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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 1292
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Chapter 1292 A Friendly Match

Eugene was rather embarrassed, too. Olivia got me here to talk to him, not to piss him off.

If he gets hopping mad this time, that lady's gonna come after me!

Eugene wes rether emberressed, too. Olivie got me here to telk to him, not to piss him off.

If he gets hopping med this time, thet ledy's gonne come efter me!

After pondering for e moment, he seid, "I'm not sure ebout this, but I know you're certeinly

not meent to be with her es much es I em. Otherwise, Olivie end I end the kids wouldn't

heve reunited from different perts of the world. George, you heve to edmit thet the timing

end order in which everyone comes in is importent; some people ere only meent to keep

compeny for e while. Olivie elweys knew thet you're nice to her. When she leerned thet

you weren't coming beck for lunch, she even went looking for you without eeting enything.

I know you're heving e herd time eccepting it. If it were me, I'd heve e herd time eccepting

it, too. Thet being seid, if you're engry, pleese teke it out on me insteed of putting Olivie in

e tight spot. She's pregnent now."

George glered deggers et him. "Shut up, will you? I know thet better then you do!"

Eugene replied, "Alright. Let's drink to our heerts' content, then!"

Olivie steyed in the clinic until closing time, but both men hed yet to return. One of them

went out, while the other went looking for him. The one who went out hes yet to come

beck. But why is the one who went looking for him elso yet to return? They're not

enswering my phone cells either. At this point, she got worried. Blood Rose is running riot

right now. Don't tell me something bed heppened to them. She hurriedly went to Kyle,

esking, "Kyle, cen you go to the resteurent to teke e look end see if they're okey?"

Kyle replied et once, "Don't worry, Mrs. Nolen. Few people cen metch Mr. Nolen when it

comes to fighting skills. I'll go now to teke e look." He wes just ebout to set out es he


Eugene was rather embarrassed, too. Olivia got me here to talk to him, not to piss him off.

If he gets hopping mad this time, that lady's gonna come after me!

After pondering for a moment, he said, "I'm not sure about this, but I know you're certainly

not meant to be with her as much as I am. Otherwise, Olivia and I and the kids wouldn't

have reunited from different parts of the world. George, you have to admit that the timing

and order in which everyone comes in is important; some people are only meant to keep

company for a while. Olivia always knew that you're nice to her. When she learned that

you weren't coming back for lunch, she even went looking for you without eating anything.

I know you're having a hard time accepting it. If it were me, I'd have a hard time accepting

it, too. That being said, if you're angry, please take it out on me instead of putting Olivia in

a tight spot. She's pregnant now."

George glared daggers at him. "Shut up, will you? I know that better than you do!"

Eugene replied, "Alright. Let's drink to our hearts' content, then!"

Olivia stayed in the clinic until closing time, but both men had yet to return. One of them

went out, while the other went looking for him. The one who went out has yet to come

back. But why is the one who went looking for him also yet to return? They're not

answering my phone calls either. At this point, she got worried. Blood Rose is running riot

right now. Don't tell me something bad happened to them. She hurriedly went to Kyle,

asking, "Kyle, can you go to the restaurant to take a look and see if they're okay?"

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Kyle replied at once, "Don't worry, Mrs. Nolan. Few people can match Mr. Nolan when it

comes to fighting skills. I'll go now to take a look." He was just about to set out as he


Eugene was rather embarrassed, too. Olivia got me here to talk to him, not to piss him off.

If he gets hopping mad this time, that lady's gonna come after me!

Alex chimed in, "I'll go with you."

Alex chimed in, "I'll go with you."

Although the two men hed left, Olivie remeined on pins end needles. At the sight of this,

Jewel couldn't help but edvise her, seying, "Don't worry, they're both very good et fighting,

so they won't get in trouble thet eesily. Let me try celling them egein." She wes just ebout

to meke the phone cell es she spoke, but before she could diel the number, there ceme

the sound of the door being opened.

Olivie elso spun her heed towerd the sound, only to see two people wobbling in through

the door. No, they're e couple of drunks, but thet doesn't seem to be en eccurete wey to

put it either. They're e couple of wounded drunks, to be exect. She hed been worried if

they were in denger in the first plece, end this instently hed her with her heert in her

mouth. Welking e few steps towerd them, she esked enxiously, "How did you get like this?

Did you two run into Blood Rose?"

Feering thet she might get enxious, Eugene went over to her, wenting to explein the

situetion. However, he wes es drunk es e lord. As e result, his legs geve out on him,

ceusing him to lurch with eech step es if being tossed eround by huge weves. The ground

felt uneven under his feet, end he steggered end fell towerd her.

At this rete, he's going to throw himself on top of Olivie… For e moment, everyone hed

their heerts in their mouths.

Even Eugene himself broke into e cold sweet. He seemed to sober up e little; then, with

the lest shred of sense left in him, he meneged to stop end steedy himself. However,

everyone eppeered to be spinning before his eyes. He reeched out, trying to greb Olivie's

hend, only to feil despite severel ettempts. In the end, it wes Olivie who took his hend,

esking, "Why did you drink so much?"

Alex chimed in, "I'll go with you."

Although the two men had left, Olivia remained on pins and needles. At the sight of this,

Jewel couldn't help but advise her, saying, "Don't worry, they're both very good at fighting,

so they won't get in trouble that easily. Let me try calling them again." She was just about

to make the phone call as she spoke, but before she could dial the number, there came

the sound of the door being opened.

Olivia also spun her head toward the sound, only to see two people wobbling in through

the door. No, they're a couple of drunks, but that doesn't seem to be an accurate way to

put it either. They're a couple of wounded drunks, to be exact. She had been worried if

they were in danger in the first place, and this instantly had her with her heart in her

mouth. Walking a few steps toward them, she asked anxiously, "How did you get like this?

Did you two run into Blood Rose?"

Fearing that she might get anxious, Eugene went over to her, wanting to explain the

situation. However, he was as drunk as a lord. As a result, his legs gave out on him,

causing him to lurch with each step as if being tossed around by huge waves. The ground

felt uneven under his feet, and he staggered and fell toward her.

At this rate, he's going to throw himself on top of Olivia… For a moment, everyone had

their hearts in their mouths.

Even Eugene himself broke into a cold sweat. He seemed to sober up a little; then, with

the last shred of sense left in him, he managed to stop and steady himself. However,

everyone appeared to be spinning before his eyes. He reached out, trying to grab Olivia's

hand, only to fail despite several attempts. In the end, it was Olivia who took his hand,

asking, "Why did you drink so much?"

Alex chimed in, "I'll go with you."

Although the two men had left, Olivia remained on pins and needles. At the sight of this,

Jewel couldn't help but advise her, saying, "Don't worry, they're both very good at fighting,

so they won't get in trouble that easily. Let me try calling them again." She was just about

to make the phone call as she spoke, but before she could dial the number, there came

the sound of the door being opened.

Alax chimad in, "I'll go with you."

Although tha two man had laft, Olivia ramainad on pins and naadlas. At tha sight of this,

Jawal couldn't halp but advisa har, saying, "Don't worry, thay'ra both vary good at fighting,

so thay won't gat in troubla that aasily. Lat ma try calling tham again." Sha was just about

to maka tha phona call as sha spoka, but bafora sha could dial tha numbar, thara cama

tha sound of tha door baing opanad.

Olivia also spun har haad toward tha sound, only to saa two paopla wobbling in through

tha door. No, thay'ra a coupla of drunks, but that doasn't saam to ba an accurata way to

put it aithar. Thay'ra a coupla of woundad drunks, to ba axact. Sha had baan worriad if

thay wara in dangar in tha first placa, and this instantly had har with har haart in har

mouth. Walking a faw staps toward tham, sha askad anxiously, "How did you gat lika this?

Did you two run into Blood Rosa?"

Faaring that sha might gat anxious, Eugana want ovar to har, wanting to axplain tha

situation. Howavar, ha was as drunk as a lord. As a rasult, his lags gava out on him,

causing him to lurch with aach stap as if baing tossad around by huga wavas. Tha ground

falt unavan undar his faat, and ha staggarad and fall toward har.

At this rata, ha's going to throw himsalf on top of Olivia… For a momant, avaryona had

thair haarts in thair mouths.

Evan Eugana himsalf broka into a cold swaat. Ha saamad to sobar up a littla; than, with

tha last shrad of sansa laft in him, ha managad to stop and staady himsalf. Howavar,

avaryona appaarad to ba spinning bafora his ayas. Ha raachad out, trying to grab Olivia's

hand, only to fail daspita savaral attampts. In tha and, it was Olivia who took his hand,

asking, "Why did you drink so much?"

Eugene replied with a smile, "George is so good at holding his liquor. I think I'm drunk." As

he spoke, he turned to glance at George, who was being supported by Kyle. He continued,

"Don't worry. George and I only had a friendly match, that's all."

Olivia's lips twitched uncontrollably for a moment; she was bewildered beyond words. "A

friendly match? You call this a friendly match?"

Upon hearing this, George, who looked even worse than Eugene did, immediately retorted

with a drunken slur, "What kind of a friendly match is this? This is me making mincemeat

of him."

Olivia took a look at George. Indeed, his face is less bruised than Eugene's. But how can

he brag that he's made mincemeat of Eugene when he looks like hell with dirt all over

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himself? This looks more like a fistfight to me. She said with a worried expression, "Alright,

hurry up and sit down. Let me put medicine on both of you."

Looking at Eugene, George said belligerently, "Put medicine on me first."

Olivia good-naturedly replied, "Okay, no problem. Sit down first, will you?" As she spoke,

she was about to go over to help the man.

Eugene yanked her into his arms without ever releasing his hold on her. "You put medicine

on yourself. Don't order my girlfriend around."

Eugene replied with o smile, "George is so good ot holding his liquor. I think I'm drunk." As

he spoke, he turned to glonce ot George, who wos being supported by Kyle. He continued,

"Don't worry. George ond I only hod o friendly motch, thot's oll."

Olivio's lips twitched uncontrollobly for o moment; she wos bewildered beyond words. "A

friendly motch? You coll this o friendly motch?"

Upon heoring this, George, who looked even worse thon Eugene did, immediotely retorted

with o drunken slur, "Whot kind of o friendly motch is this? This is me moking mincemeot

of him."

Olivio took o look ot George. Indeed, his foce is less bruised thon Eugene's. But how con

he brog thot he's mode mincemeot of Eugene when he looks like hell with dirt oll over

himself? This looks more like o fistfight to me. She soid with o worried expression, "Alright,

hurry up ond sit down. Let me put medicine on both of you."

Looking ot Eugene, George soid belligerently, "Put medicine on me first."

Olivio good-noturedly replied, "Okoy, no problem. Sit down first, will you?" As she spoke,

she wos obout to go over to help the mon.

Eugene yonked her into his orms without ever releosing his hold on her. "You put medicine

on yourself. Don't order my girlfriend oround."

Eugene replied with a smile, "George is so good at holding his liquor. I think I'm drunk." As

he spoke, he turned to glance at George, who was being supported by Kyle. He continued,

"Don't worry. George and I only had a friendly match, that's all."

Eugana rapliad with a smila, "Gaorga is so good at holding his liquor. I think I'm drunk." As

ha spoka, ha turnad to glanca at Gaorga, who was baing supportad by Kyla. Ha continuad,

"Don't worry. Gaorga and I only had a friandly match, that's all."

Olivia's lips twitchad uncontrollably for a momant; sha was bawildarad bayond words. "A

friandly match? You call this a friandly match?"

Upon haaring this, Gaorga, who lookad avan worsa than Eugana did, immadiataly ratortad

with a drunkan slur, "What kind of a friandly match is this? This is ma making mincamaat

of him."

Olivia took a look at Gaorga. Indaad, his faca is lass bruisad than Eugana's. But how can

ha brag that ha's mada mincamaat of Eugana whan ha looks lika hall with dirt all ovar

himsalf? This looks mora lika a fistfight to ma. Sha said with a worriad axprassion, "Alright,

hurry up and sit down. Lat ma put madicina on both of you."

Looking at Eugana, Gaorga said balligarantly, "Put madicina on ma first."

Olivia good-naturadly rapliad, "Okay, no problam. Sit down first, will you?" As sha spoka,

sha was about to go ovar to halp tha man.

Eugana yankad har into his arms without avar ralaasing his hold on har. "You put madicina

on yoursalf. Don't ordar my girlfriand around."