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When I Was a Wallflower (Leo and Amelie)

Chapter 257
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“Blakey, you’re thinking the same thing as me, right?” Jodie couldn’t contain her excitement and asked

eagerly. She was confident in her decision-making skills and knew that not only would he agree with

her, but he would also find her quite remarkable. Suddenly, she felt a surge of confidence and tossed

her long hair gracefully.

“I believe—” Blake flashed a gentle grin, and his pure and meek expression drew everyone’s attention.

When she heard the word he said, she jumped up with joy. “I knew it—”

“That Miss Foxy’s analysis is correct.”

“What?” Jodie’s excitement came to a sudden stop. Thinking she must have heard wrong, she looked

at him in disbelief.

However, Blake’s eyes fell softly on Amelie. One could practically see his attraction to Foxy… Who

would believe that he had no interest in her?

Nevertheless, Jodie had long suspected it, and now that his gaze was so candid, she was so angry that

she nearly exploded. Then, she shouted, “Leo!”

Meanwhile, Leo stood silently, and his gaze was also fixed on Amelie. There was a hint of surprise in

his eyes. He didn’t expect her to say what he wanted to say first. When he learned that she was Foxy,

he only thought she was pretty talented, but he soon realized that her thinking was so sharp and

intelligent. “She’s right,” he responded to Jodie after a while.

I can’t say I blame Blake for siding with this woman, but even my brother sided with her! Still, Jodie

couldn’t figure it out. What kind of monster is this woman?

Then, she glared fiercely at Amelie. Receiving her death stare, Amelie shrugged silently. It’s a good

thing I wore the mask here. If my true identity is revealed, Jodie’s anger might double.

“Since that’s the case, let’s make some food first. I’ll wash the vegetables.” Elyse quickly brought out a

basin of greens and spoke up. Then, she cleverly blocked Leo’s view of Amelie when she walked by

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the two.

When Fabian saw that everyone had decided, he quickly assigned tasks. The girls and Chester went to

look for a water source and wash the vegetables. At the same time, the remaining men set off toward

the distant building to see if it could be used. Nonetheless, Jodie naturally didn’t want to do any hard

work. When Leo and the others left, she angrily got on the bus and went to sleep. Hence, Amelie didn’t

bother with her and took out a basket of vegetables to wash.

“Let’s do it together,” Giada walked over, happily linking her arm with Amelie’s as if she had forgotten

all about her earlier disdain for Amelie.

The water source wasn’t difficult to find, but the area was desolate. Since Amelie grew up in the

countryside and had experience, she led the group in clearing a road without the proper equipment. In

the end, she ended up taking over as leader of the small group, which had been led by Chester. After a

while, they finally arrived at the water’s edge. The water was not polluted and was crystal clear, which

excited Elyse, Chester, and a few others who went to play in the water.

Meanwhile, Amelie silently walked to the higher ground and washed the vegetables with her head


Then, Giada held a tomato in her hand, looked around, and squatted down after making sure no one

was paying attention. She gently tapped Amelie and said, “That Mr. Alston is so impressive. Although

he’s stern, his decisions are accurate and amazing. No wonder his company can be so successful.

He’s such a great man! Don’t you find him attractive?”

Amelie smiled absent-mindedly and replied, “Not really.” She used to find him attractive, but that was in

the past.

“You’re so smart. How come you have no ambition at all?” Giada pushed her in disapproval. “I’ve seen

him glance at you a few times.”

“Glance at me?” Amelie tried to think and could only recall sensual moments between Leo and Elyse. “I

think you’re mistaken.”

Nevertheless, Giada sighed lightly as she looked Amelie up and down. She couldn’t help but try to lift

the edge of Amelie’s mask with her fingers.

However, Amelie grabbed her hand. “What are you doing?”

“I didn’t mean anything by it. I assumed that wearing this mask the whole day must be tiring for you.

There’s no filming equipment here, so you can remove it.”

“No need.” Amelie pushed Giada’s hand away.

Afterward, Giada looked at her thoughtfully as she bit into the tomato. “Miss Foxy, is something wrong

with your face since you always cover it with a mask?”

“Mmm.” Amelie gave a vague answer as she didn’t want to bother explaining herself to Giada.

When Giada heard her response, she suddenly relaxed, and her face lit up with a smile. “No wonder!

That’s why you don’t dare to fall for Mr. Alston.”

Amelie was speechless. My appearance has nothing to do with not falling for him.

“Since you’re not interested in him, I’ll pursue him.” Giada playfully spoke and stuck out her tongue. As

it turned out, she had been asking around Amelie for so long because she wanted to pursue Leo


Suddenly, a flabbergasted smile crossed Amelie’s face under her mask. After four years of marriage, I

still haven’t won his affection. Thinking she could win him over in one TV show is ridiculous! Initially,

she intended to give Giada some well-meaning advice but ultimately kept her mouth shut. Sometimes,

it is best to let someone learn from their mistakes.

As dusk settled in after dinner, neither Fabian nor Team A had returned. Amelie could tell that Fabian

had gone to find Fiona, as he had taken something with him when he left, which was probably food for

her. However, Fabian’s departure didn’t affect Team B’s activities, as Leo was a stabilizing force, and

everyone seemed to feel secure with him around.

“Those with talent are different, like Leo. No matter where he goes, he can quickly adapt to the

environment. He’s practically a God!” Giada exclaimed, her eyes constantly flicking toward the second

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floor where the men were surveying the terrain. Her gaze was fixated on Leo as she had already

marked him as her man since deciding to pursue him.

Then, Elyse elegantly chimed in, “Yeah, Leo has always been exceptional. I’ve known him for years

and have never seen him falter. He’s my strongest support.”

Elyse’s words emphasized her and Leo’s unique relationship, which made Giada feel like she had

swallowed a fly.

On the other hand, Jodie, who rarely bothered to speak to them, said something out of the blue. “Not

only you guys, even I, as his little sister who grew up with him, haven’t seen him defeated yet. In

school, his grades were the best, and whatever he did, he always performed dozens of times better

than others.”

Amelie listened quietly to their conversation, blinking. Suddenly, she thought of those days 10 years

ago. Leo was silent, moody, anxious, and quick-tempered. If things didn’t go his way, he would throw

things and not take care of his health. In addition, he was a problematic teenager, utterly different from

the person they were describing. Perhaps, he was her bad karma from her previous life, so he showed

her all his ugly sides. When she finally changed him, he left and completely forgot about her. Touching

her left eye, which had almost no sight, she sighed quietly.

Meanwhile, Team B still had yet to return at night. For safety reasons, everyone took turns keeping

watch in pairs. So, she took the initiative to team up with Blake, as few people knew about his poor

health, and she was worried he might overexert himself. When it was their turn to patrol, she didn’t

wake him but went out alone. The night wind was freezing and biting, especially in the deserted

wilderness. Even though the building they stayed in was old and falling apart, at least the old walls

protected them from the cold. However, they were still concerned about the possibility of wild beasts or

other intruders.

Amelie held her phone, which had the flashlight function, and slowly walked around the perimeter. As

she walked, she suddenly heard a rustling sound, like something stepping on leaves. The sound was

incredibly eerie and ominous in the dead of night.