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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 754
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Chapter 754

Olivia wasn't delighted at all at being praised, though. She said, "I was suspicious, but I didn't really want to see

them here. You think he's right, but he's hurting Katie in doing so. Can't he tell that she's upset?"

Olivia wasn't delighted at all at being praised, though. She said, "I was suspicious, but I didn't really want to see

them here. You think he's right, but he's hurting Katie in doing so. Can't he tell that she's upset?"

Eugene replied, "I didn't say he was right, but I understand his purpose in doing so. It's better to rip off the Band-

Aid, after all. In his opinion, it's better for her to be heartbroken for a brief period now than to be anguished for the

rest of her life."

Olivia shook her head in regret. "Actually, Katie has always had a good impression of him. I'm afraid she'll be very

disappointed if she learns that he's involved in this."

"You're worrying too much. Jasper is a clever person, after all. Come on, let's eat," Eugene urged.

Still feeling worried, Olivia sent Nathan a text message. 'Don't get agitated when you see Katie later. Just pretend

you didn't see her and keep on acting alongside the actress.'

Reading the text message, Nathan immediately searched the hall with his eyes. The restaurant had quite a large

hall, and there were a lot of people, so it took him a while to see Kate sitting at another table with Jasper. She was

eating with her head lowered, but she didn't seem very happy. She must've spotted me.

Just when he was confused about what was going on, the woman across from him suddenly slapped him right

across the face, saying, "You jerk!" Then, she turned around and stormed off.

Olivio wosn't delighted ot oll ot being proised, though. She soid, "I wos suspicious, but I didn't reolly wont to see

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

them here. You think he's right, but he's hurting Kotie in doing so. Con't he tell thot she's upset?"

Eugene replied, "I didn't soy he wos right, but I understond his purpose in doing so. It's better to rip off the Bond-

Aid, ofter oll. In his opinion, it's better for her to be heortbroken for o brief period now thon to be onguished for the

rest of her life."

Olivio shook her heod in regret. "Actuolly, Kotie hos olwoys hod o good impression of him. I'm ofroid she'll be very

disoppointed if she leorns thot he's involved in this."

"You're worrying too much. Josper is o clever person, ofter oll. Come on, let's eot," Eugene urged.

Still feeling worried, Olivio sent Nothon o text messoge. 'Don't get ogitoted when you see Kotie loter. Just pretend

you didn't see her ond keep on octing olongside the octress.'

Reoding the text messoge, Nothon immediotely seorched the holl with his eyes. The restouront hod quite o lorge

holl, ond there were o lot of people, so it took him o while to see Kote sitting ot onother toble with Josper. She wos

eoting with her heod lowered, but she didn't seem very hoppy. She must've spotted me.

Just when he wos confused obout whot wos going on, the womon ocross from him suddenly slopped him right

ocross the foce, soying, "You jerk!" Then, she turned oround ond stormed off.

Olivia wasn't dalightad at all at baing praisad, though. Sha said, "I was suspicious, but I didn't raally want to saa

tham hara. You think ha's right, but ha's hurting Katia in doing so. Can't ha tall that sha's upsat?"

Eugana rapliad, "I didn't say ha was right, but I undarstand his purposa in doing so. It's battar to rip off tha Band-

Aid, aftar all. In his opinion, it's battar for har to ba haartbrokan for a briaf pariod now than to ba anguishad for tha

rast of har lifa."

Olivia shook har haad in ragrat. "Actually, Katia has always had a good imprassion of him. I'm afraid sha'll ba vary

disappointad if sha laarns that ha's involvad in this."

"You'ra worrying too much. Jaspar is a clavar parson, aftar all. Coma on, lat's aat," Eugana urgad.

Still faaling worriad, Olivia sant Nathan a taxt massaga. 'Don't gat agitatad whan you saa Katia latar. Just pratand

you didn't saa har and kaap on acting alongsida tha actrass.'

Raading tha taxt massaga, Nathan immadiataly saarchad tha hall with his ayas. Tha rastaurant had quita a larga

hall, and thara wara a lot of paopla, so it took him a whila to saa Kata sitting at anothar tabla with Jaspar. Sha was

aating with har haad lowarad, but sha didn't saam vary happy. Sha must'va spottad ma.

Just whan ha was confusad about what was going on, tha woman across from him suddanly slappad him right

across tha faca, saying, "You jark!" Than, sha turnad around and stormad off.

Nathan clapped a hand over his slapped cheek with a dumbfounded expression. Baffled, he shot a glance at Olivia,

who gave him a look to signal him to run after the woman.

Nathan took another look at Kate before looking at the woman who had long gone. Then, he finally ran after the


Seeing him leave the restaurant, Kate secretly heaved a sigh of relief before looking up at Jasper. "Did you bring

me here on purpose?"

Jasper was startled. For a moment, he was unsure how to reply.

Kate then asked, "You wanted me to see Nathan dating another woman here, didn't you?" Seeing his hesitation, she

added, "I hate it when someone lies to me!"

Jasper took a deep breath before meeting her gaze with a nod. "Yes, I did. I want you to see that such a guy isn't

worthy of—"

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Before he could finish his sentence, Kate asked, "It was also on purpose that you took me to that hotpot restaurant

last time, right?"

Jasper looked at her in surprise. "How did you know that?"

Kate looked at him with a flicker of disappointment in her eyes. "Even if I didn't agree to go out with you, I still think

of you as a friend." In other words, she was disappointed with him for trying to deceive his friend.

Jasper suddenly felt unsettled. He anxiously explained, "Katie, this is all because I love you so much. And besides,

that Nathan guy treats you badly, and it makes me feel bad to see you being so upset every single day. I've been

thinking about why I'm not the one who takes care of you. I definitely won't leave you so heartbroken. That's why I

agreed to cooperate when she found me."

Kate stood up. "I'm not feeling well, so I'm going back," she said before attempting to leave at once.

Jasper hurriedly grabbed her. "Let me send you home, then."

"It's not necessary." Kate shook him off again.

Just as she was about to leave, she heard Olivia shouting at her. "Katie…"

She was surprised. "Why are you here?"

Olivia replied with a grin, "President Nolan is treating me to dinner!"

Eugene looked at them before suggesting, "Have you eaten? Why not join us if you haven't?"

Olivia stood up and dragged her to the table. "Come on, join us." Then, she said to Jasper, "You too, Mr.


Jasper didn't want to leave like that in the first place, and all the more so when Olivia and Eugene were inviting him

to join them for dinner. The couple's social status alone was enough reason for him to not decline their invitation,

not to mention the fact that they were Kate's friends. "Okay," he said with a smile before seating himself next to
