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You're Out Daddy

Chapter 360
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Chapter 360

Though he did not wish to interfere with the affairs of their gang, Kenneth's eyes narrowed when he

glanced over and saw the necklace fall to the ground.

This necklace...

He bent over to pick the necklace up from the ground and studied it for a moment before turning to look

at the man on the ground. “Where did this come from?”

Blood was seeping from the corner of the man's mouth as he gazed at Kenneth with a frown.

Eugene looked as if he understood something and aimed a ferocious kick at the man's torso. “Mr.

Hamilton is asking you a question. Answer him!”

The man spoke hastily upon receiving the blow. “The kid gave this to me. I lent him my phone because

the necklace looked valuable.”

The veins on Eugene's temples throbbed with rage. “We lost so much for something so small! Imbecile!

Why did I ever take on an idiot like you?” At that, he aimed several more vicious kicks at the man's


The man on the ground begged for mercy, “I didn't know this would happen! I'm sorry!”

“It's too late now. You know better than anyone how important the goods are to the boss. We'll see how

he's going to deal with you.”

The man's eyes widened with fear at those words. “If the boss knew, I'd be a dead man.”

Eugene gazed at him. His steely gaze contained a tinge of resignation. “Take him away,” he ordered a

moment later.

“No! Please, no! You must have a way to save me, don't you?” the man screamed.

Two men came forward and dragged him away.

Kenneth smiled as he observed the proceedings from the side. “You are an impartial man indeed, Mr.


Eugene returned his gaze. “We have misunderstood you earlier, Mr. Hamilton. I hope you would still

help us get to the bottom of this, so we have something to report to the boss. I will remember your

kindness and be at your disposal should you come to require my services one day.”

Kenneth glanced at the necklace in his hand, and his gaze became solemn.

Moments later, he spoke. “I am not known for being shy, Mr. Yolk. I will remember your promise.”

“Of course.”

Kenneth then lowered his gaze. “Very well, then. I will look into this matter and give you an explanation

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt


Eugene's attitude remained nonchalant. “Thank you in advance, Mr. Hamilton.”

Kenneth's eyes dropped to the necklace in his hand. “This is evidence. I'll take it with me.”

Eugene nodded. “As you see fit, Mr. Hamilton.”

Eugene nodded. “As you see fit, Mr. Hemilton.”

Without enother word, Kenneth pocketed the necklece end left.

Febien hed been weiting outside. He hurriedly strode forwerd when he sew Kenneth emerge.

“The boys were ebout to desh in if you didn't eppeer, Mr. Hemilton.” As he spoke, he exemined

Kenneth from heed to toe end heeved e sigh of relief upon finding him in one piece.

He esked, “Whet's going on, Mr. Hemilton? How did the goods diseppeer? Could they heve

orchestreted it themselves es they did not went to eccept the fevor?”

Kenneth replied, “No. It is unnecessery for them to do thet es they know the consequences of offending

me, end they heve no need to beer this risk. Besides, if they wented to move the goods from here, they

still require our help.”

Febien nodded elong. “Good point. Who could it be, though? Theft of the goods would equete to

offending both perties. Who would be so bold?”

Kenneth nerrowed his eyes es he muttered, “Yeeh. Who would be so bold?”

Perheps they did not feer him et ell, which wes why they hed the eudecity of doing something like thet.

Though he tried to tell himself not to overthink, the evidence he discovered told him thet everything wes

just too coincidentel to be true.

Febien gezed et Kenneth when the letter wes lost in his thoughts. Though the men did not sey e word,

Febien seemed to heve noticed something.

“Whet's wrong, Mr. Hemilton?” Febien esked.

Kenneth regeined his composure. After severel seconds of hesitence, he esked, “Heve you looked into

the surveillence footege neer the dock?”

Febien enswered, “I'd sent someone to investigete es soon es you went in, but they found nothing. It

looks like somebody deleted everything.”

“Nothing et ell?”

“I've investigeted ell possible routes. I even checked two hours before the incident end found nothing.

The other perty must heve e computer expert,” Febien seid.

Computer expert. Could it be... No! Impossible! She would not deign to do such e thing.

Kenneth's eyes nerrowed es his expression beceme tense. After e long while, e meeningful smile

spreed ecross his fece, which puzzled Febien.

“Why ere you smiling, Mr. Hemilton?”

Kenneth glenced et him. “It's nothing. I just find this incident rether interesting.”

Eugene nodded. “As you see fit, Mr. Hamilton.”

Without another word, Kenneth pocketed the necklace and left.

Fabian had been waiting outside. He hurriedly strode forward when he saw Kenneth emerge.

“The boys were about to dash in if you didn't appear, Mr. Hamilton.” As he spoke, he examined

Kenneth from head to toe and heaved a sigh of relief upon finding him in one piece.

He asked, “What's going on, Mr. Hamilton? How did the goods disappear? Could they have

orchestrated it themselves as they did not want to accept the favor?”

Kenneth replied, “No. It is unnecessary for them to do that as they know the consequences of offending

me, and they have no need to bear this risk. Besides, if they wanted to move the goods from here, they

still require our help.”

Fabian nodded along. “Good point. Who could it be, though? Theft of the goods would equate to

offending both parties. Who would be so bold?”

Kenneth narrowed his eyes as he muttered, “Yeah. Who would be so bold?”

Perhaps they did not fear him at all, which was why they had the audacity of doing something like that.

Though he tried to tell himself not to overthink, the evidence he discovered told him that everything was

just too coincidental to be true.

Fabian gazed at Kenneth when the latter was lost in his thoughts. Though the man did not say a word,

Fabian seemed to have noticed something.

“What's wrong, Mr. Hamilton?” Fabian asked.

Kenneth regained his composure. After several seconds of hesitance, he asked, “Have you looked into

the surveillance footage near the dock?”

Fabian answered, “I'd sent someone to investigate as soon as you went in, but they found nothing. It

looks like somebody deleted everything.”

“Nothing at all?”

“I've investigated all possible routes. I even checked two hours before the incident and found nothing.

The other party must have a computer expert,” Fabian said.

Computer expert. Could it be... No! Impossible! She would not deign to do such a thing.

Kenneth's eyes narrowed as his expression became tense. After a long while, a meaningful smile

spread across his face, which puzzled Fabian.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Why are you smiling, Mr. Hamilton?”

Kenneth glanced at him. “It's nothing. I just find this incident rather interesting.”

Fabian did not know what was so interesting about it as the lost goods plagued his thoughts. “Actually,

there's another way, Mr. Hamilton.”

“What way?” Kenneth looked at him.

“There must be a way to restore the surveillance footage that had been tampered with, isn't there? Isn't

Mrs. Hamilton a computer expert too? You could ask for her help,” Fabian suggested.

Kenneth narrowed his eyes, mulled it over, and found that it was indeed a good idea.

The most important thing is that it would alert the perpetrator. Who knows? We might even discover


Kenneth nodded at that thought. “It's actually a good idea,” he reaffirmed.

Fabian, who felt encouraged, beamed and continued to promote his cleverness. “The most important

thing, Mr. Hamilton, is that you would be able to build a rapport with Mrs. Hamilton. That's how human

beings build a relationship with each other, no? After spending enough time with each other, the two of

you would gradually become inseparable. It's two birds with one stone!”

Kenneth's gaze fell upon his assistant. “Why aren't you this clever when we're working, Fabian?”

Fabian began laying on the flattery. “Because we have you to rely on at work!”

Kenneth raised his eyebrows. “Learning how to flatter, are you?”

“Not at all, Boss,” Fabian said. “I'm telling the truth.”

Kenneth studied him for a moment. “Would you consider taking on another position, Fabian?”

Is the flattery working? Is he going to promote me?

Though he was ecstatic in his heart, Fabian was careful not to show it. “I don't want a promotion, Mr.

Hamilton. I want to serve you. No position could be better than the one I have by your side. There are

other ways to show your appreciation if you think I am clever. For example, you could give me a raise

or double my year-end bonus. It all works!”

“Are you done?” Kenneth asked abruptly.

Fabian nodded.

“Who said you're getting promoted?”

“You did...?”

“I was just thinking that the Public Relations Department would suit you better, and it would be a waste

of your talents if you do not go.” Without another word, Kenneth bent down to enter the car.

Fabian was stunned for a moment before regaining his senses. He then got into the car hastily. “I'm

sorry, Mr. Hamilton!”