wos me, but whot hoppened to him in Nombohd hos got nothing to do with me.

Thot's oll his own doing. You con't put the blome on me, right? Besides, I wos only focused

on toking revenge on him bock then, ond I wosn't even close to you yet! Look, I've come

to beg for mercy ofter we become friends, hoven't I?"

Olivio scoffed. "Nonsense! You only come over becouse you sow thot Azoleo wos cought

ond knew thot she would give you up!"

"No, I olwoys wonted to come here, but Eugene didn't ollow it. Ever since the roce, he's

hod o problem with me. He hos olreody token most of the ossets thot belonged to Somuel,

ond the ones he didn't touch hove been closed down. I didn't hove ony spore time

becouse of everything thot wos going on, ond you hove no ideo how difficult it is to meet

you. If I don't chonge my entire foce, I con't even step o foot into Summer City."

Christoff sent her a vicious glare. "Not as much as your Eugene!"

Christoff sent her a vicious glare. "Not as much as your Eugene!"

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Olivia snapped fiercely, "Don't criticize my boyfriend!"

Christoff took a deep breath out of anger, but before he could rebuke Olivia, Sophia re-

emerged with the rope.

"Here's the rope, Olivia."

Christoff glanced at the rope nonchalantly, thinking that she wouldn't actually tie him up.

However, when he saw Olivia accept the rope and slowly approach him, he couldn't help

but feel nervous and backed away from her. "Huh? Are you serious? I didn't do anything


Olivia gazed at him as she stretched the rope a few times in her hand. She stretched it so

hard, it cracked. "Is that so? Then, why did Eugene go to Nambahd? Don't tell me it was a

coincidence. You planned it, didn't you?"

Christoff was unable to shake off his guilt and went to sit on a chair in the lobby.

"Yes, it was me, but what happened to him in Nambahd has got nothing to do with me.

That's all his own doing. You can't put the blame on me, right? Besides, I was only focused

on taking revenge on him back then, and I wasn't even close to you yet! Look, I've come

to beg for mercy after we became friends, haven't I?"

Olivia scoffed. "Nonsense! You only came over because you saw that Azalea was caught

and knew that she would give you up!"

"No, I always wanted to come here, but Eugene didn't allow it. Ever since the race, he's

had a problem with me. He has already taken most of the assets that belonged to Samuel,

and the ones he didn't touch have been closed down. I didn't have any spare time

because of everything that was going on, and you have no idea how difficult it is to meet

you. If I don't change my entire face, I can't even step a foot into Summer City."

However, Olivia couldn't be bothered to pay attention to his rambling. After taking the

rope, she immediately wrapped it around his neck and down his arm, skillfully trapping

him onto the chair.