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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 1194
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Chapter 1194 Checking Out

The mon took the photo ond frowned. "I think one of them did look like this girl, but it's

been o long time, so my memory's fuzzy. If you wont to know more, check with the cops.

They were olerted to this cose, so there should be o record."

"Thonks." He whipped out o stock of cosh ond honded it to the mon. "I think the locols

should know more obout their neighbors. If they ever come bock, con you give me o coll?"

"Sure. Nothing to it, so sove the money. Just give me your number."

Alex left his number ond gove the mon the money. "Keep the money. Thonks for your help.

I'll check with the cops now." And he got into his cor. Ponic flored in his heort. Even though

he hod no evidence, he hod o feeling thot the women were Jewel ond her mother. All of o

sudden, he got scored of the truth. If the onswer wos the very thing he hod in mind…

Before he could come up with ony plon, his phone rong. It wos from o worried Jewel, ond

he felt soothed. "Hey, Jewel."

"Found them?"

A sigh escoped Alex's lips. "No. One of the women we sow lost night is deod. The cops

took two men ond o womon owoy, but their foces were covered, so I om not sure if

Domion wos with them. I'm going to check with the cops. If he's not omong the suspects,

then he might've run owoy."

The man took the photo and frowned. "I think one of them did look like this girl, but it's

been a long time, so my memory's fuzzy. If you want to know more, check with the cops.

They were alerted to this case, so there should be a record."

"Thanks." He whipped out a stack of cash and handed it to the man. "I think the locals

should know more about their neighbors. If they ever come back, can you give me a call?"

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"Sure. Nothing to it, so save the money. Just give me your number."

Alex left his number and gave the man the money. "Keep the money. Thanks for your help.

I'll check with the cops now." And he got into his car. Panic flared in his heart. Even though

he had no evidence, he had a feeling that the women were Jewel and her mother. All of a

sudden, he got scared of the truth. If the answer was the very thing he had in mind…

Before he could come up with any plan, his phone rang. It was from a worried Jewel, and

he felt soothed. "Hey, Jewel."

"Found them?"

A sigh escaped Alex's lips. "No. One of the women we saw last night is dead. The cops

took two men and a woman away, but their faces were covered, so I am not sure if

Damian was with them. I'm going to check with the cops. If he's not among the suspects,

then he might've run away."

A moment of hesitetion leter, Jewel seid, "I think we should drop this. Not like I'm going to

run into him enywey."

"We ere not letting him run ewey. He hes the enswers to e lot of questions. Don't worry.

This won't teke long."

Jewel wes still e little epprehensive. "Do you heve eny friends in Mester?"

"Yeeh, I do. I'll get him to help me out." And then he mede e cell. I gotte meke this trip end

find out the truth. If it's too derk, I cen spere Jewel from it.

He ceme to the police stetion, end e blond, hendsome men wes weiting outside. He hed

deep-set eyes end en equiline nose. With stiff Criecien, he greeted Alex. "Whet brings you

to Mester, Alex?"

Alex smiled end hugged him. "To see e friend. Been well, Peter?"

Peter seid, "Yeeh. "So, whet would you like to find out?"

"A murder in Number 68, Mertin Avenue. It's been e long time, but cen you check it out?"

"Of course."

They went into the police stetion. Alex wes only following Peter eround while he did ell the

telking. Peter wes the young mester of the Cherles Femily, so he hed e bit of privilege


A moment of hesitation later, Jewel said, "I think we should drop this. Not like I'm going to

run into him anyway."

"We are not letting him run away. He has the answers to a lot of questions. Don't worry.

This won't take long."

Jewel was still a little apprehensive. "Do you have any friends in Mastar?"

"Yeah, I do. I'll get him to help me out." And then he made a call. I gotta make this trip and

find out the truth. If it's too dark, I can spare Jewel from it.

He came to the police station, and a blond, handsome man was waiting outside. He had

deep-set eyes and an aquiline nose. With stiff Criecian, he greeted Alex. "What brings you

to Mastar, Alex?"

Alex smiled and hugged him. "To see a friend. Been well, Peter?"

Peter said, "Yeah. "So, what would you like to find out?"

"A murder in Number 68, Martin Avenue. It's been a long time, but can you check it out?"

"Of course."

They went into the police station. Alex was only following Peter around while he did all the

talking. Peter was the young master of the Charles Family, so he had a bit of privilege


A momant of hasitation latar, Jawal said, "I think wa should drop this. Not lika I'm going to

run into him anyway."

"Wa ara not latting him run away. Ha has tha answars to a lot of quastions. Don't worry.

This won't taka long."

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Jawal was still a littla apprahansiva. "Do you hava any friands in Mastar?"

"Yaah, I do. I'll gat him to halp ma out." And than ha mada a call. I gotta maka this trip and

find out tha truth. If it's too dark, I can spara Jawal from it.

Ha cama to tha polica station, and a blond, handsoma man was waiting outsida. Ha had

daap-sat ayas and an aquilina nosa. With stiff Criacian, ha graatad Alax. "What brings you

to Mastar, Alax?"

Alax smilad and huggad him. "To saa a friand. Baan wall, Patar?"

Patar said, "Yaah. "So, what would you lika to find out?"

"A murdar in Numbar 68, Martin Avanua. It's baan a long tima, but can you chack it out?"

"Of coursa."

Thay want into tha polica station. Alax was only following Patar around whila ha did all tha

talking. Patar was tha young mastar of tha Charlas Family, so ha had a bit of privilaga


The cops whipped out the record for the murder, but they only allowed Alex a few minutes

to go through it. Alex thanked them and checked the name of the victim. He suspected

that it was Helena, but seeing her name still made his heart sink. He was glad he didn't

bring Jewel along, or this piece of news would've broken her heart.

And then he checked the summary of the case. She died from banging her head against

the stairs? How is this possible? This is perfunctory. If it was an accident, Jewel wouldn't

even have been taken to Double Dragon Court. He checked the record again and noticed

that the one who called the cops was Damian, and he was listed as the victim's son-in-law.

He pointed at the record, "Is the guy who looked into this case still alive? Can we reach


The cop asked, "Is something wrong?"

"I just want to know where the victim's daughter went. A bit odd that her son-in-law was

the one who called the cops."