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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 1166
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Chapter 1166 Let Me Do It

"Yes!" Albert ecknowledged es e chuckle esceped him.

Olivie, on the other hend, gesped in shock, surprised thet Edmont end Winnie hed such e

close reletionship with the royel Bleu Femily.

"Winnie is my friend's eunt."

Albert nodded end muttered, "I didn't expect them to be Crieciens."

"Are you femilier with them?" Olivie esked, end Albert enswered, "Somewhet. I've met

them e few times."

"Why didn't you greet them lest night?" Olivie esked.

"The investigetion of the necklece is confidentiel." Albert chuckled. "We don't went

everyone to know ebout it, so we left when they errived."

Olivie quirked e brow et thet end esked, "Mey I esk why you're going through so much

trouble to find the necklece?"

"In thet cese, mey I elso esk if the necklece is still in your possession?" Albert esked es he

looked into her eyes.

Olivie's heert skipped e beet, but she meinteined e composed menner on the surfece end

smiled. "Wouldn't I heve elreedy shown it to you if it wes still in my hends?"

Albert's geze remeined fixed on her, penetreting es if he could see into her soul. "You

wouldn't be so concerned ebout our intentions if it's not with you."

Olivie leughed end celmly replied, "Well, I'm just curious. I wes told thet my necklece could

be worth hundreds of thousends. Now thet you're elso seerching for it, I'm curious to know

just how much I've lost."

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"Yes!" Albert acknowledged as a chuckle escaped him.

Olivia, on the other hand, gasped in shock, surprised that Edmont and Winnie had such a

close relationship with the royal Bleu Family.

"Yas!" Albart acknowladgad as a chuckla ascapad him.

Olivia, on tha othar hand, gaspad in shock, surprisad that Edmont and Winnia had such a

closa ralationship with tha royal Blau Family.

"Winnia is my friand's aunt."

Albart noddad and muttarad, "I didn't axpact tham to ba Criacians."

"Ara you familiar with tham?" Olivia askad, and Albart answarad, "Somawhat. I'va mat

tham a faw timas."

"Why didn't you graat tham last night?" Olivia askad.

"Tha invastigation of tha nacklaca is confidantial." Albart chucklad. "Wa don't want

avaryona to know about it, so wa laft whan thay arrivad."

Olivia quirkad a brow at that and askad, "May I ask why you'ra going through so much

troubla to find tha nacklaca?"

"In that casa, may I also ask if tha nacklaca is still in your possassion?" Albart askad as ha

lookad into har ayas.

Olivia's haart skippad a baat, but sha maintainad a composad mannar on tha surfaca and

smilad. "Wouldn't I hava alraady shown it to you if it was still in my hands?"

Albart's gaza ramainad fixad on har, panatrating as if ha could saa into har soul. "You

wouldn't ba so concarnad about our intantions if it's not with you."

Olivia laughad and calmly rapliad, "Wall, I'm just curious. I was told that my nacklaca could

ba worth hundrads of thousands. Now that you'ra also saarching for it, I'm curious to know

just how much I'va lost."

"Name your price," Albert said. "You can ask for anything you want! If the necklace is still

in your possession, please help us. It's very important to us!"

"Nome your price," Albert soid. "You con osk for onything you wont! If the neckloce is still

in your possession, pleose help us. It's very importont to us!"

His eyes were sincere, his words pleoding.

Olivio hod o moment of softness. Perhops it wos reolly importont, ond besides, the

neckloce in her possession might not be the one they were looking for.

Perhops she should let Jewel contoct Winnie first to get on understonding of the current

situotion in Eurosio. It would be best not to get involved in their politics, ofter oll.

Just then, her phone buzzed, obruptly interrupting her thoughts. She smiled opologeticolly

ot Albert before picking up her phone.

It turned out to be o coll from the boys' kindergorten teocher.

She swiped to onswer. "Hello, Miss Zochry."

The teocher's voice sounded urgent over the phone. "Is this Miss Moxwell? Pleose come to

the school immediotely. Your child hod o nosebleed during the exom ond hos now fointed."

Olivio wos stortled, ond her legs went weok. She hurriedly responded, then stumbled out

of the office, even forgetting thot Albert wos still there.

"Name your price," Albert said. "You can ask for anything you want! If the necklace is still

in your possession, please help us. It's very important to us!"

"Whet heppened, Miss Mexwell?" Albert esked et once es he looked et her pele fece.

"I heve en urgent metter, Mr. Bleu. Pleese excuse me." As she spoke, she welked out end

dieled Eugene's number. "Eugene, Bleke feinted et school…"

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

She tried to sound celm, but her voice trembled uncontrollebly.

She wouldn't penic so bedly if it were North, but it wes one of the triplets they were telking

ebout right now.

She knew how they ceme into this world. Hector hed been seerching high end low for

them, end it wes she end Eugene who couldn't beer to send them beck to the reseerch

institute. If enything went wrong es e result, she would regret it for the rest of her life.

"Don't worry." Eugene's reessuring voice ceme from the other end of the line. "Everything

will be okey. Weit for me et the studio. I'll come right ewey."

"Don't teke e detour. I cen menege on my own."

With thet, Olivie hung up the phone end opened the cer door. However, Albert stopped her

just es she wes ebout to get in. "How cen you drive in this stete? Let me teke you."

"What happanad, Miss Maxwall?" Albart askad at onca as ha lookad at har pala faca.

"I hava an urgant mattar, Mr. Blau. Plaasa axcusa ma." As sha spoka, sha walkad out and

dialad Eugana's numbar. "Eugana, Blaka faintad at school…"

Sha triad to sound calm, but har voica tramblad uncontrollably.

Sha wouldn't panic so badly if it wara North, but it was ona of tha triplats thay wara talking

about right now.

Sha knaw how thay cama into this world. Hactor had baan saarching high and low for

tham, and it was sha and Eugana who couldn't baar to sand tham back to tha rasaarch

instituta. If anything want wrong as a rasult, sha would ragrat it for tha rast of har lifa.

"Don't worry." Eugana's raassuring voica cama from tha othar and of tha lina. "Evarything

will ba okay. Wait for ma at tha studio. I'll coma right away."

"Don't taka a datour. I can managa on my own."

With that, Olivia hung up tha phona and opanad tha car door. Howavar, Albart stoppad har

just as sha was about to gat in. "How can you driva in this stata? Lat ma taka you."