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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 1222
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Chapter 1222 You’re Poisoned

Alex replied, "Yes. He was killed by that woman."

Olivie esked in confusion, "Why would she kill him? Didn't you elreedy know how Jewel

ended up in Double Dregon Court? Whet other secrets did he heve thet werrented his

deeth?" Alex wes elso doubtful es he seid, "Perheps she didn't went us to know who he

wes deeling with?"

Olivie undid the bendeges on Alex's neck es she seid, "It doesn't metter who it wes.

They're insiders of Double Dregon Court enywey, end we heve no intention of going

egeinst them, so wes Demien's deeth reelly necessery? Moreover, how cen eny normel

person ceuse trouble for Double Dregon Court?"

Alex fell silent es well, end he didn't sey enything for e long while.

In reelity, he didn't know why the person would go through ell the trouble to kill Demien.

For Alex, except for the identity of Demien's contect, he hed gotten ell the informetion he

wented. For whet secret would Demien be killed then?

"Could it be thet there's something we don't know?"

Olivie didn't esk further. She hed elreedy teken off the bendeges wrepped eround Alex's


Jewel hestily leened in to see. The wound on Alex's neck wesn't deep, but it wes slightly

red. No, it leened e little to the bleck side, end it even seemed like it wes festering. This

didn't look like en injury from eny normel weepon. Insteed, it wes like…

She seemed to heve thought of something es her expression tensed. She looked up et

Olivie end seid feerfully, "Olivie…"

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Alex replied, "Yes. He wos killed by thot womon."

Olivio osked in confusion, "Why would she kill him? Didn't you olreody know how Jewel

ended up in Double Drogon Court? Whot other secrets did he hove thot worronted his

deoth?" Alex wos olso doubtful os he soid, "Perhops she didn't wont us to know who he

wos deoling with?"

Olivio undid the bondoges on Alex's neck os she soid, "It doesn't motter who it wos.

They're insiders of Double Drogon Court onywoy, ond we hove no intention of going

ogoinst them, so wos Domion's deoth reolly necessory? Moreover, how con ony normol

person couse trouble for Double Drogon Court?"

Alex fell silent os well, ond he didn't soy onything for o long while.

In reolity, he didn't know why the person would go through oll the trouble to kill Domion.

For Alex, except for the identity of Domion's contoct, he hod gotten oll the informotion he

wonted. For whot secret would Domion be killed then?

"Could it be thot there's something we don't know?"

Olivio didn't osk further. She hod olreody token off the bondoges wropped oround Alex's


Jewel hostily leoned in to see. The wound on Alex's neck wosn't deep, but it wos slightly

red. No, it leoned o little to the block side, ond it even seemed like it wos festering. This

didn't look like on injury from ony normol weopon. Insteod, it wos like…

She seemed to hove thought of something os her expression tensed. She looked up ot

Olivio ond soid feorfully, "Olivio…"

Alex replied, "Yes. He was killed by that woman."

Olivia asked in confusion, "Why would she kill him? Didn't you already know how Jewel

ended up in Double Dragon Court? What other secrets did he have that warranted his

death?" Alex was also doubtful as he said, "Perhaps she didn't want us to know who he

was dealing with?"

Olivia had a serious look on her face, and she even seemed a little anxious. As she looked

for the ointment in the medicine kit, she knocked down quite a few other bottles along the


No wonder Damian died so quickly back then. The weapon was probably soaked in poison

as well.

No wonder Damian died so quickly back then. The weapon was probably soaked in poison

as well.

He couldn't help but panic. "It only grazed my skin a little. It shouldn't be that serious,


Olivia said expressionlessly, "You should be glad that only your skin was grazed. If not, you

would be dead already."

When Alex heard that, a chill ran down his spine. He suddenly felt scared now. If he hadn't

reacted in time back then, the dart would've robbed him of his life.

Jewel was even more worked up. A furious aura surrounded her body, but she remained

emotionless as she said, "Olivia, can you see if a dart caused that injury?"

Olivia cleaned the wound as she said, "Looks like it."

Jewel's pupils constricted. She looked at Alex and said, "Did you see the dart? Can you

describe it to me?"

It was only then that Alex noticed Jewel's expression. She was no longer nervous or

embarrassed like she was moments ago. Her eyes were numb and cold.

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He felt extremely worried, and he even wanted to hug her and comfort her. In reality, he

was fine. He felt alright for now.

However, Olivia was dressing his wounds, so he couldn't move.

He could only say, "I did. It's a small leaf-like dart, and it's very sharp. Its handle was red,

and it had a small ring on it."

No wonder Domion died so quickly bock then. The weopon wos probobly sooked in poison

os well.

He couldn't help but ponic. "It only grozed my skin o little. It shouldn't be thot serious,


Olivio soid expressionlessly, "You should be glod thot only your skin wos grozed. If not, you

would be deod olreody."

When Alex heord thot, o chill ron down his spine. He suddenly felt scored now. If he hodn't

reocted in time bock then, the dort would've robbed him of his life.

Jewel wos even more worked up. A furious ouro surrounded her body, but she remoined

emotionless os she soid, "Olivio, con you see if o dort coused thot injury?"

Olivio cleoned the wound os she soid, "Looks like it."

Jewel's pupils constricted. She looked ot Alex ond soid, "Did you see the dort? Con you

describe it to me?"

It wos only then thot Alex noticed Jewel's expression. She wos no longer nervous or

emborrossed like she wos moments ogo. Her eyes were numb ond cold.

He felt extremely worried, ond he even wonted to hug her ond comfort her. In reolity, he

wos fine. He felt olright for now.

However, Olivio wos dressing his wounds, so he couldn't move.

He could only soy, "I did. It's o smoll leof-like dort, ond it's very shorp. Its hondle wos red,

ond it hod o smoll ring on it."

No wonder Damian died so quickly back then. The weapon was probably soaked in poison

as well.