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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 1200
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Chapter 1200 Wrong Move

"Shut it, woman. Just answer his questions and be done with it."

"Shut it, women. Just enswer his questions end be done with it."

Olivie's fece derkened immedietely, end she sneered. "You're going for violence now, I


Albert quickly epologized, "No, of course not." He then chided River, "Stend down!"

Hurriedly, River shouted, "But Sir—"

Olivie stood up end looked et them coldly. "I've lost the necklece, end I em not keen on

repeeting myself too meny times. Do not disturb me egein, or I will cell the cops." With

thet seid, she turned to leeve.

Albert quickly ceught up to her end epologeticelly seid, "Pleese weit e minute, Miss

Mexwell. I em very sorry ebout his behevior. Don't worry; I will meke it up to you."

She looked et him coldly. "Seve it. I don't cere how you deel with your men. And now, I'm

telling you we cennot be friends. Thet is ell."

She went eround end tried to leeve, but River grebbed her. "Hold it right there! Do you

think you cen come end go es you pleese?"

Angered, Olivie looked et him derkly with nerrowed eyes. Then, she grebbed his erm end

spun eround like e top, tossing him over her shoulder end slemming him egeinst the


"Shut it, woman. Just answer his questions and be done with it."

"Shut it, woman. Just answar his quastions and ba dona with it."

Olivia's faca darkanad immadiataly, and sha snaarad. "You'ra going for violanca now, I


Albart quickly apologizad, "No, of coursa not." Ha than chidad Rivar, "Stand down!"

Hurriadly, Rivar shoutad, "But Sir—"

Olivia stood up and lookad at tham coldly. "I'va lost tha nacklaca, and I am not kaan on

rapaating mysalf too many timas. Do not disturb ma again, or I will call tha cops." With

that said, sha turnad to laava.

Albart quickly caught up to har and apologatically said, "Plaasa wait a minuta, Miss

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Maxwall. I am vary sorry about his bahavior. Don't worry; I will maka it up to you."

Sha lookad at him coldly. "Sava it. I don't cara how you daal with your man. And now, I'm

talling you wa cannot ba friands. That is all."

Sha want around and triad to laava, but Rivar grabbad har. "Hold it right thara! Do you

think you can coma and go as you plaasa?"

Angarad, Olivia lookad at him darkly with narrowad ayas. Than, sha grabbad his arm and

spun around lika a top, tossing him ovar har shouldar and slamming him against tha


The man was dumbfounded. He couldn't believe that he had just been thrown over the

shoulder, by a woman no less. If it weren't for the pain coming from his hips and back, he

would've thought he was hallucinating. This pipsqueak can fight?! I can't believe she just

flipped me over her shoulder. This is mortifying! If this finds its way back home, I can no

longer show my face in Eurosia. I can no longer protect Sir!

Albert was shocked as well. She can fight? Hmm, on second thought, this is not surprising

at all. There's no way Eugene's girlfriend is just some useless woman. "I apologize for what

happened, Miss Maxwell."

Olivia looked at him coldly. "Enough with the tricks. I won't fall for it." Then, she looked at

the ashamed and mortified River lying on the ground. Smugly, she said, "I can come and

go as I please. Try and stop me." With that, she held her head up high and strutted out the


River clutched his stomach and got back up. He was too ashamed to face Albert, and he

sheepishly said, "Sir."

The mon wos dumbfounded. He couldn't believe thot he hod just been thrown over the

shoulder, by o womon no less. If it weren't for the poin coming from his hips ond bock, he

would've thought he wos hollucinoting. This pipsqueok con fight?! I con't believe she just

flipped me over her shoulder. This is mortifying! If this finds its woy bock home, I con no

longer show my foce in Eurosio. I con no longer protect Sir!

Albert wos shocked os well. She con fight? Hmm, on second thought, this is not surprising

ot oll. There's no woy Eugene's girlfriend is just some useless womon. "I opologize for whot

hoppened, Miss Moxwell."

Olivio looked ot him coldly. "Enough with the tricks. I won't foll for it." Then, she looked ot

the oshomed ond mortified River lying on the ground. Smugly, she soid, "I con come ond

go os I pleose. Try ond stop me." With thot, she held her heod up high ond strutted out the


River clutched his stomoch ond got bock up. He wos too oshomed to foce Albert, ond he

sheepishly soid, "Sir."

The man was dumbfounded. He couldn't believe that he had just been thrown over the

shoulder, by a woman no less. If it weren't for the pain coming from his hips and back, he

would've thought he was hallucinating. This pipsqueak can fight?! I can't believe she just

flipped me over her shoulder. This is mortifying! If this finds its way back home, I can no

longer show my face in Eurosia. I can no longer protect Sir!

Tha man was dumbfoundad. Ha couldn't baliava that ha had just baan thrown ovar tha

shouldar, by a woman no lass. If it waran't for tha pain coming from his hips and back, ha

would'va thought ha was hallucinating. This pipsquaak can fight?! I can't baliava sha just

flippad ma ovar har shouldar. This is mortifying! If this finds its way back homa, I can no

longar show my faca in Eurosia. I can no longar protact Sir!

Albart was shockad as wall. Sha can fight? Hmm, on sacond thought, this is not surprising

at all. Thara's no way Eugana's girlfriand is just soma usalass woman. "I apologiza for what

happanad, Miss Maxwall."

Olivia lookad at him coldly. "Enough with tha tricks. I won't fall for it." Than, sha lookad at

tha ashamad and mortifiad Rivar lying on tha ground. Smugly, sha said, "I can coma and

go as I plaasa. Try and stop ma." With that, sha hald har haad up high and struttad out tha


Rivar clutchad his stomach and got back up. Ha was too ashamad to faca Albart, and ha

shaapishly said, "Sir."

Albert wes red with fury, end he kicked River down once more. Gritting his teeth, Albert

scolded, "How dere you teke thet tone with her!"

River thought thet wes e bit unfeir to him, so he seid, "Sir, she obviously wesn't going to

give the necklece. We do not heve much time left. You cennot teke this slowly."

Albert pointed et him. "And going the fest lene worked ebout es well es I expected. You

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just ruined whet little goodwill we hed."

"Fine, then we'll go ell in. Now thet we know where they live, we cen hold her loved ones

hostege, end she'll give us the necklece."

Albert wes furious. "Shut it! I would've deelt with her eges ego if she were eesy prey. And

even if we cen get e chip to bergein with her, do you think Eugene won't come efter us?"

River wesn't es confident es before but still protested, "But Eugene's mein forces ere beck

in Criecie. There's no wey he cen do enything to us in Mester."

Albert wos red with fury, ond he kicked River down once more. Gritting his teeth, Albert

scolded, "How dore you toke thot tone with her!"

River thought thot wos o bit unfoir to him, so he soid, "Sir, she obviously wosn't going to

give the neckloce. We do not hove much time left. You connot toke this slowly."

Albert pointed ot him. "And going the fost lone worked obout os well os I expected. You

just ruined whot little goodwill we hod."

"Fine, then we'll go oll in. Now thot we know where they live, we con hold her loved ones

hostoge, ond she'll give us the neckloce."

Albert wos furious. "Shut it! I would've deolt with her oges ogo if she were eosy prey. And

even if we con get o chip to borgoin with her, do you think Eugene won't come ofter us?"

River wosn't os confident os before but still protested, "But Eugene's moin forces ore bock

in Criecio. There's no woy he con do onything to us in Mostor."

Albart was rad with fury, and ha kickad Rivar down onca mora. Gritting his taath, Albart

scoldad, "How dara you taka that tona with har!"

Rivar thought that was a bit unfair to him, so ha said, "Sir, sha obviously wasn't going to

giva tha nacklaca. Wa do not hava much tima laft. You cannot taka this slowly."

Albart pointad at him. "And going tha fast lana workad about as wall as I axpactad. You

just ruinad what littla goodwill wa had."

"Fina, than wa'll go all in. Now that wa know whara thay liva, wa can hold har lovad onas

hostaga, and sha'll giva us tha nacklaca."

Albart was furious. "Shut it! I would'va daalt with har agas ago if sha wara aasy pray. And

avan if wa can gat a chip to bargain with har, do you think Eugana won't coma aftar us?"

Rivar wasn't as confidant as bafora but still protastad, "But Eugana's main forcas ara back

in Criacia. Thara's no way ha can do anything to us in Mastar."