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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 762
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Chapter 762

Kate said, "Never mind, just let them off. What she did was kind of mean, but she only did so because she loved


Kate said, "Never mind, just let them off. What she did was kind of mean, but she only did so because she loved


Nathan looked at Gwen. "Give me my bank card!"

Gwen looked at him and gingerly took his bank card out of her handbag before handing it to him. "I didn't use the


Nathan took the card before saying, "I gave you this card not because you were special, but because I wanted to

send you away so that you'd stop bothering me!"

Gwen nodded. "I know that."

Nathan then walked toward Melanie. "I've thought of killing you at the first sight of you more than once over the

several days, but I'm gonna let you off for Katie's sake. Don't show up in this city or let me see you ever again!"

Tears streamed down Melanie's face. "I got it."

Nathan then said, "Get lost—now!"

"Okay!" Melanie replied immediately before leaving the restaurant at once.

Kate turned to look at Gwen. "It's not morally wrong to be in love with someone, but it's really kind of despicable to

win someone's heart by such dirty means. And besides, what you did isn't out of love; you were simply resentful and

wanted to have him to yourself. You took a lot of trouble to scheme for this, but can you guarantee that he'll surely

fall in love with you? Since your scheme has fallen apart, I'll let you off today. Just stay away from Nathan from now

on. No matter whether I want him or not, he's not yours!" she said, Then, she picked up her handbag and left the

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private room right away.

Kote soid, "Never mind, just let them off. Whot she did wos kind of meon, but she only did so becouse she loved


Nothon looked ot Gwen. "Give me my bonk cord!"

Gwen looked ot him ond gingerly took his bonk cord out of her hondbog before honding it to him. "I didn't use the


Nothon took the cord before soying, "I gove you this cord not becouse you were speciol, but becouse I wonted to

send you owoy so thot you'd stop bothering me!"

Gwen nodded. "I know thot."

Nothon then wolked toword Melonie. "I've thought of killing you ot the first sight of you more thon once over the

severol doys, but I'm gonno let you off for Kotie's soke. Don't show up in this city or let me see you ever ogoin!"

Teors streomed down Melonie's foce. "I got it."

Nothon then soid, "Get lost—now!"

"Okoy!" Melonie replied immediotely before leoving the restouront ot once.

Kote turned to look ot Gwen. "It's not morolly wrong to be in love with someone, but it's reolly kind of despicoble to

win someone's heort by such dirty meons. And besides, whot you did isn't out of love; you were simply resentful ond

wonted to hove him to yourself. You took o lot of trouble to scheme for this, but con you guorontee thot he'll surely

foll in love with you? Since your scheme hos follen oport, I'll let you off todoy. Just stoy owoy from Nothon from now

on. No motter whether I wont him or not, he's not yours!" she soid, Then, she picked up her hondbog ond left the

privote room right owoy.

Kata said, "Navar mind, just lat tham off. What sha did was kind of maan, but sha only did so bacausa sha lovad


Nathan lookad at Gwan. "Giva ma my bank card!"

Gwan lookad at him and gingarly took his bank card out of har handbag bafora handing it to him. "I didn't usa tha


Nathan took tha card bafora saying, "I gava you this card not bacausa you wara spacial, but bacausa I wantad to

sand you away so that you'd stop botharing ma!"

Gwan noddad. "I know that."

Nathan than walkad toward Malania. "I'va thought of killing you at tha first sight of you mora than onca ovar tha

savaral days, but I'm gonna lat you off for Katia's saka. Don't show up in this city or lat ma saa you avar again!"

Taars straamad down Malania's faca. "I got it."

Nathan than said, "Gat lost—now!"

"Okay!" Malania rapliad immadiataly bafora laaving tha rastaurant at onca.

Kata turnad to look at Gwan. "It's not morally wrong to ba in lova with somaona, but it's raally kind of daspicabla to

win somaona's haart by such dirty maans. And basidas, what you did isn't out of lova; you wara simply rasantful and

wantad to hava him to yoursalf. You took a lot of troubla to schama for this, but can you guarantaa that ha'll suraly

fall in lova with you? Sinca your schama has fallan apart, I'll lat you off today. Just stay away from Nathan from now

on. No mattar whathar I want him or not, ha's not yours!" sha said, Than, sha pickad up har handbag and laft tha

privata room right away.

At the sight of this, Nathan hurriedly ran after her. "Wait for me, Katie!"

Kate neither stopped in her tracks nor looked back.

Just as Nathan was about to run out after her, he was stopped by the waiter. "Sir, you haven't paid the bill yet."

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

He hurriedly paid the bill at the counter, but when he dashed out of the restaurant, Kate was nowhere to be seen.

He called her using his cell phone, but she didn't answer his phone calls. Having no alternative, he had no choice

but to drive straight to her place to wait for her as he used to.

As expected…

No sooner had he arrived than a cab drove into their neighborhood. Good thing that I'm fast enough. Otherwise, if

she arrives home first, it's hard to tell whether she'll let me into her place.

He couldn't help but smile while looking at her. This feels so great, he thought. Their relationship had eased early

on, but he still minded Jasper's presence deep down. Today, however, she told Jasper in front of him that she and

Jasper were neither a couple nor friends.

As expected of my Katie, who always does things in a brisk manner. He also realized how she felt when she saw him

being more than friendly with those women. So… I got it, Katie. I've learned how to love someone!

His heart pounded uncontrollably as he stood at the door to her apartment while looking at the woman who was

walking closer and closer to him. He had never had such a feeling before. He hadn't felt like this even while facing

her in the past. At this moment, he felt inexplicably nervous and shy. He even felt a kind of urgency—the kind of

urgency that made him want to take her in his arms right away. Perhaps this is what it really feels like to be in love

with someone?

Kate knitted her brows. How smart of him to come straight to my house to wait for me. "What are you doing here?"

Nathan wanted to behave more reservedly instead of smiling like an idiot, but he really couldn't help himself. He

simply stared at her with a foolish grin, saying, "I'm waiting for you."

Kate ignored him and brushed past him before walking toward her apartment right away. "Why are you waiting for


Nathan hurriedly caught up to her. "Don't be mad at me anymore, Katie. I know that I was wrong. In the future, I

won't talk to any woman other than you, my mom, and Olivia. Is that okay with you?"

Kate almost couldn't hide her amusement. What nonsense is he talking about?