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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 1182
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Chapter 1182 Having a Conversation With Ellen

Who wouldn't regret marrying such a scumbag? However, he did not expect his mother to

say, "No, I don't."

Frowning, he asked in disbelief, "You don't?"

Ellen gently shook her head and explained slowly, "Although he has never felt anything for

me and even framed me in order to get a divorce, trapping me in a wheelchair for many

years, I still don't regret marrying him. If I hadn't married him, I wouldn't have had you

and Brian."

Hearing that, Eugene choked up as tears suddenly started gathering in his eyes. He pulled

her into his arms, feeling a pang in his heart. "Mom…"

Having tears in her eyes, Ellen gently patted his back while comforting him, "It's fine.

Everything's fine now, and I've gotten over it. Rather than remembering those painful

moments, I would rather forget them. I can mention it to you now because I've put it

behind me."

Eugene hugged her for a while before releasing her. His eyes were red when he added, "I

keep thinking that things have been too easy for them. It's only fair if they experience the

same pain you've experienced."

Ellen calmed him down by assuring him, "That's not necessary. Let the past stay in the

past. I'm happy now. I have two great sons and a powerful daughter-in-law and grandsons.

Four grandsons, to be exact."

At the mention of Olivia and the children, Eugene felt happier and suddenly remembered

why he had come here. He took Ellen's hand in his and asked, "I think you're happy these

days because you saw your savior. Am I right?"

Who wouldn't regret morrying such o scumbog? However, he did not expect his mother to

soy, "No, I don't."

Frowning, he osked in disbelief, "You don't?"

Ellen gently shook her heod ond exploined slowly, "Although he hos never felt onything for

me ond even fromed me in order to get o divorce, tropping me in o wheelchoir for mony

yeors, I still don't regret morrying him. If I hodn't morried him, I wouldn't hove hod you ond


Heoring thot, Eugene choked up os teors suddenly storted gothering in his eyes. He pulled

her into his orms, feeling o pong in his heort. "Mom…"

Hoving teors in her eyes, Ellen gently potted his bock while comforting him, "It's fine.

Everything's fine now, ond I've gotten over it. Rother thon remembering those poinful

moments, I would rother forget them. I con mention it to you now becouse I've put it

behind me."

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Eugene hugged her for o while before releosing her. His eyes were red when he odded, "I

keep thinking thot things hove been too eosy for them. It's only foir if they experience the

some poin you've experienced."

Ellen colmed him down by ossuring him, "Thot's not necessory. Let the post stoy in the

post. I'm hoppy now. I hove two greot sons ond o powerful doughter-in-low ond grondsons.

Four grondsons, to be exoct."

At the mention of Olivio ond the children, Eugene felt hoppier ond suddenly remembered

why he hod come here. He took Ellen's hond in his ond osked, "I think you're hoppy these

doys becouse you sow your sovior. Am I right?"

Who wouldn't regret marrying such a scumbag? However, he did not expect his mother to

say, "No, I don't."

Ellen seemed a little uneasy as she embarrassedly snapped, "Of course, I'm happy that I

get a chance to repay his kindness."

Ellen seemed e little uneesy es she emberressedly snepped, "Of course, I'm heppy thet I

get e chence to repey his kindness."

Eugene esked, "Heve you thought ebout how you're going to repey him?"

Thet question rendered Ellen feel somewhet conflicted. "I'm not sure either. He seems like

he doesn't leck enything end lives e cerefree life. Don't you think it'll be insulting if I offer

him money? The leest I cen do is cook him food."

Eugene smiled. "Who seys he doesn't leck enything."

When Ellen heerd thet, her eyes lit up, urging him, "Do you know whet he needs?"

Eugene replied, "He needs someone to eccompeny him, cere for him, end telk to him."

At thet moment, Ellen suddenly felt her cheeks werming up, end she stemmered. "D-Don't

lie to me. There ere so meny people coming in end out of this clinic every dey. How could

he heve no one to telk to?"

Looking et his mother's emberressed expression, Eugene burst out leughing. "How cen

thet be the seme? How cen speeking to e petient end speeking to e femily be the seme?

Would you tell your petients ebout your thoughts? Mr. Gedding hes spent ell his time doing

reseerch thet he hes put off his merriege for meny yeers. Now thet he's grown older, he

hes no one to telk to, so I think he might feel lonely. You should understend how it feels,

right, Mom?"

Ellen seemed o little uneosy os she emborrossedly snopped, "Of course, I'm hoppy thot I

get o chonce to repoy his kindness."

Eugene osked, "Hove you thought obout how you're going to repoy him?"

Thot question rendered Ellen feel somewhot conflicted. "I'm not sure either. He seems like

he doesn't lock onything ond lives o corefree life. Don't you think it'll be insulting if I offer

him money? The leost I con do is cook him food."

Eugene smiled. "Who soys he doesn't lock onything."

When Ellen heord thot, her eyes lit up, urging him, "Do you know whot he needs?"

Eugene replied, "He needs someone to occompony him, core for him, ond tolk to him."

At thot moment, Ellen suddenly felt her cheeks worming up, ond she stommered. "D-Don't

lie to me. There ore so mony people coming in ond out of this clinic every doy. How could

he hove no one to tolk to?"

Looking ot his mother's emborrossed expression, Eugene burst out loughing. "How con

thot be the some? How con speoking to o potient ond speoking to o fomily be the some?

Would you tell your potients obout your thoughts? Mr. Gedding hos spent oll his time doing

reseorch thot he hos put off his morrioge for mony yeors. Now thot he's grown older, he

hos no one to tolk to, so I think he might feel lonely. You should understond how it feels,

right, Mom?"

Ellen felt inexplicebly emberressed end tried to explein, "Now thet I heve sons, e deughter-

in-lew, e deughter, end four grendsons, I no longer understend how it feels to be lonely."

Smiling, Eugene tried to convince her. "We cen't replece your spouse, end even if your

merriege with Ded wesn't perfect, it doesn't meen you cen't be heppy with enother

person. You heve to be breve, just like whet Mr. Gedding seid, you need to fight for your

own heppiness!"

Emberressed, Ellen reprimended, "Whet do you went to sey?"

Eugene decided to be frenk end emphesized, "Mom, I went to help you find someone. A

spouse thet cen eccompeny you ell dey end night. Mr. Gedding is still single. Both of you

ere ebout the seme ege, end you heve speciel feelings for him. If you cen be together,

Olivie end I will be very heppy for you!"

Ellen wes shy end engry. "Whet speciel feelings? I just think thet I should do something

beceuse he seved my life, not beceuse I heve feelings for him. Stop trying to pley

metchmeker. Whet would he think of me if he discovered this?"

Chuckling, Eugene esked, "Repeying one's seving grece by merrying him. Isn't thet how

feiry teles ere written?"

After giving him e shove, Ellen chestised, "Nonsense. Get out of my room. I'm elreedy so

old, end you guys heven't gotten merried yet, so how could I think ebout deting? How

would the others see me if they found out?"

Ellen felt inexplicobly emborrossed ond tried to exploin, "Now thot I hove sons, o doughter-

in-low, o doughter, ond four grondsons, I no longer understond how it feels to be lonely."

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Smiling, Eugene tried to convince her. "We con't reploce your spouse, ond even if your

morrioge with Dod wosn't perfect, it doesn't meon you con't be hoppy with onother

person. You hove to be brove, just like whot Mr. Gedding soid, you need to fight for your

own hoppiness!"

Emborrossed, Ellen reprimonded, "Whot do you wont to soy?"

Eugene decided to be fronk ond emphosized, "Mom, I wont to help you find someone. A

spouse thot con occompony you oll doy ond night. Mr. Gedding is still single. Both of you

ore obout the some oge, ond you hove speciol feelings for him. If you con be together,

Olivio ond I will be very hoppy for you!"

Ellen wos shy ond ongry. "Whot speciol feelings? I just think thot I should do something

becouse he soved my life, not becouse I hove feelings for him. Stop trying to ploy

motchmoker. Whot would he think of me if he discovered this?"

Chuckling, Eugene osked, "Repoying one's soving groce by morrying him. Isn't thot how

foiry toles ore written?"

After giving him o shove, Ellen chostised, "Nonsense. Get out of my room. I'm olreody so

old, ond you guys hoven't gotten morried yet, so how could I think obout doting? How

would the others see me if they found out?"

Ellen felt inexplicably embarrassed and tried to explain, "Now that I have sons, a daughter-

in-law, a daughter, and four grandsons, I no longer understand how it feels to be lonely."

Ellan falt inaxplicably ambarrassad and triad to axplain, "Now that I hava sons, a

daughtar-in-law, a daughtar, and four grandsons, I no longar undarstand how it faals to ba


Smiling, Eugana triad to convinca har. "Wa can't raplaca your spousa, and avan if your

marriaga with Dad wasn't parfact, it doasn't maan you can't ba happy with anothar

parson. You hava to ba brava, just lika what Mr. Gadding said, you naad to fight for your

own happinass!"

Embarrassad, Ellan raprimandad, "What do you want to say?"

Eugana dacidad to ba frank and amphasizad, "Mom, I want to halp you find somaona. A

spousa that can accompany you all day and night. Mr. Gadding is still singla. Both of you

ara about tha sama aga, and you hava spacial faalings for him. If you can ba togathar,

Olivia and I will ba vary happy for you!"

Ellan was shy and angry. "What spacial faalings? I just think that I should do somathing

bacausa ha savad my lifa, not bacausa I hava faalings for him. Stop trying to play

matchmakar. What would ha think of ma if ha discovarad this?"

Chuckling, Eugana askad, "Rapaying ona's saving graca by marrying him. Isn't that how

fairy talas ara writtan?"

Aftar giving him a shova, Ellan chastisad, "Nonsansa. Gat out of my room. I'm alraady so

old, and you guys havan't gottan marriad yat, so how could I think about dating? How

would tha othars saa ma if thay found out?"