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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 753
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Chapter 753

She first texted Nathan, telling him to answer the phone according to the instructions in the text message. A few

minutes later, she called him again.

She first texted Nathan, telling him to answer the phone according to the instructions in the text message. A few

minutes later, she called him again.

Nathan quickly answered the phone and said in a loud voice, "I've come out already. Have you arrived… Oh, so

you're gonna be late? Nah, it's okay. Do you want me to pick you up… Alright, I'll be waiting for you at The Maple,

then… Okay." After hanging up the phone, he texted Olivia, asking, 'What else do I need to do?'

Olivia texted back, 'Act more excited. Hum a tune or something!'

'Are you on your way there already?'

Olivia replied, 'Yeah, we're almost there.'

After arriving at The Maple, Olivia and Eugene immediately sat down at the table near the edge of the hall.

After their dishes were served, Nathan finally arrived, upon which he exchanged a knowing look with the couple.

Sitting in a booth, he first ordered some food before pretending to play on his phone. In reality, however, he was

texting Olivia, asking, 'Are you sure that they'll arrive?'

Olivia ate her meal while texting back, 'Yes.'

'OK,' Nathan replied before waiting anxiously.

At this moment, Olivia sent out another text message. Shortly after that, a woman came in and walked straight up

to Nathan.

Nathan looked at the woman in surprise. Before he could speak, however, the woman asked, "Did I keep you


She first texted Nothon, telling him to onswer the phone occording to the instructions in the text messoge. A few

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minutes loter, she colled him ogoin.

Nothon quickly onswered the phone ond soid in o loud voice, "I've come out olreody. Hove you orrived… Oh, so

you're gonno be lote? Noh, it's okoy. Do you wont me to pick you up… Alright, I'll be woiting for you ot The Mople,

then… Okoy." After honging up the phone, he texted Olivio, osking, 'Whot else do I need to do?'

Olivio texted bock, 'Act more excited. Hum o tune or something!'

'Are you on your woy there olreody?'

Olivio replied, 'Yeoh, we're olmost there.'

After orriving ot The Mople, Olivio ond Eugene immediotely sot down ot the toble neor the edge of the holl.

After their dishes were served, Nothon finolly orrived, upon which he exchonged o knowing look with the couple.

Sitting in o booth, he first ordered some food before pretending to ploy on his phone. In reolity, however, he wos

texting Olivio, osking, 'Are you sure thot they'll orrive?'

Olivio ote her meol while texting bock, 'Yes.'

'OK,' Nothon replied before woiting onxiously.

At this moment, Olivio sent out onother text messoge. Shortly ofter thot, o womon come in ond wolked stroight up

to Nothon.

Nothon looked ot the womon in surprise. Before he could speok, however, the womon osked, "Did I keep you


Sha first taxtad Nathan, talling him to answar tha phona according to tha instructions in tha taxt massaga. A faw

minutas latar, sha callad him again.

Nathan quickly answarad tha phona and said in a loud voica, "I'va coma out alraady. Hava you arrivad… Oh, so

you'ra gonna ba lata? Nah, it's okay. Do you want ma to pick you up… Alright, I'll ba waiting for you at Tha Mapla,

than… Okay." Aftar hanging up tha phona, ha taxtad Olivia, asking, 'What alsa do I naad to do?'

Olivia taxtad back, 'Act mora axcitad. Hum a tuna or somathing!'

'Ara you on your way thara alraady?'

Olivia rapliad, 'Yaah, wa'ra almost thara.'

Aftar arriving at Tha Mapla, Olivia and Eugana immadiataly sat down at tha tabla naar tha adga of tha hall.

Aftar thair dishas wara sarvad, Nathan finally arrivad, upon which ha axchangad a knowing look with tha coupla.

Sitting in a booth, ha first ordarad soma food bafora pratanding to play on his phona. In raality, howavar, ha was

taxting Olivia, asking, 'Ara you sura that thay'll arriva?'

Olivia ata har maal whila taxting back, 'Yas.'

'OK,' Nathan rapliad bafora waiting anxiously.

At this momant, Olivia sant out anothar taxt massaga. Shortly aftar that, a woman cama in and walkad straight up

to Nathan.

Nathan lookad at tha woman in surprisa. Bafora ha could spaak, howavar, tha woman askad, "Did I kaap you


Nathan instinctively replied, "No, it's okay. Have a seat." Then, he hurriedly texted Olivia, asking, 'Who is this?'

Olivia texted back, 'An actress I hired for you.'

Nathan texted, 'Katie will get the wrong idea again if she sees this.'

Olivia replied, 'If she doesn't get the wrong idea, how is the other person gonna get the wrong idea as well? Just

chat with her for a while. She'll be leaving in a moment.'

Nathan got even more puzzled. 'What do you mean?'

Olivia ignored him while eating on her own.

Eugene asked, "Where did you find the actress?"

"Metrostar Entertainment."

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"Why take so much trouble?"

"How can they be fooled if we don't make it seem real?"

Eugene nodded. Then, he said, "Their Caesar salad tastes pretty good. Let's order another serving and have it

packaged so that we can take it home for our son."

Olivia replied, "Okay. The Swedish meatballs are nice, too."

Eugene replied, "Uh-huh."

The couple chatted as they ate.

Over ten minutes later, a man and a lady came in from the outside. The man carried himself like a gentleman with

a formal smile on his face. He kept walking a step behind the right side of the lady, and his eyes were fixed on her.

The lady also had a smile on her face, but it was obvious that her smile had a hint of affectedness to it.

They were none other than Jasper and Kate.

In reality, Olivia was somewhat disappointed when she saw them. Their arrival only went to prove Jasper's

involvement in this. Otherwise, why would they also show up here so coincidentally? She exchanged a helpless look

with Eugene.

Eugene picked up some food and put it onto her plate. He advised, "Well, what he does is kind of unscrupulous, but

his purpose is understandable. He just wants to become a couple with Kate, that's all."

Olivia snorted. "However much he wants to do that, he shouldn't come between a couple to achieve his purpose.

That's mean."

Eugene couldn't help but chuckle. "Look how angry you are. That's your point of view, but from Jasper's point of

view, Nathan is his love rival—and a love rival who has mistreated Kate at that. He's resorted to some desperate

measures to make decisions for her, and it's obvious that his trick has worked. It's just that he's too greedy. He

wants Kate to have a clearer view of the situation, only to play into your hands without realizing it. If it were Nathan,

he'd probably never have guessed that Jasper would be involved in this."