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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change?

Chapter 298
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Chapter 298 "Bang! The sound of gunfire echoed through the air! Followed by several more “bang. bang" sounds! Was it them) The girl took a couple of steps out, then turned back, her expression complex as she looked at Gilbert. "Is it them... What about you? What will you do?" "Get out! Now!" Gilbert snarled with irritation.

Why all the questions? "If you don't leave now, no one will be able to!" "Oh, okay!" Frightened, the girl quickly turned around, carrying Sherilyn on her back and ran.

Gilbert stood still, not daring to move. He smirked bitterly, "Geez, got myself head over heels, huh?" What was he to do now? Could it be that his twas up? Never in his wildest dreams did he think his life would end this way! Did his life really need to be so tic, born in the shadows and dying there? The girl, carrying Sherilyn, had not gone far when she saw people approaching. Terrified, she turned back the way she came.

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"Stop! Why are you runnin "We're the police!" "Police, stop!" What? Hearing this, the girl turned around again, out of breath and panting, then burst into tears upon closer inspection.

They really were the police! "Officers!" "Quick, bring them here!" "Officers!" Someone took Sherilyn from the girl's back. The girl grabbed a police officer, pointing towards the stage, "Over there, there's a bomb! And people still trapped!" "Got it, we're on it!" 1/3 11-2 Quick, bring the bomb squad!" "Roger that!" At the stage area.

Police swiftly arrived on the scene.

"Sir, just hold on a little longer." Gilbert was holding his breath; until the bomb was defused, he couldn't relax.

The bomb technician examined the situation and found it odd, "Just need to keep it balanced? Isn't it just about finding two objects of the sheight to support it?" Gilbert nodded, "In theory, yes." He had already attempted it once before.

But keeping it balanced and removing it from the theater wasn't so simple. Who could guarantee that during a long-distance move, the device wouldn't budge? "Beep beep..." Suddenly, the balance beam started to tick! "Not good!" The technician and Gilbert exchanged looks, realizing at the stthat the balance beam was just one part of the device; there was also a timer! The balance beam displayed a countdown of 5 seconds! No tleft! "Sir, throw it!" Gilbert's eyes widened, and he quickly lifted his arm, flinging the balance beam away with a swift motion.

"Run!" At his command, everyone dashed towards the exit! Three, two, one... Boom!!

With a thunderous explosion, Gilbert was blasted off his feet. He opened his mouth struggling to move forward in mid-air... That loud bang jolted Sherilyn awake in the ambulance, being rushed to the hospital. Beside her was a nurse.

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"You're awake? How do you feel?" Chapter 298 "I'm okay."

Sherilyn touched her neck, shaking her head, and looked out the window towards the theater, now engulfed in flames. So, she had been saved. But the bomb that had been over her head had still detonated.

The nurse glanced at her, explaining, "The police and firefighters are over there. Compared to your colleague, Er you're lucky." Sherilyn nodded, asking the nurse, “Do you know how I got out?" "I'm not sure, the police brought you out." "Oh, thank you." "Make way, make way!" At the theater entrance, medical staff were rushing someone on a stretcher into an ambulance.

"Quick! To the hospital immediately!"