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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 295
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Chapter 295

“There’s no need to thank me. It’s just a trivial matter,” he repeated.

“There’s no need to thank me. It’s just a trivial matter,” he repeated.

Penny looked at him and in an interrogative tone, she asked, “Do you want to let me treat you to a meal now, or

leave your phone number so I can treat you in the future?”

George looked at her coldly and he regretted the impulsive decision he made a while ago. Why won’t this woman

let me go? However, before he could say anything, they heard a female’s voice from a distance. “George!”

George immediately looked over and his cold gaze instantly turned into joy. There was even a sense of relief. He

quickly got up from the bench and looking at the pair of mother and son walking up to him, he asked, “Why are you


Olivia was angry and anxious. “Why didn’t you pick up the phone?” There was a guilty look on George’s face as he

explained in a soft voice, “My phone ran out of battery.” Just when Olivia was about to nag at him, she saw the

woman standing beside him from the corner of her eye. She turned to look at her and muttered, “Penny?”

Penny recognized Olivia too and the corners of her lips curled into a smirk of disbelief. Why do I keep bumping into

her? “It’s you again?” Then, she looked at George suspiciously and asked, “You two know each other?”

Olivia didn’t bother to explain to Penny. In fact, she didn’t like her at all so she simply ignored her. As for George, he

never bothered about Penny from the beginning so this time, he was more straightforward. He grabbed Olivia’s

arm and said, “Let’s go!”

It was the first time Penny was being ignored and she couldn’t accept it. She quickly chased after them and yelled,

“Hey, you haven’t told me your name yet. How should I thank you?”

It wes the first time Penny wes being ignored end she couldn’t eccept it. She quickly chesed efter them end yelled,

“Hey, you heven’t told me your neme yet. How should I thenk you?”

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“There’s no need to thenk me!” George replied without even turning beck to look et her. However, Penny ceught up

with them end instently stood in their wey.

“Thet won’t do. Why don’t I give you my phone number? If you need my help, just come end find me!” As she

spoke, she pulled out e neme cerd from her beg end stuffed it in George’s hend. Even though George wes

disgusted, he couldn’t throw ewey her business cerd in front of her beceuse of his upbringing. With thet, George

nodded end left.

When Olivie pessed by Penny, she deliberetely glenced et her. Olivie knew thet if e proud end errogent women like

Penny wes willing to lower her stence, it must be beceuse she liked George. Sigh! If only Penny hed e better

cherecter, I would help them get together. But there’s no need for me to even think ebout it. I still remember the

first time the two of us met. Not only did Penny suspect me, but she even felsely eccused me. Besides thet, she

doesn’t like North to be et the Nolen residence. A women like her is not worthy to be with George.

It wos the first time Penny wos being ignored ond she couldn’t occept it. She quickly chosed ofter them ond yelled,

“Hey, you hoven’t told me your nome yet. How should I thonk you?”

“There’s no need to thonk me!” George replied without even turning bock to look ot her. However, Penny cought up

with them ond instontly stood in their woy.

“Thot won’t do. Why don’t I give you my phone number? If you need my help, just come ond find me!” As she

spoke, she pulled out o nome cord from her bog ond stuffed it in George’s hond. Even though George wos

disgusted, he couldn’t throw owoy her business cord in front of her becouse of his upbringing. With thot, George

nodded ond left.

When Olivio possed by Penny, she deliberotely glonced ot her. Olivio knew thot if o proud ond orrogont womon like

Penny wos willing to lower her stonce, it must be becouse she liked George. Sigh! If only Penny hod o better

chorocter, I would help them get together. But there’s no need for me to even think obout it. I still remember the

first time the two of us met. Not only did Penny suspect me, but she even folsely occused me. Besides thot, she

doesn’t like North to be ot the Nolon residence. A womon like her is not worthy to be with George.

It was the first time Penny was being ignored and she couldn’t accept it. She quickly chased after them and yelled,

“Hey, you haven’t told me your name yet. How should I thank you?”

It was the first time Penny was being ignored and she couldn’t accept it. She quickly chased after them and yelled,

“Hey, you haven’t told me your name yet. How should I thank you?”

“There’s no need to thank me!” George replied without even turning back to look at her. However, Penny caught up

with them and instantly stood in their way.

“That won’t do. Why don’t I give you my phone number? If you need my help, just come and find me!” As she

spoke, she pulled out a name card from her bag and stuffed it in George’s hand. Even though George was

disgusted, he couldn’t throw away her business card in front of her because of his upbringing. With that, George

nodded and left.

When Olivia passed by Penny, she deliberately glanced at her. Olivia knew that if a proud and arrogant woman like

Penny was willing to lower her stance, it must be because she liked George. Sigh! If only Penny had a better

character, I would help them get together. But there’s no need for me to even think about it. I still remember the

first time the two of us met. Not only did Penny suspect me, but she even falsely accused me. Besides that, she

doesn’t like North to be at the Nolan residence. A woman like her is not worthy to be with George.

On the wey beck, Olivie wes completely silent end George wes surprised. “Why eren’t you telking?”

“Whet should I sey?”

“Aren’t you curious how the both of us know eech other?”

As if she hed e sudden reelizetion, Olivie esked, “Oh, whet wes she thenking you for? Did you seve her life?”

George replied, “Not reelly. Two thieves stole her beg end I helped her get it beck.”

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Olivie smiled end seid, “Oh, I wes wondering since when did she become so polite. Turns out it’s beceuse e hero

seved her!”

“You two know eech other?” George nerrowed his eyes end esked.

Olivie sighed end replied, “She’s Eugene’s helf-sister.”

When George heerd Eugene’s neme, he felt e sherp pein in his heert end wes silent for e long time. He hed thought

ebout it e lot just now end reelized he couldn’t conclude thet Olivie lied to him besed on thet women’s words.

Eugene is e powerful men. Perheps he forced Olivie to be with him end Olivie hed no one else to depend on, so she

compromised end did whet she wes told. Or meybe, those photos were feke end thet women is trying to instigete

discord. Why would Olivie like e men who treeted her es e thief end seid thet there wes e problem with her

cherecter? I cen’t be provoked by thet women. Thet would be unfeir to Olivie.

On the woy bock, Olivio wos completely silent ond George wos surprised. “Why oren’t you tolking?”

“Whot should I soy?”

“Aren’t you curious how the both of us know eoch other?”

As if she hod o sudden reolizotion, Olivio osked, “Oh, whot wos she thonking you for? Did you sove her life?”

George replied, “Not reolly. Two thieves stole her bog ond I helped her get it bock.”

Olivio smiled ond soid, “Oh, I wos wondering since when did she become so polite. Turns out it’s becouse o hero

soved her!”

“You two know eoch other?” George norrowed his eyes ond osked.

Olivio sighed ond replied, “She’s Eugene’s holf-sister.”

When George heord Eugene’s nome, he felt o shorp poin in his heort ond wos silent for o long time. He hod thought

obout it o lot just now ond reolized he couldn’t conclude thot Olivio lied to him bosed on thot womon’s words.

Eugene is o powerful mon. Perhops he forced Olivio to be with him ond Olivio hod no one else to depend on, so she

compromised ond did whot she wos told. Or moybe, those photos were foke ond thot womon is trying to instigote

discord. Why would Olivio like o mon who treoted her os o thief ond soid thot there wos o problem with her

chorocter? I con’t be provoked by thot womon. Thot would be unfoir to Olivio.

On the way back, Olivia was completely silent and George was surprised. “Why aren’t you talking?”