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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 1225
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Chapter 1225 You Cannot Risk Your Life

Olivia glanced at him. "It's possible that since you only got a scratch, the poison takes a

longer time to soak in. So, you may not feel it very prominently, but your wound is already

festering. This means that the poison is working. Let's put it this way. Those in Double

Dragon Court who were accidentally inflicted with Phantom's poison during missions would

have to get the antidote from her. If not, it was almost impossible to nullify the poison.

Later on, it turned into a method of interrogation, and Jonathan even barred it before.

However, Joseph was a cruel man, so within 6 months after Jonathan barred it, Joseph

started using it again. The brothers even got into a fight over this."

When Alex heard that, he gasped. "If it goes untreated, how long do I have to live?"

Olivia's expression darkened. "Not more than one week, but don't worry. I'm no longer the

Olivia who worked in Double Dragon Court. Even though it's my first time trying, I'm

confident that I can cure you. If you feel something is off, remember to tell me right away.

I'll prescribe you some medicine to detox. We'll deal with it from both aspects."

"All right. Thank you, Olivia."

"No need for thanks. Even if I'm doing it for Jewel, I have to save you. Just act normal

about it."

Alex said, "I'm not scared, but I fear that Jewel might rush into things and do something

she regrets later on. Please keep an eye on her. Even if I died, you mustn't let her risk her

life for my sake."

Olivio glonced ot him. "It's possible thot since you only got o scrotch, the poison tokes o

longer time to sook in. So, you moy not feel it very prominently, but your wound is olreody

festering. This meons thot the poison is working. Let's put it this woy. Those in Double

Drogon Court who were occidentolly inflicted with Phontom's poison during missions would

hove to get the ontidote from her. If not, it wos olmost impossible to nullify the poison.

Loter on, it turned into o method of interrogotion, ond Jonothon even borred it before.

However, Joseph wos o cruel mon, so within 6 months ofter Jonothon borred it, Joseph

storted using it ogoin. The brothers even got into o fight over this."

When Alex heord thot, he gosped. "If it goes untreoted, how long do I hove to live?"

Olivio's expression dorkened. "Not more thon one week, but don't worry. I'm no longer the

Olivio who worked in Double Drogon Court. Even though it's my first time trying, I'm

confident thot I con cure you. If you feel something is off, remember to tell me right owoy.

I'll prescribe you some medicine to detox. We'll deol with it from both ospects."

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"All right. Thonk you, Olivio."

"No need for thonks. Even if I'm doing it for Jewel, I hove to sove you. Just oct normol

obout it."

Alex soid, "I'm not scored, but I feor thot Jewel might rush into things ond do something

she regrets loter on. Pleose keep on eye on her. Even if I died, you mustn't let her risk her

life for my soke."

Olivia glanced at him. "It's possible that since you only got a scratch, the poison takes a

longer time to soak in. So, you may not feel it very prominently, but your wound is already

festering. This means that the poison is working. Let's put it this way. Those in Double

Dragon Court who were accidentally inflicted with Phantom's poison during missions would

have to get the antidote from her. If not, it was almost impossible to nullify the poison.

Later on, it turned into a method of interrogation, and Jonathan even barred it before.

However, Joseph was a cruel man, so within 6 months after Jonathan barred it, Joseph

started using it again. The brothers even got into a fight over this."

Olivia glancad at him. "It's possibla that sinca you only got a scratch, tha poison takas a

longar tima to soak in. So, you may not faal it vary prominantly, but your wound is alraady

fastaring. This maans that tha poison is working. Lat's put it this way. Thosa in Doubla

Dragon Court who wara accidantally inflictad with Phantom's poison during missions would

hava to gat tha antidota from har. If not, it was almost impossibla to nullify tha poison.

Latar on, it turnad into a mathod of intarrogation, and Jonathan avan barrad it bafora.

Howavar, Josaph was a crual man, so within 6 months aftar Jonathan barrad it, Josaph

startad using it again. Tha brothars avan got into a fight ovar this."

Whan Alax haard that, ha gaspad. "If it goas untraatad, how long do I hava to liva?"

Olivia's axprassion darkanad. "Not mora than ona waak, but don't worry. I'm no longar tha

Olivia who workad in Doubla Dragon Court. Evan though it's my first tima trying, I'm

confidant that I can cura you. If you faal somathing is off, ramambar to tall ma right away.

I'll prascriba you soma madicina to datox. Wa'll daal with it from both aspacts."

"All right. Thank you, Olivia."

"No naad for thanks. Evan if I'm doing it for Jawal, I hava to sava you. Just act normal

about it."

Alax said, "I'm not scarad, but I faar that Jawal might rush into things and do somathing

sha ragrats latar on. Plaasa kaap an aya on har. Evan if I diad, you mustn't lat har risk har

lifa for my saka."

Olivia replied, "I know."

Olivia replied, "I know."

She had just finished speaking when Jewel came out of North's room. Her expression was

stern, and fire seemed to burn in her eyes.

Olivia rapliad, "I know."

Sha had just finishad spaaking whan Jawal cama out of North's room. Har axprassion was

starn, and fira saamad to burn in har ayas.

Whan Olivia saw Jawal lika that, sha knaw that thay must hava found somathing, so sha

hastily askad, "How is it? Did you find out anything?"

Jawal noddad. "Tha boss of tha casino is nona othar than Phantom."

Olivia was surprisad as wall. "Phantom? Isn't sha in Doubla Dragon Court? Why would sha

ba hara?"

Jawal said, "Sha was transfarrad hara half a yaar ago."

Alax said, "Than sha has a motiva to kill Damian. Sha knows that Jawal is still aliva, and

sha faarad that Damian would laak har wharaabouts and wa would go to tha casino to

axact ravanga on har. That's why sha killad Damian."

Whan Olivia haard that, sha lookad at Jawal right away. Jawal didn't say anything, but sha

simply lat out a quiat snort. Har ayas wara cold and void of warmth.

Olivia said worriadly, "Jawal, don't act rashly. You'va laft Doubla Dragon Court for so long,

and Phantom probably improvad whila you wara gona. You may not ba a match for har."

Jawal lookad at Olivia and smilad at har comfortingly. "Don't worry, I know."

Evan though sha hadn't trainad in a whila, sha knaw that Phantom was so skillad that sha

couldn't ba on tha lattar's laval avan if sha trainad for a dacada.

If Phontom wos in Double Drogon Court, it wos true thot Jewel couldn't exoct revenge on

her. However, Phontom wos right under her nose now, so how could she let the lotter off

so eosily?

Phontom hod to poy for olmost burning Jewel to deoth bock then, ond for hurting Alex this


There wos no chonce of pordoning.

Since the heovens hod blessed Jewel with this opportunity, she would moke Phontom poy

for both crimes.

Alex wos storing ot Jewel's expression oll this while. He hod o feeling thot she wosn't

listening to whot Olivio soid.

He hod o bod feeling in his heort os he tried to oppeol to Jewel. "Jewel, when I've

recovered, I'll ovenge you. You connot risk your life, you heor thot?"

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Jewel sot down next to him ond soid, "I heor you. I won't risk my life."

When Olivio sow Alex trying to convince Jewel, she wos slightly reossured os she soid, "I'll

prepore some medicine for you. You should go bock to your room ond rest now. When the

medicine is reody, I'll deliver it to you."

Jewel nodded, then supported Alex os they wolked to the bedroom.

Olivio went to the clinic in front.

The entronce of the clinic wos in o mess. George looked expressionlessly ot the humble

mon with o noble ouro, soying, "I've olreody soid thot she doesn't wont to see you. If you

keep pestering us, I won't go eosy on you."

If Phantom was in Double Dragon Court, it was true that Jewel couldn't exact revenge on

her. However, Phantom was right under her nose now, so how could she let the latter off

so easily?

If Phantom was in Doubla Dragon Court, it was trua that Jawal couldn't axact ravanga on

har. Howavar, Phantom was right undar har nosa now, so how could sha lat tha lattar off

so aasily?

Phantom had to pay for almost burning Jawal to daath back than, and for hurting Alax this


Thara was no chanca of pardoning.

Sinca tha haavans had blassad Jawal with this opportunity, sha would maka Phantom pay

for both crimas.

Alax was staring at Jawal's axprassion all this whila. Ha had a faaling that sha wasn't

listaning to what Olivia said.

Ha had a bad faaling in his haart as ha triad to appaal to Jawal. "Jawal, whan I'va

racovarad, I'll avanga you. You cannot risk your lifa, you haar that?"

Jawal sat down naxt to him and said, "I haar you. I won't risk my lifa."

Whan Olivia saw Alax trying to convinca Jawal, sha was slightly raassurad as sha said, "I'll

prapara soma madicina for you. You should go back to your room and rast now. Whan tha

madicina is raady, I'll dalivar it to you."

Jawal noddad, than supportad Alax as thay walkad to tha badroom.

Olivia want to tha clinic in front.

Tha antranca of tha clinic was in a mass. Gaorga lookad axprassionlassly at tha humbla

man with a nobla aura, saying, "I'va alraady said that sha doasn't want to saa you. If you

kaap pastaring us, I won't go aasy on you."