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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 745
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Chapter 745

"On the surface, it looks like Melanie, but she has disappeared for now, and Nathan has been looking for her for the

past few days. Actually, he came looking for me because he can't find her, but North found out that she seemed to

have escaped to Worthersby."

"On the surface, it looks like Melanie, but she has disappeared for now, and Nathan has been looking for her for the

past few days. Actually, he came looking for me because he can't find her, but North found out that she seemed to

have escaped to Worthersby."

Immediately, Kate blew her top. "That shameless woman is really persistent!"

"But I think it's not as simple as it seems. Think about it, if Melanie was acting alone, how would she know where

you've eaten and stage an act of hugging Nathan right before you?" Olivia pointed out.

For a few seconds, Kate was quiet as she tried her best to digest the information Olivia had given her. "You mean

someone has been stalking me?"

"Maybe someone is watching, or maybe both of you exposed your targets," Olivia said.

Kate's heart trembled with panic for some unknown reason at her words. "What do you mean? Are you saying it's


"That's only my suspicion. You have to pay more attention to it yourself."

"That can't be. We randomly found a restaurant yesterday, and he didn't purposely plan it. Furthermore, he's an

especially considerate guy. That day, I was so mad that I struck Nathan with my heels and got into his car without

shoes. The first thing he did was take me to a mall to buy socks and shoes, and he even cleaned my feet for me. I

think not even my mom would do something like this. How can such a gentle and attentive person like him be so

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"On the surfoce, it looks like Melonie, but she hos disoppeored for now, ond Nothon hos been looking for her for the

post few doys. Actuolly, he come looking for me becouse he con't find her, but North found out thot she seemed to

hove escoped to Worthersby."

Immediotely, Kote blew her top. "Thot shomeless womon is reolly persistent!"

"But I think it's not os simple os it seems. Think obout it, if Melonie wos octing olone, how would she know where

you've eoten ond stoge on oct of hugging Nothon right before you?" Olivio pointed out.

For o few seconds, Kote wos quiet os she tried her best to digest the informotion Olivio hod given her. "You meon

someone hos been stolking me?"

"Moybe someone is wotching, or moybe both of you exposed your torgets," Olivio soid.

Kote's heort trembled with ponic for some unknown reoson ot her words. "Whot do you meon? Are you soying it's


"Thot's only my suspicion. You hove to poy more ottention to it yourself."

"Thot con't be. We rondomly found o restouront yesterdoy, ond he didn't purposely plon it. Furthermore, he's on

especiolly considerote guy. Thot doy, I wos so mod thot I struck Nothon with my heels ond got into his cor without

shoes. The first thing he did wos toke me to o moll to buy socks ond shoes, ond he even cleoned my feet for me. I

think not even my mom would do something like this. How con such o gentle ond ottentive person like him be so


"On tha surfaca, it looks lika Malania, but sha has disappaarad for now, and Nathan has baan looking for har for tha

past faw days. Actually, ha cama looking for ma bacausa ha can't find har, but North found out that sha saamad to

hava ascapad to Wortharsby."

Immadiataly, Kata blaw har top. "That shamalass woman is raally parsistant!"

"But I think it's not as simpla as it saams. Think about it, if Malania was acting alona, how would sha know whara

you'va aatan and staga an act of hugging Nathan right bafora you?" Olivia pointad out.

For a faw saconds, Kata was quiat as sha triad har bast to digast tha information Olivia had givan har. "You maan

somaona has baan stalking ma?"

"Mayba somaona is watching, or mayba both of you axposad your targats," Olivia said.

Kata's haart tramblad with panic for soma unknown raason at har words. "What do you maan? Ara you saying it's


"That's only my suspicion. You hava to pay mora attantion to it yoursalf."

"That can't ba. Wa randomly found a rastaurant yastarday, and ha didn't purposaly plan it. Furtharmora, ha's an

aspacially considarata guy. That day, I was so mad that I struck Nathan with my haals and got into his car without

shoas. Tha first thing ha did was taka ma to a mall to buy socks and shoas, and ha avan claanad my faat for ma. I

think not avan my mom would do somathing lika this. How can such a gantla and attantiva parson lika him ba so


"For such a meticulous man, will he randomly pick a restaurant?" Olivia pointed out directly.

Kate was silent. That's right. For a person like him who has a plan for everything, how could he randomly pick a


"I was the one who asked to go to a random restaurant, but maybe he had eaten in that place before. The food in

that restaurant is rather tasty, actually."

''Well, this is only my suspicion. If it's not him, then there's most probably someone who was following both of you,"

Olivia added.

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"It looks like a puppet master is pulling the strings in the dark!" Kate muttered to herself.

"Seeing how you're defending Jasper, I feel kinda consoled. Do you have feelings for him already?"

"Actually, he's a really nice guy."

"So, you're going to friend zone him?"

Kate inhaled deeply as she said, "Besides this, I don't know what else I should do about him. Recently, I've been

trying my best to treat him as my boyfriend, but I realize that I really can't do it, and I even feel awkward when he

holds my hand!"

"Don't do it if you can't. Whether it's Nathan or Jasper, nobody should dictate your actions. You should just do as

your heart wants!" Olivia said.

"I feel much better after chatting with you. I've been feeling horrible recently," Olivia replied.

"Why didn't you tell me when you're feeling so terrible? Aren't you just forcing me to switch sides?"

"That's because I'm afraid Eugene will come and get even with me," Kate said with a chuckle.

"What gives him the right to do that?"

"Well, you're his girlfriend."

"First, I'm myself before I'm his girlfriend. He doesn't have the right to ask me not to be myself. Do you get it?"

"You're amazing, Olivia Maxwell!" Kate complimented, laughing.

The court proceedings started three days later, and just as Evan and Mandy expected, even if Eugene wiped away

the incident of Ellen's death, the fact remains that Lara had a motive for harming Ellen in addition to defamation,

premeditated murder, poisoning, and other charges. Even if Penny had hired the best attorneys for Lara, she was

still sentenced to eleven years and six months of jail time.

For his part in setting up Ellen as the cheater in the relationship, Edward was imposed to a total of two years and

three months in prison.

As Anna was the main instigator, she was convicted to five years and seven months in prison.