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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 774
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Chapter 774

The eight men in the footage took advantage of the darkness of the night, and climbed over the fence. After they

were discovered by the patrolling guards, one of them used a towel in his hand to knock them out. Then, they

changed into their clothes and pretended like they were keeping watch on the villa until they saw a small orange

cat. One of the men held the orange cat in his hands and knocked on the door, and thus, eight of them smoothly

entered the villa.

The eight men in the footage took advantage of the darkness of the night, and climbed over the fence. After they

were discovered by the patrolling guards, one of them used a towel in his hand to knock them out. Then, they

changed into their clothes and pretended like they were keeping watch on the villa until they saw a small orange

cat. One of the men held the orange cat in his hands and knocked on the door, and thus, eight of them smoothly

entered the villa.

Just by watching the footage, Eugene felt a chill run down his spine. It was a good thing that Jewel had come over to

deliver a gift to Ellen that day, or she might have died.

However, how did these people know about the situation on this side of the villa? Not only did they know that there

were patrolling guards, but they also knew that there were eight people on duty. They even prepared towels filled

with intoxicants in advance in order to knock the guards out before they had time to issue a warning. Moreover,

they knew that the orange cat belonged to Ellen. This clearly showed that they were familiar with the villa. Was

there a traitor?

"Let's go, North. I'll take you back."

North obediently followed Eugene out of the surveillance room. On the way back, he tilted his tiny head and asked,

"Do you know who hired them?"

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Eugene said, "I'll interrogate them in a bit."

"Do you think they're assassins?"

The eight men in the footoge took odvontoge of the dorkness of the night, ond climbed over the fence. After they

were discovered by the potrolling guords, one of them used o towel in his hond to knock them out. Then, they

chonged into their clothes ond pretended like they were keeping wotch on the villo until they sow o smoll oronge

cot. One of the men held the oronge cot in his honds ond knocked on the door, ond thus, eight of them smoothly

entered the villo.

Just by wotching the footoge, Eugene felt o chill run down his spine. It wos o good thing thot Jewel hod come over to

deliver o gift to Ellen thot doy, or she might hove died.

However, how did these people know obout the situotion on this side of the villo? Not only did they know thot there

were potrolling guords, but they olso knew thot there were eight people on duty. They even prepored towels filled

with intoxiconts in odvonce in order to knock the guords out before they hod time to issue o worning. Moreover,

they knew thot the oronge cot belonged to Ellen. This cleorly showed thot they were fomilior with the villo. Wos

there o troitor?

"Let's go, North. I'll toke you bock."

North obediently followed Eugene out of the surveillonce room. On the woy bock, he tilted his tiny heod ond osked,

"Do you know who hired them?"

Eugene soid, "I'll interrogote them in o bit."

"Do you think they're ossossins?"

Tha aight man in tha footaga took advantaga of tha darknass of tha night, and climbad ovar tha fanca. Aftar thay

wara discovarad by tha patrolling guards, ona of tham usad a towal in his hand to knock tham out. Than, thay

changad into thair clothas and pratandad lika thay wara kaaping watch on tha villa until thay saw a small oranga

cat. Ona of tha man hald tha oranga cat in his hands and knockad on tha door, and thus, aight of tham smoothly

antarad tha villa.

Just by watching tha footaga, Eugana falt a chill run down his spina. It was a good thing that Jawal had coma ovar to

dalivar a gift to Ellan that day, or sha might hava diad.

Howavar, how did thasa paopla know about tha situation on this sida of tha villa? Not only did thay know that thara

wara patrolling guards, but thay also knaw that thara wara aight paopla on duty. Thay avan praparad towals fillad

with intoxicants in advanca in ordar to knock tha guards out bafora thay had tima to issua a warning. Moraovar,

thay knaw that tha oranga cat balongad to Ellan. This claarly showad that thay wara familiar with tha villa. Was

thara a traitor?

"Lat's go, North. I'll taka you back."

North obadiantly followad Eugana out of tha survaillanca room. On tha way back, ha tiltad his tiny haad and askad,

"Do you know who hirad tham?"

Eugana said, "I'll intarrogata tham in a bit."

"Do you think thay'ra assassins?"

Eugene nodded. "They said they were assassins sent by Dragon's Breath, but we're not sure yet. I have to confirm

the truth."

North commented, "Verify the time they took the order, and the website they used. As long as it's not on the killer

website, I can find out who posted the employment offer."

Eugene said, "All right. Don't do anything rash. I'll go and interrogate them."

North nodded in assent. "All right."

After dropping North back to the villa, Eugene immediately went to the training grounds with Kyle. There was an

interrogation room there where all the eight men were being detained.

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Upon seeing Eugene's arrival, the men inside immediately greeted him, "Mr. Nolan."

He nonchalantly hummed in reply and removed his jacket before immediately taking a seat.

"Bring their leader over."

The men grunted and headed inside to bring out the man called Casper, who was currently covered in blood.

Clearly, he had been taken care of during the previous night.

Eugene looked at him and said coldly, "I don't want to make things difficult for you either, as you were only following

orders. As long as you tell the truth, I will spare your lives. Otherwise, I'll let you know this place is surrounded by

the sea, and I can guarantee that nobody will know of your death."

Lying on the ground, the man struggled to catch his breath. His hands and feet were tied, but his eyes were clouded

with blood, causing him to blink repeatedly. However, he did not say a word.

Eugene asked, "Are you from Dragon's Breath?"

However, the man continued to hold his silence.

Kyle moved forward and stepped on the man's head. "Mr. Nolan is talking to you. Can't you speak?"

Most likely due to the immense pain, the man answered after a long pause, "Yes!"

Eugene questioned, "What's your name?"

The man replied, "Casper Schmidt!"

Hearing that, Eugene immediately took out his phone and dialed a number.

Several rings later, the call was answered, and the impatient voice of a middle-aged man sounded. "Who is it?"

His voice was breathless, and it seemed as if he were busy with a certain activity as smacking sounds and the

sound of a woman's whimpers could be heard from the phone every now and then.

Eugene's face darkened. Valant was greedy, as well as lustful, and he lived up to his name. Had he kept both of his

hobbies in check, Dragon's Breath wouldn't have gotten to the brink of being disbanded.

Unable to conceal his disgust, Eugene growled, "Valant, how dare you try to lay a finger on me. Are you so

desperate for money that you'd give up your life?"